I think rooting for the cardinals has got to be much worse. Can you imagine if the jets lost the super bowl on a ridiculous catch with 12 seconds to go? People on this site would be suicidal. Including me.
You have your years mixed up. That collapse against the Eagles ultimately led to the Giants missing the playoffs and the Eagles winning the NFC East. The Giants won the Superbowl the FOLLOWING year, in 2011.
I have basically argued this point forever on this board, but the Jets are way too high this list. In addition to Cleveland, they should absolutely be behind: Arizona, Minnesota, Detroit, and Cincinnati. I could also make decent arguments for both the Bills and Chargers. (I have decided not to include relatively new franchises like Jacksonville)
ssshhhh...be careful....if Champ sees this you will be torn to shreads. Just edit it and put in something that says "since 1969!!" He is slow and will let you go for that.