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They should have tasered the guy to the ground. He was clearly trying to get himself killed without actually pulling a gun. Options, people, they needed options.
I'm not sure when you are stumbling around in a couple feet of snow you take the chance of tasering the guy at long range. Somebody with more experience with these things may think different. Maybe try to wing him in the leg or something, but you never know what your real margin of error is going to be. I'm not going to second guess the cops on this one.
You absolutely do not attempt to taser someone who is armed with and reaching for a firearm, you do exactly what they did. You also do not try to wing him, that gets you dead, you aim for center mass, always. They did everything right, especially afgter he ran one road block and then tried to swerve around a second before jumping out of the vehicle and reaching for his waist, twice, were they could only assume he had a gun.
Holy shit. Maybe they should have offered him a cold pop while they were figuring out THEIR life or death options. Nice troll Brad, well done. _
Exactly right. After this moron said the below earlier, the FBI/police weren't gonna take any chances.
The facts are that he didn't pull a gun. Never had one in his hand. And he got shot and killed and turned into a martyr which is exactly what he was trying to do. Giving another option for the people on the scene was not much different than not approaching a demented man with a gun as your only option. It's not like the authorities didn't have all the warning in the world that this guy was going to try suicide by cop as a protest tactic. As you all point out he broadcast that fact to the world. He didn't say I'll kill any body who tries to take me in, he said I'd rather die than be caged. You have to have options to deal with that type of situation that run deeper than shooting down a mad dog in the street. People aren't dogs.
Yeah. My heart just bleeds profusely for this poor fool. Bad things happen to good people all the time. And I feel sympathy for them. Bad things happen to gun wielding anarchist assholes and for some reason I'm not so choked up.
I was once riddled with 47 bullets when I pulled a cell phone out of my pocket when confronted with cops. Oh wait. I wasn't. Because I didn't. _
A bad thing happened to all of us when a guy who was trying to make the point that the government uses too much force against the people got his wish and had the government use too much force on him. About 35 years ago a young man was shot to death on the sidewalk in front of my building. He was mentally disturbed, a fact that his older sister reported to the police when they arrived. She'd been trying to talk him down and back inside but he was off of his meds and going in and out of a psychotic rage as a result. He had a hammer in his hand and he was waving it around at anybody who got close to him, mainly her as she tried to get control of the situation. He and his sister were both african-american and the police officers who responded were both white. All they had to do was wait for EMS to get there and things would have probably ended differently but the police officers decided he was a menace to public safety and instead of just blocking the sidewalk so nobody could get close to him they moved in and tried to make an arrest. He swung the hammer and they shot him dead. I didn't know him at all. He'd been in and out of mental institutions all of his life. I did know his sister and another younger brother and I could not fathom why the authorities had to control that situation so tightly at that moment when the ambulance was just minutes away. The young man had been on the sidewalk for close to 30 minutes at that point and nobody had gotten hurt, as his sister did everything she could to keep people away from him and him away them. The police car rolled up and minutes later he was dead. The ambulance from Bellevue, well-equipped to handle psychotic interventions, rolled up to the front of the building as the life was draining out of his body from the single bullet wound in his head. At the time I was in shock because the entire thing happened almost directly under my bedroom window. Later I realized that the only thing that could have made the police officers intervene at exactly the moment they intervened was because they heard the sirens and knew they were not going to be the authorities in control of the situation once the paramedics arrived. This thing could have been handled differently. The authorities had all the information beforehand and yet they still wound up just shooting a deranged guy down in the street and making the point that the judicious use of force when confronted by dysfunctional irrational resistance is still something we are hoping to attain.
boo fucking hoo. "I'm a cowboy and you'll never take me alive" means "I expect you to shoot me when you have the opportunity." No real shock when you get what you've been asking for. Sometimes bad things happen to you when you act like a total asshole. Normal people understand this from the time they were in the third grade.
An armed man that says they would rather die than go to jail is going to end up dead 99.99% of the time and there is only one person at fault, Lavoy Finicum. Did you even bother watching the video? The one where he ran a road block, attempted to run another, then came storming out of his car and reached to his waist band twice. They showed patience the first time he reached for his pistol, he tested them a second time and he got what he deserved.