Packers Fans: Thank you for being classy

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by abyzmul, Aug 7, 2008.

  1. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    First off, I have never seen more class from out of town fans on this board. In fact, I read the entire thread and kept shaking my head. Not sure what else to say about that but you guys/girls are class acts. I know many of us would not act in such a way..but then again we havent had a player in decades that meant as much to us as Favre meant to you. Tony said it best...we will appreciate him...and send him back to you in Green Bay hopefully healthy in one make a very very interesting comment. I cant speak for all Jet fans but you write "There not asking the world of him, they are just asking Brett to be Brett. Have fun, and lead this team."

    Many of us have been screaming how long its been since the Jets won a superbowl and thats the bottom line. Cant explain why this is different but Im not asking Brett to come here and make us 13-3 and win a superbowl this year.

    Bringing Favre in here just changes the mentality of this offense that has been stuck for the last 8 years in a conservative mindset like no other football team I have ever seen. "Fun"...thats all I really want from him right now. This team has the potential to have a very good offensive line therefore a very good running game. With his gunslinger mentality, he keeps defenses honest on every play from anywhere on the field...something a Jet fan hasnt seen in about a decade.

    That all I want right now..let the chips fall where they may..roll the dice and lets see what happens.
  2. Wild Thing

    Wild Thing New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Thanks for the kind words, but there's really nothing for us to be pissed about. It was time for the guy to move on. Most Packer fans think this was the right thing to do. I know you've got a lot of Favre fans over here complaining about it, but they're in the minority.

    "The year he had in 2007?" That was exactly why so many of us are ready for him to move on. As beautiful a year as that was for Packer fans, and as exhilarating as it was to watch the magic that man still had in his arm at age 38, let's keep in mind how that storybook year ended - with yet another boneheaded Favre playoff interception. For most Packer fans, enough is enough. We know the man will never win another championship, and we're ready to move on and see whether Rodgers has what it takes to win one. Not to rain on your parade - he's absolutely, without question, the most exciting player ever to step onto an NFL field, and y'all are going to have one hell of a good time watching him this year (and hopefully next). But the Packers knew they'd never win another Super Bowl with Brett, and trading him to someone else who wants him as badly as ya'll seem to want him is the best thing for everyone.

    I'm happy for you, really. Enjoy it, guys and gals, and take care of him for us. He's done some pretty dumb things the last couple of months, but you don't love someone for 17 years and then just start hating them because they made a few dumb decisions. No hard feelings from most Packer fans; we just wish him well, and look forward to seeing him go into the HOF as a Packer.
  3. TeriB

    TeriB New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I gotta turn in, and reading this thread is killing me, but I want y'all to know how much YOUR posts here have meant to me. I think it's finally sinking in that we're handing over our hero, but I feel a lot better now that he will be in good and honorable hands.

    Thank you so very, very much.

    Good night, and GO JETS!
  4. TeriB

    TeriB New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Yeah, see, A FEW Packer fans are . . . well, I think you get it. There are a few in every crowd. I hope you won't let him tarnish your view of all of us.
  5. revis024

    revis024 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    brett favre drew me into becoming a packers fan. ill still root for them from time to time so i wont completely turn on the team ive been following since i was a little kid. but i grew up loving to watch brett favre play, and ive followed the jets as well since ive lived in NY my whole life. so im just gunna take advantage of this situation of getting to watch brett favre for the whole season =)
  6. Reidy

    Reidy New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    It's nice to know you guys appreciate the respect we uphold with other fans and their teams. I can't say much about us with the Vikings, you guys know how border rivalries go, but it's nice to know how some people appreciate the classiness of us Packer fans.

    Thank you.
  7. Wild Thing

    Wild Thing New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    What's to tarnish? Why would a little common sense and objectivity reflect poorly on anyone? The fact is, most Packer fans throughout the state of Wisconsin do support the team in this matter. Because they see the issue clearly, without letting their emotions cloud their reasoning.

    You wanna love Brett, go ahead and love him. But from a football standpoint, this was the right thing for Thompson to do. Man's done one hell of a good job the last few years, and this was an incredibly ballsy decision. Time to move on and let Favre finish his career somewhere where he's appreciated for what he is; that was never going to happen again in Green Bay.
  8. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    That about sums it up for me. Win or lose this year its going to be fun. We finally have the gunslinger that can take a team on his back late and make plays.

    Is he gonna screw it all up once in a while? Sure. Thats said he also has the ability to make things happen on his own. It should be fun to watch.
  9. jigglebilly

    jigglebilly New Member

    Aug 8, 2008
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    Hi guys, I'm jigglebilly, big mod on the latest brett favre forum: forums (sorry I can't put a link, it won't jigglin let me.)

    we'd love to have you guys join if you want, I'd like the packer fans and jets fans to mix, I mean we do have our quarterback on your team!

    I hope you guys do fantastic, I say now that you've got brett, it's time to knock the pats of their AFC throne, eh?

    Keep with the jigglin jets fans, your a lot more hospitable then the 3 stooges we have to endure in green bay.
  10. Determination#4

    Determination#4 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    If the fans have a little patience; good things will come.

    The new system with the Jets will be a "Tough Transition" BUT the key will be to "give Brett enough time to adjust" and this team will be a contender in the not so distant future !!!

    Brett will give you 110% and the future looks really bright with just "a little patience"

    GO JETS GO !!!
  11. jets&rushfan

    jets&rushfan New Member

    Jul 21, 2005
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    "All things end badly. Otherwise they wouldn't end !" Brian Flanagan from Cocktail

    Sort of sums up the Pack-Favre & Chad-Jets era's.

    Thanks for "loaning" us your HOF QB for his twilight years, hopefully he will give the Jets fans a few years of excitement. He always will be a Packer.
  12. nicolab

    nicolab Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    really stoked about the jets gaining Favre

    and i would just like to say Packers fans are truly classy:up:
  13. pats-hater

    pats-hater Active Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Great fans. I did think it was funny when moss rubbed his ass on the goalpost a t lambeau...
  14. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    I am not surprised by the Packer fans on the board and how down to home they have been. That's the upper mid-west; generally, good down-to earth poeple. I have been to Green Bay and Appleton many times. It is a fantastic place to raise a family.

    The wholesome nature of Packer fans are in very sharp contrast to the New England fans who fall on the stench arrogance end of the speculum (meant spectrum, sorry).
  15. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I've always thought Green Bay had a great bunch of fans. This thread proves that again.

    Jet fans know Brett will always be remembered for his work with the Packers, but if it didn't work out for him to stay there another couple of years, I hope when all is said and done his coming to the Jets will be remembered as a good thing for him, the Jets and even Packer fans who will continue to root for him.
  16. Kendawg

    Kendawg New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I don't think there's anything to be pissed about... except Packer Management. Hell the Jets wanted him and did everything to get him there. Regardless if he's no longer a Packer I think the majority of Packer fans want him do do well and by proxy have acquired a new team to root for. I have a feeling a lot of the Packer nation is going to be cheering for the Jets this year, since the Packers won't make the playoffs. Rodgers is going to get injured before week 6. GO JETS!
  17. TeriB

    TeriB New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    You hit that on the head! He is ALWAYS fun to watch. Anything can happen when the ball's in Favre's hands.

    I think there are some Packer fans who think legends grow on trees, and they can just walk up and pluck another one off the branch whenever they want. It's hard to imagine that they've taken Favre for granted, after his stellar year last year, but 16 yrs of winning, seems to have made them forget the 30 yrs. of losing, and made them feel somehow entitled, I guess.

    Well I'm SO glad the Jets know how to appreciate one of the greatest QBs in the history of the game, still at the top of his game, and the fact that guys like him only come along once in a lifetime or two.

    Come what may, you can count on Brett to give it every last thing he has, and you can't ask for more than that. He'll do us all proud I think, and I'm thrilled he gets to PLAY!

  18. Pam

    Pam Friendliest Poster Fourpeat!!

    May 6, 2005
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    Wow what a great thread! Thanks Pack fans for being so gracious! :)

    This is going to be an exciting year (finally!) to be a gang greenie. I've always admired Brett and I am in total awe that he's going to be behind our center this year.

    I can actually say for once that I am in total agreement with our FO for all the off season moves they've made. Improving the O line was a major need and they got it done. For once, our QB won't be running for his life!

    Again, a big thanks to the Packers fans for being so classy. :beer:

    Hey Abyzmul! Isn't this much better than the Falcon trolls we had a few years back? Man, those guys made me want to go thru my monitor and choke them to death. :lol:
  19. madtown

    madtown New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    newest Jet fan

    I admit yesterday I became a J E T fan. I now have 2 favorite teams to watch, Green Bay Packers and the New York Jets. I will say you have just aquirred an icon. What made Brett so much fun to watch was -he plays the game like a kid, you watch him and know he is having fun. He is a class act, he makes you feel like he is one of us playing the game. He also does everything he can to win a game and does not give up no matter what the score is, he never gave up on a play. He plays the game the way I want him to play, fun and to win. He will make mistakes trying to win games, but I would rather have someone trying to win rather than trying not to lose. One thing I would love to see is the first touchdown pass he throws followed by the reciever doing a leap into the endzone stands at Jets stadium...I hope we lose a first round draft pick next year to the Jets.

    Good luck Jets......
  20. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    That is pretty shocking. And its crazy to see those 2 do what they've done to such a devoted fan base.

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