So the people who don't know what they're talking about think I'm silly for trying to point out the facts of the situation and I demonstrate an understanding of football and this defense? That's fine..
I gotta be honest..... Reading your stuff and the other guys, I'm really not that impressed by either of your Jet knowledge. Sorry. I've been following the team since the mid-late 70's. I know what it's about to watch Matt Robinson hit Wesley Walker to beat Denver. I know what's it's about to watch Darrol Ray pick up a loose ball and bring it to the house in his first pro game. I know what it's about to watch Richard Todd bring the Jets back from 24-0 in a Wild Card game vs. the Bill, only to kills us with an awful pick at the end. I know what it's like to watch Lance Mehl pick Plunkett off twice, the second one, right after Freeman fumbled and almost killed alot of us. I know what it's like to watch Raul Allegre bang a field goal thru to beat Miami in Miami to get the Jets in the Playoffs. I know what it's like to watch Leon Johnson get picked off in the endzone, on a halfback option, because Parcells had no confidence in OD throwing the ball. I know what it's like to watch Blake Spence fall on blocked punt in Denver, only to have Victor Green miss a coverage the next drive and turn the whole AFC Championship game around. I know what it's like Brien miss two FG's in Pittsburgh cause Herm got conservative at the end of regulation. Questioning my Jets knowledge, is comicial.
Wow, that's all extremely impressive. I think it's great that your lack of understanding what's going on on the football field extends that far back!
It's your HO that is all. Martin is posting his HO that is all. IMHO your are looking at the NYJs thru many, many layers of green glasses + drinking gallons of green gatorade. OTH Martin is looking at the NYJs realistically IMHO & just pointing out one of our weakness just like no P/rush, safeties that have glue on there feet just to name a few :smile:
And of course you could just cut Sanchez and save 10 million in the process (and that's after the 5 million in dead money it would create) Peyton Manning for a year or two might come just as cheap.
You can try to convince me otherwise but trust me I know the true situation on this board otherwise I would not have posted what I posted. :jets:
REX BENCHED A PLAYER....CUT HIM IMMEDIATELY!!!DAAAAAA!11!! You're certainly welcome to your opinion on here, that's what this board is for. But to claim that you're "knowledgeable", is nothing short of pure lunacy. This isn't an isolated incident either, you've proven your lack of knowledge time and time again.
Forgot more then you'll ever know. And many more agree with me then you know.... You have your little click that has your back, that's fine.....
there's no clique. I'm posting on what i've observed from you. Blame your lack of knowledge on the true culprit, yourself. Stop making excuses, and get educated. Making asinine assumptions doesn't make you knowledgeable. I'm tired of people like you bringing down the board's intelligence.
Just watching football does not make you an expert on the game. I have been watching for about 28 years and still don't totally understand the fine details of game. But I do enjoy watching.
You're such a fool it's beyond belief. If you knew my football background, you'd be embarrassed, ahahhahahaahahahahahaha. Don't make me embarrass ya.
By the way.... I see alot of people saying "BART SCOTT WONT BE A JET NEXT YEAR!!" well actually he is, and he is never getting cut. If Scott is cut next year the Jets save $1,250,000, and there will be about $8million of dead money wasted I believe, so he isnt going anywhere.