Old Farts/Darksiders/SOJFs vs. Young Guys/Sunshiners Thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by The_Darksider, Jan 28, 2012.

  1. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    There is no such thing as a realist. A realist thinks his beliefs are the correct ones.

    A realist is just an arrogant darksider or an arrogant sunshiner.
  2. Don

    Don 2008 TGG Rich Kotite "Least Knowledgeable" Award W

    Mar 7, 2007
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    In certain areas of life there can be realists but I would agree sports team fans isn't one of them.
  3. Braylon4ever

    Braylon4ever Active Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    What if someone is one-half of both a Darksider and a Sunshiner?

    Do we start referring to them as Darkshiners? Sunsiders?
  4. Mantana Soss

    Mantana Soss Active Member

    Mar 12, 2003
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    I don't think anyone is perfectly neutral, or 100% of either.

    I would say it's a ratio. I'm 60% sunshine, 40% darkside, so that would make me a sunshiner.
  5. RevisIsland18

    RevisIsland18 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
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    i've been a jets fan since i was 15, that's 11 years now. i've always been optimistic jets will win a superbowl or two in my lifetime and i still am...jot me down as a BEBTO
  6. LV Coach

    LV Coach Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2002
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    Thanks to all the Darksiders and Sunshiners, new or old fans for the Birthday good wishes:

    The Gang Green; Mantana Soss; Pereiro 16; Braylon4ever; Johnny; flfflo; Championjets69 and old buddies Cman55 and Vegas Karl!!!

    Karl, before next season starts I'll try and let you know what bar for 2012.
  7. ConcordeChops

    ConcordeChops 2018 International Poster Award Winner

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I'll become a sunshiner when we cut Eric Smith.
  8. TNJet

    TNJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Acronym hell.
  9. Biggs

    Biggs Well-Known Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    I still love the fat, realitively unattractive, bad tempered team I've been married to for the better part of 46 years, but I do find myself wishing I could get in the sack with one of the lean, good looking winning teams that I see walking off NFL fields.

    You want to kill a guy for looking, go ahead. Get your fat ass in shape and change your attitude bitch.

    That's how I feel about the Jets. I'm no longer happy having a team that normally I wouldn't look at twice unless I was drunk and it was clossing time.
    #49 Biggs, Jan 29, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2012
  10. DeathByJets

    DeathByJets Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2005
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    I've been a Jet fan since 1977. I think I am a sunshiner at heart, but a darksider on the exterior....which kind wraps up the SOJ thing. IMO, SOJ is not that this team is doomed or immediate changes need to be made at the first sign of trouble. What it really is, is that this seems to be a team that make you BELIEVE that they are going to break through, only to find a way to break your heart. It is the proverbial Lucy with the football.

    1981 - Fall behind 24-0 to the Bills in a wildcard game only to come back, with Todd throwing an INT on the potential game winning drive.
    1982 - AFC Championship Game - Mud Bowl/AJ Duhe
    1986 - Cleveland playoff game in the bag. Gastineau roughing the passer. Double OT loss.
    1993 - December collapse. Week 16 win and in against Houston. Lose and out.
    1994 - 6-5 record, going for the division lead. After having a big lead, Marino leads a comeback, capped with the Fake Spike. December collapse ensues.
    1997 - Week 16 win and in against the Lions.....lose and out.
    1998 - Parcells, Division Win, AFC Championship Game, 10-0 Jets in Third Quarter. 23-10 Broncos. That's OK.....next year is DEFINITELY our year!
    1999 - Week 1 - Testaverde ruptured Achillies. Tupa....Mirer....Lucas.
    1999-2000 - Bill Belichick resigns as "HC of the NYJ".
    2000 - Monday Night Miracle....Week 17 win and in against the Ravens.....lose and out.
    2002 - 41-0 playoff win against Colts. Lose the next week to Raiders.
    2004 - Herms plays NOT to win the game. Doug Brien.....'nuff said.
    2008 - Brett Favre. 8-3. Nov/Dec collapse. No playoffs.
    2009 - AFC Championship Game. 17-6 lead. 30-17 loss.
    2010 - AFC Championship Game. Fall behind 24-0. Come back falls short. 24-19 loss.
    2011 - 8-5. December collapse. No playoffs.

    So, when you look at any individual season...it isn't so bad. When you look at the composite, you see the pattern: Hope becoming shattered dreams. So, youngsters.....be kind to the SOJ Fans. We didn't become this way overnight.

    Still, I remain optimistic about the future. I'm not sure how my heart/brain will react if we ever do win the Super Bowl. They may be the SOJ, but they are MY SOJ.

    #50 DeathByJets, Jan 29, 2012
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2012
  11. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    I really do not think U even analyze the team because if you did you would not have posted the homer hooey U posted.

    As I have stated RR contract expires if the 2013 season & after the shame/degradiion he brought to the team this year he is surely is on the very short list after the 2012 season if it to turns into another dreadful season

    As for what I have posted over the last 10 years was spot or otherwise a new VLT would be residing in our offices then SB3

    If you would open up your mind then maybe you could begin to see all the reasons the NYJs are losers since 01/13/69. However U come from the school that the NYJs are all perfect & you keep hanging on to hope that maybe 2012 will do it or 2013 or 2014 or 2015 etc, etc, etc. I'm sure U have written the past 43 years of losing to bad breaks, bad umpiring, bad luck. If you want a project to see why we have stuck over the last 43 years just look our draft choices from 69 till now & see how many special players we have secured in all those years

    As for bad management let see there was Man & Herm before him & when Hess owned them Kotex, Winner, Coslet, Walton just to name a few poor choices

    You do not have to reply to the open mind remark since I know what the obvious answer will be which will only further prove you have a closed mind at least when it comes to the NYJs :sad:
  12. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    You are forgetting just how good the sack exchange, Wesley Walker and some of the other guys were in the early 80s. If that SOB Shula hadn't have flooded the field the Jets very well could have been in the big game that year and even won it. Also, the 11-1 team was awesome until several starters including our QB, our best WR, and half of each line got hurt. Even then it took until double overtime for that team to lose.

    You are also forgetting how good the team was in the 1999 opener when we brought back all of our starters except Kyle Brady and anyone who fumbled in the championship game (Byars, Megget, etc.) only to have our pro bowl QB go down in the first quarter. Had we gotten the Packers to give up Matt Hassleback that team could have made it, instead we let them talk us into Rick Mirer and finished one game out of the playoffs when we were winning with Ray Lucas.

    There was Chad Pennington who got the Joe Montana comparisons when he took over for Vinny. Of course those comparisons stopped when the Raiders brought pressure in the playoff game and he folded like a cheap tent.

    When Rex came in, he and Tanny stacked this team with Talent. I thought Tanny was crazy for trading up so much and I still think he should have kept John Abraham but Revis, Harris, etc. have been excellent.

    Now those great draft picks have gotten huge contracts and we have lost Damian Woody and Sean Ellis while other players like Bart Scott and Brandon Moore are showing signs of age. Our young core players are locked up as is most of our salary cap. If we draft well and make great decisions with incoming free agents and aging veterans (and especially the QB position) we can do very well otherwise we will fall short yet again.

    Tom Brady deciding to retire and spend more time with his supermodel wife wouldn't hurt our prospects either.
  13. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I think that's the general feeling. But he does get another year after giving 2 successful ones.

    What exactly whold you have done different all these years? I mean,if you have had all the right answers all of this time,what are you doing not running the team? I'm not trying to be a wiseass,i'm just saying that they try every time they clean house and start over. But it's a gamble every time
  14. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    Cause the NYJs did not offer me a job probably because they do not I exist so I wound up make my money in the International Transportation field

    Stop with the silliness of what I would do since it changes NOTHING just like the NYJs have won NOTHING in 43 years. But I will say a team that can not win has serious leadership issues from the owner to the coaches which is just plain old common sense which it seems you have not yet developed. You see if you are around in the 60s, 70s, 80s, etc you may have then see what I have seen occur over the years

    Why not do yourself a project & check out our #1 & 2 choices we have had since 69 & see how many wow or game changer players we have drafted in all those years :sad:
  15. championjets69

    championjets69 2008/2009 TGG Darksider Award Winner

    Aug 29, 2002
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    This shows how bad we really are to have hope Brady decides to play dad & husband :sad:

    Your comment

    Tom Brady deciding to retire and spend more time with his supermodel wife wouldn't hurt our prospects either.
  16. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    I think you are trying to be a wiseass.

    The ownership and management of this team might as well say "He Charlie Brown I am going to hold this football, why don't you run up and kick it?" only to pull it away at the last second. Hell, sometimes I think they do it on purpose just to screw with our heads.

    Just read the thousands of pages of threads that have been posted in this forum. Lots of fans have posted great suggestions regarding coaching ideas, free agent moves, draft picks, etc. There are many of us who feel strongly that we could have done a better job than Leon Hess, Rich Kotite, etc.

    None of us thinks that we could just walk in and build a dynasty but the bunch of geniuses that have been running out favorite team (with a few exceptions) have consistently made horrible decisions right at the time that we start to think that they may have earned our trust.

    Would you consistently run the ball in third and long situations?

    Would you give an injured Curtis Martin 80% of the offensive snaps while the running back you drafted in the second round sits on the bench failing to develop?

    When the entire MSG is chanting We want Sapp would you have passed up Warren Sapp for Kyle Brady?

    If you had a 3-4 playoff caliber defense would you sign a defensive backs coach from a cover two team as your head coach who will cut your starters who will be scooped up by a division rival coached by your former defensive coordinator for a Superbowl run?

    Would you have let your best WR Coles walk for a mid to late first round pick (to save a measly $300K against the cap) and then package that pick with your own first rounder (13 overall if remember) to move up to the fourth overall pick to take a small school DT at fourth overall (costing a lot more against the cap than the $300K you saved earlier) who was considered a 2nd or 3rd round prospect a month before he had a good performance in the combine (keep in mind that we could have had Ty Warren at 13 who did a good job with the Pats for a decade and that we also gave up our fourth rounder in that draft)?

    After failing to trade up for Brett Favre would you settle for Browning Nagle just because you missed out on Favre (keep in mind that your veteran QB took you to the playoffs the year before)?

    How about the contract extensions for Curtis Martin (over 30) and Vinny Testaverde (way way over 30) that forced us to give away both of our starting cornerbacks and our starting right tackle in the expansion draft receiving nothing in return?
  17. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    But it hasn't been the same people running the team sinc the 60s,there have been many changes. Are you trying to say we just have bad luck? I have plenty of common sense,i'm just trying to see what your ideas and answers are. If you are never happy,with 3 regime changes since i've seen you post,i have to wonder if you have some better ideas than they do.

    I also disagree with you about the game changers. I think we have had some. Some just weren't as expected,some were just at the wrong time. But like marino in Miami ,if you don't have all the right pieces....,or someone in 86 makes a bad decision to hit the qb.
  18. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    I'lljust be honest and say that i've been a jet fan since around 82-83 as a little kid. But i never looked that deeply into football until i joined here and saw others doing it. So before this board,i never would have looked into thos things. I just watched on sundays and wore the apparel.

    But if you guys feel all of this is done on purpose?,or you think that no matter who is making the decisions,they are jst bad all of the time.. do you see any fun in being a fan of this team? And no,i was not at all trying to be a wiseass.
  19. Endlessly Counting

    Endlessly Counting Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    Hi All

    I have been a fan since the 60s. I am certainly an old-timer (although not that old:wink:). I would put myself closer to a "dark-sider" than a "sunshiner", but anyone who has been a fan of the Jets since the 60s has to bring a sense of Jets' history to the table.

    The 2011 Jets are experiencing a situation very similar to the 1982 Jets. In 1980, the Jets had not made the play-offs in what seemed like an eternity (since '69), By '82, they had back-to-back play-offs appearances and seemed on the verge on big things.

    In '82, they lost the AFC championship game... the famous mud bowl
    So, they fired the coach (Walt Michaels), and brought in the hottest OC of the time to take over the team (their own Joe Walton).

    The Jets were favored to win the SB in Walton's first season, 1983. It was presumed they had a very talented team. Instead, they experienced a very similar season as the 2011 Jets did. They went 7-9 and got rid of QB (Todd), cut a good running back (Crutchfield) after a game changing fumble, and got rid of a bunch of other players also.

    New QB O'Brien wasn't ready in '84 and had to learn on the job in '85. So, a team which was predicted to win the SB in '83 didn't even get back to the play-offs until '85, and by that time, the circumstances and events ( injuries, poor OL line play, Walton not being HC material, bad plays at the wrong time -Gastineau's roughing, e.g. - the '87 strike) all worked against them.

    Going back to '82, I was Walt Michaels hater. I felt they won despite him, instead of because of him. I was in the majority. No one questioned the move to can him. Everyone welcomed the promotion of the "brilliant" Walton to HC.

    Of course, you can pick apart this analogy, but the big picture point remains... the Jets canned an HC who had brought them to heights not seen in quite some time, and they paid a heavy price for that controversial decision.

    Moving forward to today, there is no question that this regime is on the hot seat, from Tanny, through Rex through Sanchez. But canning the lot of them is not the way to go. Rex has to be given a chance to grow and develop from his mistakes. Tanny too. Even Sanchez. Lets see what next year brings.

    Even if Rex proves to be no better than Buddy Ryan, Bum Phillips, Jerry Glanville (high profile coaches who couldn't get over the hump), or even Wade Phillips (son of a high profile coach who could not get over the hump), I believe the Jets ar closer with Rex in place than if they bring in some one to start over in 2012.
  20. James Hasty

    James Hasty Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2003
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    Just because I have been a Jets fan for a long time (41 year old) and have a perspective influenced by this team's history does not mean that I think we need to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

    Shotty needed to go, the offense wasn't doing the job. Personnel played a part in this failure but an offensive coordinator most likely had a lot of say in those decisions even though the final call belonged to someone else.

    I am not sure we need as much change among assistant coaches but the core of this team is very talented and we need results. The jury is out on Rex but players like him and the last three seasons have given us a lot of good results.

    I like Sanchez as much as anyone (more than some of you) but the salary cap is a very big deal to this team right now. Cutting any other player wouldn't save us half as much room as cutting Sanchez ($9 mil this year alone). He is a young guy with a lot of talent and potential and it doesn't seem fair to hold him accountable this early in his career but extending him if he fails could shut the window on this team for a good five years. After that Revis, Mangold, Cromartie, Brick, etc. are approaching 30 and most of our starting LBs are over the hill.

    This team is built for a serious run at a superbowl within the next three years. It doesn't have to be next year (especially if making sacrifices puts us in a better position the following year) but it does have to be soon.

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