Officiating is killing us again

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by inSANITy, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. patfanken

    patfanken Banned

    May 6, 2007
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    btw - the only time that Brady complained to the refs was on that play where Cromartie hit Welker in the endzone and kept him from getting to the corner. Cromartie even thought he'd get flagged on that one.
  2. Jetaho

    Jetaho Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
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    Yup. Cromartie ran over to the ref and said "Holy Shit! You've got to throw the flag there! I was standing still and Welker ran into me on a crucial 3rd down. Yup. My bad. Flag my baby-making ass!"

    Welker hit him so hard it knocked the wind out of him. Of course, Cromartie gets the wind knocked out of him whenever there's contact, but that's another thread.

    And no, I don't think the refs cost us the game. IMO saying we lost because of the refs is ignorant.
  3. The 1985er

    The 1985er Well-Known Member

    Jan 26, 2011
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    On the branch play if he stayed down that's one thing. But he got up to attempt to make a football play and fumbled, that's why that reversal was so frustrating.
  4. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    I don't know how anybody could argue against the fumble being reversed. I bitch about the officials as much as anybody but Branch was clearly down. There is no way you can convince me otherwise.

    The Plax play, he was clearly out of bounds. It was indisputable that he was out, that's why it was reversed.

    BTW has to be said the zebras did a great job at the end of the Broncos/Chargers game. Lloyd quite possibly made the best catch I've ever seen a WR make which was ruled out of bounds but they reviewed and made the correct call. Of course they fucked up on the final play of the game when a Chargers defender shoved a Broncos WR out of the back of the end zone while the ball was being thrown to him and they didn't throw a flag.
  5. Will-I-Am-Not

    Will-I-Am-Not Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2011
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    From today's New York Post: Calvin Pace thinks it was a fumble, and I agree with him.

    "Bill Belichick challenged the play and it was overturned when the officials ruled that when Pace touched Branch he was down by contact at the Jets' 3-yard line.
    The ruling left Pace seething after the game.
    "It was a fumble," Pace told The Post. "And again, the referees missed another one. You know what they're going to do? They're going to write us a letter about how they missed another call and what does that do? Nothing.
    "I guess it's human error, so what can you do? We got a call that just ain't right. If it wasn't a fumble [Branch] wouldn't have gotten up and tried to run."
  6. Thomas144

    Thomas144 Member

    Sep 11, 2002
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    If all you had to do to avoid being downed in football was make a football move, the only way to down a ballcarrier would be to knock them unconscious, or kill them.
  7. martinsec339

    martinsec339 New Member

    Dec 25, 2008
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    The Plaxico sideline catch the referees were clearly looking at the defenders foot. It was not conclusive, every view they had plaxico's foot was not in view including the one Phil Simms and Nantz said was going to be the one the that would overturn the call. It was clearly the defenders foot. We certainly are not helping ourselves out by not stopping the run, for the most part I feel like we kept Brady in check, we just dont have that hope and drive like we did last year in those close games.
  8. MikeSLTJ23

    MikeSLTJ23 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2005
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    IMO it was a fumble, but mostly because that was the call on the field. He wasn't touched until AFTER he started the transfer to the other hand. And to call that transfer smooth is ludicrous. I still think there wasn't enough evidence to overturn that call. If he were called down on the field, I'd agree he's down. But he caught the ball clearly, tried to make a botched transfer, THEN got hit. It doesn't matter where his knee is if he doesn't have possession when he gets touched. I don't think you can necessarily call that possession.

    Additionally, that pass interference call on Aaron Hernandez was bullshit. That was a hometown call if I've ever seen one. Or Hernandez has a 5 yard vertical leap to be able to get that ball. If that wasn't the definition of uncatchable, I don't know what is. Even if he wasn't impeded, he was nowhere near that ball.

    With that said, we lost because our offense sucks and our defense is okay. They did show some signs of hopefully turning the corner, so let's hope we can reel of a win or two here and get into a groove in typical Jets fashion.
  9. InChadWeTrust

    InChadWeTrust New Member

    Mar 21, 2004
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    That fumble play would be completely irrelevant if the refs did their job and called the BLATANT holding by the Pats center on that play. There were two cases during the game that the refs let the Pats get away with absolute murder with holding. Still no excuse for the Jets in terms of accounting for the loss. Sure as hell is frustrating observing the favoritism though. What else is new in the NFL?
  10. bigmehl

    bigmehl New Member

    Jun 22, 2009
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    The reason we argue and bitch about calls is because its so inconsistent from week to week , team to team , ref crew to ref crew.

    Although the play I'll reference happened 2 years ago, its the same exact type of play , but somehow the Jets we're on the blown call end of that as well. Against the Broncos at home 2 years ago Cotchery fumbles a reverse and falls on the ball, a Bronco defender blasts him while he's on the ground covering the ball - according to rules , that's down by contact right. Difference there was no replay view that showed the ball moving/loose, while yesterday there were clear replays showing the ball moving.

    I would agree that both calls should have been ruled down by contact, but one was and one was not - both going against the Jets.
  11. slimjasi

    slimjasi Well-Known Member

    Sep 27, 2007
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    such a good reference. There are some who could argue that call changed our season in 08.
  12. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    Ummm ... Really? His second foot came down on the line. That was obvious from the original view. You need to have your specs checked for homerism factor.

    The fumble reversal surprised me, but I'm no rules expert. I think, though, that they ruled that because he was down and the Jets player was touching him that the play was dead at that moment, which was before the fumble. At least that was the announcers' comment on it.
  13. BK_Jetsfan

    BK_Jetsfan New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Gotta disagree with you on the Plax call. It was ARGUABLE that he was out, but far beyond clear, IMO.

    The officiating yesterday was complete garbage. I'm not saying that's the reason the Jets lost, but it sure as shit didn't help them and sure as shit did help that Pats.
  14. GoPats

    GoPats Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Jets got screwed on a couple of calls in this game for sure. The one on Revis was BS and I thought Wilson's was a weak call too. I'll definitely give you guys those two.


    I don't understand why there's any question on the reversed fumble. It's basic football knowledge. No offense, but maybe Calvin Pace should be more concerned about, you know, tackling and stuff, and not letting a UFA running back run all over his defense for 130+ yards and 2 TDs and then crying about it after the game.

    Branch caught the ball and was on his knees. While cradling the ball in his right arm, he was touched by a defender. It wasn't until after the initial contact that he tried to shift the ball to his other hand. This is Football 101. The play is over the moment the defender makes contact.

    What happens when an offensive player with possession of the ball falls down? Defenders run in and get two hands on their back... and the play is over.

    The Burress incomplete pass was also correctly called. His toe was on the line. Again, not sure how anyone could have missed that. It was a hell of an effort by Plax but he just didn't get both feet down.

    Like I said, I think the Jets got f'ed on a couple of other occasions, but the two challenges were 100% correctly called.
  15. ppls17

    ppls17 Member

    May 19, 2010
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    So many bad calls where to begin.

    1. The PI early in game to give pats 40 yards. Neither player made a good reaction to the ball hern realizes he has no shot so just causes contact looks at ref and says throw flag ref kindly says ok.

    2. Hern again runs stop and go on the stop he grabs wilson pushes him out of way, wilson does great job recovery and claps when he sees flag with obvious assumption that hern got caught on his off PI. Instead penalty on wilson wow.

    3. Branch runs route not open falls down again wow.

    4. Welker runs straight into cromart in endzone asks for flag ok he doesnt get flag but come on thats as clear a off PI call as you can possible have.

    5. The kickoff after mcnight's good one i told roommate i bet you they call holding here so we cant get momentum back. Not only does a flag come but it comes immediately pushing us back to own 8 yard line.

    6.Maybe the worst was the personal foul on welkers punt return guys dives hits him as hes going out not even hard enough to knock him down.

    The burress play and branch play are both debatable i know im bias there so i wont even bother with those. Nor will i call out any of the blatant holding by there offensive line because that is allowed for that team and just how it is.

    What bothers me the most is the first half of first quarter they called a couple penalties on pats and then just completely went nuts on us. I was actually tricked into thinking it might be an evenly called game.

    Oh and at end of game gotta love bellicheat saying thank you to ref the first person he ran up to was a ref to say thank you i mean come on.
  16. perfectpackage99

    Jan 16, 2005
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    usually I don't ever complain about officiating since I believe in the law of averages where some calls may go against us but in some cases they will go in our favor as well. Howver, I can tell you without fail that in the past 2 games, every call has gone against us and nothing in our favor.
  17. Catt_County

    Catt_County Banned

    Aug 19, 2005
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    I will tell you this from experience ... when a team is playing poorly, and especially when they are poorly coached, all the calls go against them, or so it seems. When a team is playing well, they seem to get all the calls. Ask the Eagles' Jaqua Parker. :shit:

    It's the same thing with "luck" BTW.
  18. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    It was the wrong call w/o a doubt. Branch was down but before he was touched and offically down he started losing the ball. At worst that is inconclusive(even though I slowed it frame by frame and it was out before he was touched) and since they ruled it a fumble it should have remianed a fumble. Bad call.

    That called hurt us but we had 2 possessions down 17-14 where we failed then when we got it to 27-21 our D failed. We are normally good enough to overcome bad calls but the last few weeks we haven't been. We didn't lose b/c of the refs but that call was a bad one that gave NE a TD.
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    I hate the zebras, and they game after game balance their calls against the Jets, and the Ravens game was one of the worst I have ever seen in pro football.

    Having said that, the only truly bs call made against the Jets was the one against Revis. The Strickland play by comparison, as boneheaded as it was, was legit. So were the two overturned calls.
  20. felker

    felker Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
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    Fans like to argue calls and all, but the fact that the coach goes up to thank the refs is a traditional thing that many coaches do to be polite. If you have ever coached at a youth level you are exposed to the idea that showing respect to the refs is the right thing to do as an example to your players.

    For Jets fans to pick this out and complain about what is generally considered good manners is just demented.

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