Officiating is killing us again

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by inSANITy, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. Johnny English

    Johnny English Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
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    So, seeing as you've been a member here for three years and have the grand total of 28 posts to your name, why did you pick now to start posting? Yeah, like Miamipuck said.....

    Still, we can at least console ourselves with the fact that regardless of records so far, it's clear you're even more shit than us. We just have enough self respect to not be crawling all over your boards trying to make ourselves feel better about the fact.
  2. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    If he doesn't start adding anything worthy he may be gloating about his accomplishments on another board. My tolerance for trolls is wearing thin.
  3. steven.am7

    steven.am7 New Member

    Oct 12, 2011
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    It ticks me off enough when we lose to the Hatriots.

    These ref calls have gone on since the Ravens game. I mean, the Ngata play was not a fumble!

    - If the Branch fumble were initially called down by contact, I don't think I would have went too crazy, b/c it was too close to call either way.

    - Burress was out of bounds- no doubt. If his feet were 2-3 sizes smaller, then maybe we could debate.

    - Donald Strickland (not Eric Smith) getting called for PI was the most horrendous, bullshit penalty of the day. Hernandez threw himself into Strickland, then threw his arm in the air to act like he was trying to catch the ball.

    - Revis & Branch got tied up and Branch fell. Incidental contact. Bad call.

    - Kyle Wilson I believe got double whammyed. He's lucky that he didn't get called for PI on the illegal contact b/c he did fall backwards into Hernandez.

    Good thing that Hernandez got his when he couldn't hold on to that pass that Cromartie picked off right at halftime.

    Mistakes were made. 7 three-and-outs. Not capitalizing on a terrible defense while being down 3 pts, instead waiting until down 10 in desperation mode. Why was Sanchez not throwing downfield? His longest was I think to Burress over the middle in the 2nd quarter. Think that was like 19 yards. John Conner. What a joke. Drops an easy pass for a first down. Ground and pound is dead! Face it!

    Kerley showed some signs of promise. Good riddance Mason. This probably makes that disaster known as Patrick Turner the 4th wideout.

    Honestly, Schotty has to go, and people have called for his head since 2009. I'm disgusted at Tanny too. He peeled this team apart, for the worse, and last years team was the best team this franchise has had since '98. How could he do that to a team that came within a TD of the Super Bowl? Went after the abs, not the fat, and it upset a lot of Jets fans. And right now, this team is dysfunctional with all that is going on in that locker room. Part reason why the offense is not producing, is b/c Sanchez only has chemistry with one receiver- Santonio. Burress may have 2 TDs, but he's done nothing outside of it. Thankfully Mason is gone (and it was a waste, and now look at Cotchery. He hasn't played a meaningful snap since that TD he scored with 3 minutes left in the AFC title game. He potentially may not be lasting much longer on that Steelers roster, since he hasn't played a single game).
  4. Steelerstone

    Steelerstone New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    I came to see what the temperature of the fans was due to the wild ride. I'm always curious how the fans react when a team who are the media darlings falter. Cowboys and Bengals fans get to do it every year; Eagles fans are nearly suicidal this year.

    I read a lot of posts and threads but I found this thread to be "interesting". I'm not interested in kicking you guys while you're down. I just happen to believe that your problems lie at head coach and QB and not officiating. And maybe the Jets actually believed the media hype a bit too much.
  5. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    QB sure but not head coach. Rex turned a mediocre defense into a top 5 D. He is introduced a new culture of winning where we actually expect to win. Sanchez has proven he can be good but he needs all the right pieces around him and unfortunately probably a new OC.

    We are 2-3 the sky is not falling at all. We played 3 tough road games and are now back home playing a terrible team and a west coast team at home. Being 3-3 and then after atough game we should win 4-3 going into the bye is not the end of the world. Most of us expected to lose to NE and Balt on the road which is why that Oakland game was so important but oh well.

    We are where we are and the more realistic of us know its a long season and things will most likely look better.
  6. Jetskees

    Jetskees New Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    I've avoided this thread because it does feel pretty lame to complain about officiating when we have so many other problems. That being said, the Raiders game was one of the worst officiated games I've ever seen, and the Patriots game was not much better. I'm really not one to dwell on officiating that much, but that last couple weeks I think we've clearly gotten the shit end of that stick.

    I'm starting to get really annoyed with how little leeway they give defensive backs. I guess the league wants 400 passing yards to be the standard, but that really kills the strategy of investing heavily into your defensive backs when they aren't even allowed to do their jobs.
  7. Steelerstone

    Steelerstone New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    Well put! I respect Rex as a DC and would love to have him when LeBeau retires.. I don't however, respect him as a head coach. Head coach is all about running a tight ship and building a "system". Rex is too busy being a cheerleader and has made obvious mistakes in the running of the ship. He has a talented group of individuals but does not have them playing or acting like a team. Sanchez is ......well..........he just isn't much yet and time will tell if he will ever be. Did Rex draft Sanchez or was he there prior to Rex?
  8. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Rex and Sanchez came the same year. They were rookies together and for better or worse they will be kind of be judged by each others success.
  9. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Has this been commented on.....

    Watching some NFL Network stuff... On the Welker TD...

    Correct me if I'm wrong but, the TE or FB Blatently moves before the snap.

    2 things - 1st, that's a flag and the play doesn't count but, I also wonder if the movement threw the Defense off.

    I've seen a lot of movement and WR"s in motion all year not getting set where I clearly remember the Jets getting bad calls on that in crucial times - I think Braylon was call last year in a bad spot....

    Damn... Just seems like nothing is going the Jets way.... You get a call on the welker play or a call on the Ngata play and that leaves the door open for comeback plays like they made last year.

    Yeah, they are playing like #### but, Frankly they did last year too until the miracle comebacks.... Play like #### + BAD CALLS leaves little to no room for a miracle...
  10. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    Geez guys! Blaming the refs is the ultimate losers lament. I know they have threads like these on every teams boards, but they are just as lame on all of them.

    The bottom line is the officiating in no worse against the Jets than it is for any other team. It's easy to focus on the stuff you think goes against your team, but nobody talks about all the missed calls and calls that benefit the team. And your team gets some of those too.

    One example; Revis is the best corner in the NFL. He had a bad call against him this past week, no argument there. And because he is so good, how often do the refs give him leeway and let him maintain contact with little grabs and bumps downfield beyond the 5 yard limit?

    He clearly had a handful of Welker's jersey on two or three occasions this week. I'm sure threre's a thread on some Pats board whining about that. I just look at it that it's part of the game!

    Just like the ones who go on and on about offensive holding. Watch your line the same way you focus on the Pats line and I guarantee you'll see holding one very single play!

    Sorry for going off, but I hate all the whining about how our team always gets screwed and the other team always gets the calls bullshit.
  11. Steelerstone

    Steelerstone New Member

    Aug 6, 2008
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    This is the best post in this entire thread
  12. Jet Blue

    Jet Blue New Member

    May 9, 2003
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    Well, DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... WTF is "Focusing" on that????

    Nice Soap Box guy!

    No one is saying the Jets should have more wins because of calls....

    Personally part of my query is wondering in general WTF is up with the man in motion calls that i don't see this year as much...

    Guy in the Pats backfield clearly moved - is that not a call? Well, that's a real ####y time to not call it IMO.

    Hey you ask me why the Jets suck right now and other than OL I'll tell you that the DEFENSE is not what it was......

    But, if we want to discuss certain plays, calls and non call then IMO GO THE #### AHEAD - it's not the same as whining and claiming anything should be different with a teams record.....

    I know why this Jets team is underachieving... And no way in hell am I blaiming calls... But, hell yeah I'd like to discuss them when they come up just like any other aspect of football I'll discuss and NOT pin the blame all on that 1 issue...
  13. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    I'm sorry if the reply seemed directed at you, because it certainly wasn't. I know you're a level headed guy, and should have made it clearer that this was a general comment on the thread.

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