Isn't like a third of the worlds population somehow related to Genghis Kahn? I'm pretty sure half the world is related to Chuck Norris. _
Chuck Norris is 1/8th Cherokee. Has nothing to do with his genealogy. The man ate a fucking Indian. If that was offensive, apologies and LOLGFY. _
The US got in at 1-1-1. Funny stuff. They are kind of like the 2010 Seahawks. Maybe they'll actually make some noise. I'm putting my money on Brazil though.
This would be another mass suicide like in 1950. Although the. It was the finals match, so maybe not as bad. Edit That was Uruguay back then
I just meant before the tournament and all the documentaries, like the ESPN one 'the man that made Brazil cry' about the goalkeeper who gave up the second goal and was universally tarred with the loss.
If either team wins, the reaction will be priceless (especially if it's Chile). However, I fear for the US fans in Brazil if they lose today!
I don't know, now chile is abandoning the the attacking style that got them this far. Brazil wanting it more.