Official Tom Cable Assault Thread

Discussion in 'National Football League' started by GBA, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Same here. I'm so happy Seymour got traded there.
  2. BamaZeus

    BamaZeus Member

    Dec 19, 2002
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    Hasn't half of the average game crowd at the Coliseum done time there already?
  3. gustoonarmy

    gustoonarmy 2006-2007 Best International Poster of the

    Jan 30, 2004
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    CABLE Could get arrested

    Hahahaha , The Raiders just bounce from one disaster to another....

    TAXI!!! For Cable
  4. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    what do they mean could lead to a suspension by the league? I would think if cable is arrested for assault, he should be suspended at least 2 games....

    How great would it be to see cable miss this week due to criminal charges and 2 more weeks on suspension?

    The raiders without their HC and Mcfadden? can't get any worse for them...
  5. bojanglesman

    bojanglesman Active Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    Tear apart their structure and they might actually get better.
  6. theBidet

    theBidet Active Member

    Apr 30, 2009
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    don't know if this article has any new info, i don't think the alleged details have been listed as clearly as here, however.
  7. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    HAH! I fahking LOVE that freak show of a franchise! Just when I think I suck, there's always the Raiders to add perspective.
  8. Killeri9590

    Killeri9590 Banned

    Oct 6, 2008
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    Once again where's Jeaux?

    Coward won't show up until like Jaunary or February
  9. ollie

    ollie Right Wing NutJob

    Nov 2, 2003
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    I'm sorry. I just won't feel safe until Tom Cable is brought to justice.
  10. bojanglesman

    bojanglesman Active Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    Randy Hanson's first public comments about the beating he took:

    Randy Hanson, the ousted Raiders defensive assistant coach who has accused Tom Cable of viciously breaking his jaw with a punch, says the Oakland coach hit him with a cheap shot and that he had "no reason to believe he wouldn't have killed me" if others hadn't pulled Cable away.

    "From my blind side, Tom Cable threw me from my chair and into a piece of furniture that a lamp sat upon," Hanson told Yahoo! Sports of the alleged Aug. 5 incident. "He was screaming, 'I'll [expletive] kill you! I'll [expletive] kill you!' And I have no reason to believe he wouldn't have killed me if they hadn't pulled him away.

    "If my head would've hit a different way, I might be dead right now."

    Cable has denied the allegations and said last week that he would not comment on recent reports that commissioner Roger Goodell wanted to discuss the situation.

    Cable says he'll let the legal process play out and that the reports have not been a distraction for him as he focuses on his job.

    Goodell told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the league will speak to the coach when the appropriate time comes. He says the league wants to make sure it understands all the facts of the case before commenting.

    According to the Yahoo! Sports report, Hanson, who is still being paid by the Raiders but has been barred from the team's facilities, said he had correctly predicted the day before the alleged incident that Cable would emerge from a meeting with defensive backs and say they blamed him for their struggles.

    "You know what's gonna happen there," Hanson said in recalling a conversation he had with several members of the Raiders' coaching staff. "Tom's gonna come out of the meeting and say I'm the problem, that I'm the one confusing them and blame it all on me."

    The Raiders declined requests Saturday by Yahoo! Sports to respond to Hanson's version of events.

    According to police in Napa, Calif., their investigation of the incident has been concluded and sent to the DA's office.

    "We are taking this very seriously," Napa County District Attorney Gary Lieberstein said last week, adding that there is no timetable on when the review will be completed.
  11. TommyGreen

    TommyGreen Trolls

    Sep 8, 2002
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    The fact that this organization was able to field a threatening team in the early 00's never ceases to amaze me.
  12. Rockefella

    Rockefella Trolls

    Oct 1, 2009
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    The Raiders:

    - Finish as one of the worst teams in the league
    - Draft a risky high-profile thug out of college
    - Watch them fail

    Rinse & Repeat
  13. bojanglesman

    bojanglesman Active Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    Geez, how much more shit can hit the fan with this guy? If any of this is true, this guy has some serious issues (other than the Raiders sucking ass).

    Women: Cable has violent history with them

    Two women, including his former wife and a recent girlfriend, say that Oakland Raiders coach Tom Cable has a history of violent behavior toward women.

    In separate interviews with ESPN's "Outside the Lines", Sandy Cable and Marie Lutz say that Cable hit them during relationships dating back more than 20 years.

    Cable's alleged temper has been in the news since August, when he allegedly broke the jaw of Oakland assistant coach Randy Hanson during an altercation in a coaches meeting. On Oct. 22, Napa County district attorney Gary Lieberstein said he would not pursue charges against Cable, citing inconsistencies in Hanson's story that were not corroborated by the three assistants in the room at the time.

    But the two women interviewed by "Outside The Lines" say that Cable, in his first full season as the Raiders' head coach, physically abused them at various times during their relationships.

    In 1989, Sandy Cable sought a temporary order of protection, which said, in part, "On two occasions, one back in '86 and the other in '88, he hit me. The second time in the face, however on attempts to call law enforcement, my husband would rip the phone out of the wall."

    A third woman, Cable's second wife Glenda, said in documents related to the couple's 2008 divorce that "in the past he has been physically and verbally abusive to me." Glenda and Tom Cable were married for 17 years. She declined to speak to "Outside The Lines", but is currently receiving support payments from Cable.

    Glenda Cable's attorney on Saturday issued a statement to OTL which contradicted the statements in the divorce documents.

    "I have known Tom Cable for more than 20 years, including 17 years of marriage," Glenda Cable said in the statement. "Throughout the time I have known him, Tom has never been violent to me or our children. I chose not to speak to the media before now to protect my privacy and that of my children. However, I am very troubled by what is being claimed by others and I felt compelled to speak out about my own lengthy experience with Tom."

    Lutz, who dated Cable as recently as January 2009, said she remembers Cable hitting her "three, four times." She described a scene in a car after they left a restaurant where "[Cable] just got so angry I could not recognize him."

    Last Jan. 6, Lutz said she came to Cable's house early in the morning and found another woman there. According to a police report from Alameda, Calif., Lutz became "very upset" and "demanded to meet the woman." Lutz told police that after an altercation, Cable "grabbed her by the left arm, causing her to fall to the ground" and "eventually pick[ed] her up and pushed her out the front door."

    Lutz went to the emergency room and was treated for back pain and a contusion. Lutz also told police Cable had grabbed her by the neck several months earlier.

    She did not press charges with any police jurisdictions.

    Cable remarried in May, according to a statement issued on Carol Cable's behalf by Tom Cable's attorney. In the statement, Carol Cable said she was the woman in Cable's house the morning of Jan. 6 when Lutz showed up unannounced. Even though Carol Cable told Alameda police that she did not see Lutz that morning, according to a police report, Carol Cable now says she heard her getting angry.

    "I was present at Tom's house when Marie Lutz came to the house in January of this year," her statement reads, in part. "At approximately 5 a.m., we heard someone pounding very loudly on the front door and ringing the doorbell over and over again.

    "When Tom opened the door, Ms. Lutz told him she needed to talk to him, that she needed his help, and begged him to let her into the house," the statement said. "After she entered the house, the two of them had a verbal exchange. At no time did Tom commit any act of violence toward her. After not getting what she wanted from Tom, Ms. Lutz screamed at Tom "I am going to ruin your [expletive deleted] life and I am going to ruin your [expletive deleted] career if it is the last thing I ever do."

    Sandy Cable told OTL that she called the police when she was married to him, but she didn't receive any support from local law enforcement officers in Idaho, where they lived. "I was quite young, didn't understand the system," she said. "This was prior to domestic abuse being a big issue ... before mandatory arrest laws."

    Sandy Cable said that, when she and Tom Cable broke up, she suggested counseling. "That angered him even further," she said.

    Through his attorneys, Cable declined to comment.

    Cable, 44, is in his first full season as Raiders coach. He was the team's offensive line coach in 2007-08, but took over as the head coach when Lane Kiffin was fired four weeks into the 2008 season.

    He broke into the NFL in 2007 as an offensive line coach with the Atlanta Falcons. Cable coached at eight universities between 1987 and 2005, including four seasons as head coach at the University of Idaho.

    Cable had been accused of assaulting and threatening to kill Hanson at a meeting at the team's training camp hotel in Napa, Calif., on Aug. 5. Hanson was treated for a broken jaw following the incident.

    Hanson reportedly did not want to press charges when he went to the hospital, but officials contacted local authorities.

    When interviewed, Raiders assistant coaches John Marshall, Lionel Washington and Willie Brown did not back up Hanson's version of events, telling investigators that Cable did not punch Hanson or make any verbal threats.

    Lieberstein, in declining to prosecute Cable, said the coaches told police that Cable became angry and rushed toward Hanson, but Washington stepped between the two. Cable ran into Washington, who bumped into Hanson and knocked him out of his chair. The witnesses also told authorities that Cable then grabbed Hanson by the shirt but never struck or threatened him.

    Why are Sandy Cable and Lutz talking now? Sandy Cable told "Outside the Lines" she spoke up "because it continues to happen."

    Lutz said she wants Cable to get help for his anger. "This is the reason why I'm here now," Lutz said.
  14. Pam

    Pam Friendliest Poster Fourpeat!!

    May 6, 2005
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    He's denying most of it. Said he only hit a woman once with his open hand. I just heard it on ESPN. Coward.
  15. Yisman

    Yisman Newbie

    May 3, 2004
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    Just read about the latest stuff. Not surprising, if true.
  16. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    You can't make this stuff up....
  17. Hemi

    Hemi Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2007
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    Yea, that makes it better.

    Cable "I only slap bitches with my open hand, at least I don't punch them like that punk Hansen".

  18. bojanglesman

    bojanglesman Active Member

    Jan 24, 2009
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    Apparently he said that he did it because she committed adultery.

    The ex-wife says she didn't cheat on him and that he didn't slap her, he punched her.

    Oh, well since it was an open hand, that's OK. It was also above the waist, which is in the "allowed" zone in boxing. Clearly, a legal blow. No penalty. What a shit head.
  19. GatorGar

    GatorGar Active Member

    Nov 6, 2008
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    What a piece of shit. Perfect fit for Oakland.
  20. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I like that we have an official thread for it.

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