dwalsh I'll send pms to everyone drafting today. Somethings they just all completely forget and need a reminder.
Yea you have a pick today from 4 PM to 6 PM... won't bother sending you a PM cus I'll know you'll be here.
woops....dude i meant to say 2 of the 3... seriously i dont wanna trade my #2 and 3 QB's AND my #4 WR :lol: choose 2 of the 3 and then we have an official deal.
The Baltimore Ravens are looking to trade a single player for multiple draft picks. This player would obviously be a starter then.
Still looking to trade down, I will wait until 3 pm and then I will draft if there are no offers. To the guys running the draft, What is going to happen for the guys that still think we are following the times thatwere set up? The 6 pick was suppose to start at 6pm I think.
i will PM them telling them that it is earlier... and if they dont recieve it, they will still have until 8:00
This is looking good when we finsh there should be an official team posting that shows the draft and transactions for the new depth charts to see who improved their team the most
I think we should have a pure draft poll and also a total offseason poll which would include aquisitions and losses