"Official" Start Matt Simms thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joeyd223, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. Tommy Gunnz

    Tommy Gunnz Member

    Oct 21, 2012
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    I am starting to believe and would like to see more. I like McElroy but I think Simms has absolutely won the 3rd string job for the year
  2. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    So, here is the likely result of starting Simms. He performs poorly in a a game or two against a real NFL defense and the Jets have wasted a game or two.

    Here is the likely result of starting Geno Smith. He performs poorly in a game or two against a real NFL defense and the Jets have gotten some valuable evaluation material to look at as part of the "Is Geno worth promoting or is he just depth?" conversation that they will be having internally for much of the season.

    The problem with the Simms scenario is that it is seductive because Simms is momentarily flashing at the top of his game and the competition is nobodies who will be loading trucks in a few weeks. The loss of actual time to the franchise, which is a very valuable commodity in a rebuilding effort, will not be clear until they've wasted the time.

    It's a trap.

    But if the Jets really want to see Simms in live competition against Darrelle Revis and Dashon Goldson and the Bucs pass rush they have that opportunity in a week.

    The question is: what do they gain by doing so?
  3. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    LOL!!!!!!! Other than his comment about drop off from 1's to 2's I agree. I really love Westhoff and wished he would have stayed on...but I understand the need to move on to other pastures. Hell, we need someone like him to offset the ass monkeys like Manish, Cimini et al.
  4. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    Never thought I would say this but start Simms opening day. Yes start him, Geno is not ready, lets groom him like we all originally planned. If Simms falls apart then Sanchez will take over week 3 we assume.

    If you start Geno then he has to perform well because benching him after 2 weeks is not good in the long run.
  5. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Now see...I don't necessarily view it as a "likely" result that he shits the bed, personally. How can you say Simms is "flashing" at the top of his game? He's a 2nd year QB who has had little to no reps in practices outside of the scout team and I'd be willing to bet little to no one on one time with the QB coach and Offensive Coordinator. To add, insult to injury...if he only complete 64% of his passes in a regular season game he's over 10 statistical % better than Sanchez's career average! If he only has HALF the turnovers then he's added, probably, 2-3 wins more than Nacho would have.

    Having said that, if he does shit the bed...we have lost NOTHING...the season is expected to be a waste land anyway...there will STILL be 14 more games for Geno Smith to take a beating one way or the other.

    BECAUSE the NY Football Jets are in the position they are in NOW is the perfect time to start a Wild Card QB and see where that takes us. It looks like it's done a pretty damn good thing in Seattle and San Francisco if you ask me.
  6. Longsuffering88

    Longsuffering88 Well-Known Member

    Apr 27, 2012
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    Simms is my vote

    Not because I think he is the next Montana. But because Mark is likely out, and he won the competition of 2,3,4
  7. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    This is a big part of the trap though. Without even thinking about it you have elevated Matt Simms to the same status as two very successful college QB's in Russell Wilson and Colin Kaepernick.

    You didn't even stop to think when you said Wild Card QB. You just assumed that QB's taken in the 3rd and 2nd rounds respectively could be equated somehow to an undrafted free agent who could easily have been cut a half dozen times already with no repercussions at all to the the Jets.

    Matt Simms, Russell Wilson and Colin Kaepernick are not the same thing. They're not only not in the same room in the house, they live in completely different neighborhoods with a vast income level separating them.
  8. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Let me be clear...I don't care where you were drafted...or IF you were drafted. If you show the propensity to win football games I want the kind of regime that will put you in a position to succeed...especially when what you have is neither marginally or minimally better. College doesn't mean squat once you are IN the NFL...it only matters in getting there. Period.

    And when I refer to Kaepernick and Wilson...it is NOT about their draft position. It is about the coaches having the stones to go against conventional wisdom. Alex Smith was having a career year!!!! CAREER year...Harbaugh had the stones to bench him...after injury no less. There are decades worth of coaches that would have never let a guy lose his job to injury...especially in the midst of a career year. In Seattle they gave Matt Flynn a SHIT load of Free Agent money....SHIT load! Conventional wisdom dictates that Wilson should have never seen the field except for in mop up duty in the preseason. Pete Carroll, who is a friend BTW, had the stone to stick to his "competition" mantra and we now have Wilson.

    This year is like that. We have a worthless incumbent veteran that unless he can find the fountain of Peyton Manning is DONE. We have a 2nd round draft pick who was soooo "good" that 10 or 15 teams that REALLY REALLY needed a QB passed on the guy because he had issues of some type. We have now seen a preseason's worth of playing and neither the incumbent nor the team "savior" have looked any better than the lowly asshole who showed up undrafted and toiled away on the PS last year. In fact...that lowly PS turd has not only looked better than either of the two "wonderful" players but he has looked MUCH better. He has also displayed certain physical tools that the incumbent wished he had and the "savior" wished he had under control.

    Trust me...when Seattle took Wilson it was with backup in mind...allllll the way. Kaepernick not so much. I was personally shocked he fell as far as he did...but, every once in a while a team gets lucky...
  9. BomberJet

    BomberJet Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2002
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    From what I have seen so far among the 3 QB's the Jets have put on the field in preseason, the one that appears to fit the WCO style that the Jets have put into place , is none other than Matt Simms. He's agile, shows elusiveness, makes quick decisions, has a cannon for an arm , has a quick release and most of all is pretty dam accurate.

    You can say what you want about him playing against 2nd/3rd stringers, but those assets that he has shown are pretty impressive.

    Maybe they won't start him or even play him for the whole season (barring some unforeseen injury to another player) but the Jets would be plain out right stupid to let this kid go to another team.
  10. Geno

    Geno Member

    May 11, 2013
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    Prediction: Matt Simms gets cut and becomes the next Tony Romo for a different team.
  11. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Dude...if recent history is any indicator you are correct...and sadly, this would be a VERY New York Jet thing to do...

    Ughhh...I can absolutely see that happening...management not wanting the fans all chatting and crap and freaking their golden boys out at the games...yeah, I could see them keeping Gmac and cutting Simms....or WORSE, putting him back on the PS.

    Mark my words, if Matt Simms gets put on the PS a team like Buffalo will have him starting week 1. Make no mistake about it. If we cut him then obviously.
  12. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I just hurled my dinner in my mouth thinking about what I just said there...I think it's time to stop posting for the night. Ugghhhhh....that would be just LIKE the NY Jets....
  13. brothermoose

    brothermoose Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2006
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    Chris Simms was on his way to being a quality starter when he got his spleen turned inside out. He also had a notable college career. Sadly I think Matt is the lesser of the Simms kids.
  14. Organized Chaos

    Organized Chaos Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2009
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    I only saw the first half of Simms tonight, but people really are parroting the media driven story that Geno Smith isnt ready. If you watch the tape you see Rookie mistakes, but you also see some very good things.

    Simms probably wont end up on the practice squad again. Some other team would sign him. The Jets should just cut Sanchez at this point and keep Smith, Simms and McElroy.
  15. ProfJets

    ProfJets Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2011
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    Simms may just look impressive because of the talent he's up against. But why not start him? Geno Smith is plainly unready, so throwing him to the wolves is the worst thing you can do. So why not give Matt Simms a chance? He'll probably do better than Geno; at the very least he can't do worse. Geno is so unprepared that throwing him to the wolves risks ruining him; so give Simms his shot, because if he sucks, you can bench him much more easily than you could bench Geno.
  16. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    oh come on brad...a game or two will set THIS franchise back? Starting Geno a couple games will give us a good read if he sucks on next year?

    and what if Simms, if given a shot, ends up surprising and being a a good qb..not great..but good.

    And what if Simms ends up being great..has happened you know.

    And what if Simms sucks. Exactly what do you plan on doing with him? Nothing?

    And this nonsense of playing against guys who will be packing their bags. Were those not the same guys that ate up Sanchez? If you had your choice would you rather be throwing to Cumberland, Winslow, Kerley or Hill..or Campbell and the Rogers of the world.

    Would you rather being sitting in the pocket with Smith and that gang or Mangold and his gang.

    It works both ways. I havent seen any other 3rd or 2nd string qbs lighting up the stats the way this kid did.

    I have no idea what the fear is to finding out of this kid sucks..is fair...good..very good..or great. Setting back Geno?
  17. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I like what you said about Smith...and that shouldn't be forgotten. I agree...I see some good things. I also see some mental mistake type things that scare the hell out of me that Simms simply wasn't making. Who knows how the whole PS thing will turn out.

    BTW...if you go back through the threads I said Geno wasn't ready BEFORE the end of the Giants game. I don't bow down nor cow tow to what the media says. Outside one or two guys they are worthless turds and I have more football knowledge in my hair follicle than they do in their entire bodies.
  18. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    i totally agree with mezz..and i see your point DS. I really do not thiink Geno is NFL ready but what rookie is....except for Simms..lol...joke..i think.

    ANYWAY, if the Jets did the right thing your point about who to cut is solid. They would be totally blind to leave Simms exposes whether through cut or P.S. How many teams are desperate at qb that would give this kid a shot...minimum several probably 5 or 6.

    With everything this kid did this preseason, I totally agree he is still a longshot..but one worth looking at this year some how....some way.
  19. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    It doesn't work both ways. If Simms plays with the first team, then he also has to face a first team defense where the level of competition is very high and all 11 of those guys on that opposing defense are there because they are that much better than the rest.

    When you play against 2nd and 3rds the level of competition is not the same and a lot of those guys Simms passed against this preseason will never play In the NFL again.

    Big difference.

    As far as the first game or two, yeah it will set this team back if Rex were to put Simms In the ring of fire. The media and his peers would eat him alive, there is no chance of that happening for fear of setting this team up for failure. Which makes since, this is the NFL, you don't take risks like that, especially after the last two seasons we've had. You just can't do it.

    Rex also can't afford to do it, his job is on the line and that is a sure fire way to get fired. He won't take that risk and I don't blame him.

    Think about it this way, the all mighty Tom Brady would not have gotten his shot if it wasn't for that injury to Bledsoe. The only reason he didn't get that shot is because it would have been to big of a risk at that time for NFL standards. The same thing applies here, unless the two QB's ahead of Simms goes down, he won't sniff that field. It's just the way it works.

    You don't make decisions like that based off of preseason. It is something that happens through a collective evaluation. If preseason was a sure thing Brett Ratliff would be a starter in this league, but he's not because of similar factors.

    I'm not saying Simms won't be anything, but I'm certainly not buying in to him all of a sudden being the best QB on this roster based off of preseason.

    Neither will the coaches.
    #159 IIMeanDeanII, Aug 30, 2013
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2013
  20. IIMeanDeanII

    IIMeanDeanII Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2006
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    Sanchez would not be on the roster right now if it was remotely possible to cut him. It's not possible.

    Cap, it's a bitch.

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