"Official" Start Matt Simms thread

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Joeyd223, Aug 29, 2013.

  1. OverloadBlitz

    OverloadBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    Right on the money brother, the fact that were even 5-5 being last in the league in turnover differential is a miracle, Geno has been a walking turnover and were still in the playoff fight.
  2. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    I don't know what game you were watching, but that was a complete team loss. Who played well? The penalty on the punt when the game was 3-0 was a huge play. Then Milner blew coverage and it was 10-0. The strip sack was Winter's fault. That made it 17-0.

    After the Jets TD made it it 20-7 and a game in the third quarter, the secondary gave the 7 points back in two plays and it was 27-7 and the game as over. I agree Smith was bad, but no worse than the secondary. Where were the receivers? Where was Winslow . The protection by the OL was awful. Folk's FG attempt was horrendous. The pass rush was non existent. Why do people like you only look at the QB?

    To say this is a win now league is absurd. The Jets are so clearly rebuilding and trying to fill holes on a team that many of them, and this team is still greatly flawed. There is a hole at left guard, the receivers are among the worst in the NFL, there is no third down back, the tight ends are pedestrian, there is no pure pass rusher, and the secondary is a liability. The competition for the 6 th spot is a nice bonus, but this team is not winning three playoff games on the road. This team is being built for 2014 and beyond and the most important part of that buils is to determine if Smith is the QB of the future or not. They can't waste an early draft pick just for the hell of it on another QB. Smith needs to play.
  3. OverloadBlitz

    OverloadBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    Let's see, 7 points on a pick six, 2 turnovers on our side of the field set up a 1st and goal at the 3-5 yard line that lead to 2 touchdowns, and another turnover on our side of the field that lead to a field goal. So that's 24 points off turnovers and 4 possessions we lost. So Geno Smith having butter fingers and fumbling is Brian Winters fault. Stop coddling Geno, he has been a nightmare this season and it started from game 1. He has not gotten better but slowly worse since the ATL game.

    His poor play alone has led to about 3 losses, not too bad for a rebuilding team that we still manage to be 5-5.
  4. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Idzik's job is to build a perennial winning team , not to make the playoffs as an 8-8 team in 2013. And the FO doesn't care if Cromartie is not thinking about next year. The way he is playing, he might not be here next year and his crappy play along with the rest of the secondary is as much to blame for the three games the Jets were blown out in on the road than anybody. The Jets are not winning a SB in this day and age with this same old "ground and pound" and a strong defense without finding a top flight QB. The next 6 games are to determine whether Smith can be that guy or not. Otherwise ,the Jets have not advanced any closer to a SB than they were in 2011.

    The musical chair game at QB has to stop at some point. It is far more important to find that QB than to sneak into the playoffs like they did in 1991.
  5. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    He gets better or the Jets draft another QB next year. And the strip sack was not butterfingers. It was a jail break.
  6. OverloadBlitz

    OverloadBlitz Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011
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    Doesn't matter, hold on to the fucking ball, he has 8 fumbles on the season already and he struggled with fumbles in College.
  7. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    I didn't like Geno pick, and I still stand by my initial disposition toward that pick. I still think Jets should have drafted someone else - i.e. quality OL or pass rushing OLB or FS instead of Geno.

    And next draft is pretty deep with QBs. Jets should do really really well to draft one with 1st round pick if not with 2nd.
  8. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    You know how you build a perennial winner? Win. Plain and simple win games, make playoffs, gain playoff experience, get guys excited about plying for a playoff team not a team that hopes to get there.
  9. RIPJimLeonhard

    RIPJimLeonhard Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2012
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    "Geno Smith hasn't thrown a touchdown pass since the first quarter of Week 7. He's only thrown one since Oct. 7."

    Can we please get Simms some reps?
  10. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Holy crap on the bolded part. Holy crap. I mean...Im not only pointing you out but this defense for Geno is quite honestly..the biggest bunch of bullshit I have heard on this site since I first posted here.

    Once a week...once a week this year, it seems a unheralded qb has a game out of his ass and everyone takes it for what its worth..it happens.

    The progression of growth for a young qb starts low and ends higher..and this guy peaked very early in the season and hasnt done squat in a very long time.

    Even the games we won were done with a running game and/or a great defense. This guy is a turnover machine right now. The biggest problem with that is we have now spent 5 straight years babying that position. From Sanchez..play not to lose...to Geno..play not to lose.

    Those saying that this season is to find out if he is the qb or not...look around the league when a Rodgers goes down. Look at the great teams and who their qb is...and how he got there. People like to point out the Manning brothers first few years and yes...they did have some high turnover numbers...but they also made plays that made you think something is there.

    Geno...besides his feet...has not made a play in I dont know how long. He does nothing to show you that maybe he is "it".

    Many of us said from the beginning of this year. Nexts year draft is qb loaded and find out whether you have the future qb on your roster from Geno to the janitor.

    "But Simms played against scrubbs and did incredibly well!" I could care less who he played against..and for the 1000th time, he probably has less than a 25% chance that he would be a very good NFL qb. BUT FIND OUT...IF its all about finding out if Geno is the qb of the future..find out if Simms is too.

    Because Geno was a second round pick? Want a list of 2nd round picks in the qb spot the Jets have made in the past? It aint pretty guys.

    I have a question....for those that defend Geno...does anyone really believe Geno is about to throw up a 3 or 4 td game no turnovers any time soon? Has anyone seen anything from him recently to SEE ANY GROWTH WHATSOEVER?

    Ok...here is another question...if Geno continues to play the rest of the year the way he has played this year...are there any defenders of him that will go on record right now and say you do not want to draft a qb high next year? With that draft class? Will anyone go on record right now and say...no...Geno is the guy next year too? So basically , if the answer is no...you are counting on the next 6 games to make your decision?

    If the answer to that is no...then find out NOW if you have anyone else on the roster that has a 25 percent chance of being a very good qb...because nobody can honestly say Geno has a better than 25 percent chance he will become a great qb.
    And one more thing..lets stop with the bullshit about who he has to throw to. Who the hell did Manuel have to throw to. Most of those 15 incompletionis on Sunday were some of the worst NFL throws I have ever seen.
    #1030 jaywayne12, Nov 19, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2013
  11. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Spot on JayWayne! Spot on...well freakin' said!!!!

    I will throw my hat into that ring right now!!! Can anyone say with the body of work that Geno has shown us that they wouldn't draft one of the studs next year?? Anybody?? Anyone want to throw a $100 on Geno Smith being that 1 in 4? I sure as hell wouldn't...not from what I've seen. Hell Blaine fuckin' Gabbert only had 11 int's and 5 fumbles in 15 games his rookie year...Geno's got that beat by 1/4th and is on pace to essentially DOUBLE it. That is BLAINE fuckin' Gabbert!!!! My god!!

    I just went and did a search...Geno Smith...IF he maintains this pace, is on track to have the statistically worse rookie campaign in the history of the NFL.
    #1031 mezzavo, Nov 19, 2013
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2013
  12. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Yeah, I really would like to see what Simms can do. One more stinker from Geno and hopefully RR pulls the plug.
  13. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    Won't happen.

    Another 3 or 4 seasons down the drain, then Jets will draft another QB prospect with no chance in hell to succeed.
  14. 74

    74 Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2012
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    Lol love how I post an article excerpt a few weeks ago about geno being a bust and I get blasted by everyone on here for even posting it. guess what, he's a frickin bust.
  15. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    Exaggerate much? Let me guess, you were probably adamantly opposed to giving Tebow a chance even though Sanchez was absolutely horrific last year?? I'm curious if you were a big Anti Tebow guy.

    Yet now you're all about giving Simms a chance??? Talk about hypocrisy. Simms is no more of an option now than Tebow was last year. Hell, Tebow on paper was way more qualified to be a starter than Matt Simms will ever be.

    Actually I'll flatten those odds for you. Simms has less than a 1% chance at being a very good NFL QB, let alone a starting QB in the league.

    I'm not sure what the fascination is with Simms on this board but he's not an NFL starting QB. I have absolutely zero problem letting Geno start the rest of the season and he should.

    Furthermore, if you read the rest of my post I said that Geno was NOT the long term answer at QB. However if you're team is 5-5 with a rookie QB starting all 10 games then you better believe he is going to get the last 6 games to see if he can make a playoff run. This season is being played with house money anyway. Noone expected the Jets to be in playoff position at this point in the season.

    And regarding Manuel, it didn't matter who he threw the ball to on Sunday. That's because he was going up against a piss poor secondary in the Jets. Those moon balls that Millner and Cromartie got toasted on were absolutely pathetic. It's not like those were great balls by Manuel. It's because the Jets secondary looked like complete dogshit.
  16. mezzavo

    mezzavo Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Well you weren't getting blasted by me....if you go back to the early parts of this thread I was all over giving Simms a shot. He may not be the "savior" either but in my opinion he would have been and still is a better option than Smith...again...just my opinion.
  17. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Be fair - Geno is on pace to have a miserable season. Sanchez had turnovers his rookie year, but at least he seemed to have a confidence about him and was able to make some plays. Geno isn't even doing that...hasn't since Atlanta.

    People want to complain about Simms getting 4th quarter mop up duty and playing pretty well...how many 1st team reps has he had this season? How many full speed plays has he seen and he still comes in and performs. If nothing else he will at least energize the offense. Right now they look bored and uninterested know that the passing game isn't even on the table. Defenses know it, coaches know it, opposing offenses know if they just play careful Geno will hand the ball to them. Stack the box, limit the run, dare Geno to throw, and it's over.
  18. JetsNation06

    JetsNation06 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    But Sanchez in his 4th year had absolutely regressed and was no better than Geno. Maybe Geno needs a year or two of seasoning as many rookies do. I just don't think you can make a change in the 11th game of the season when you're in the playoffs if the season ended today.

    I definitely want us to draft a QB in April. It's too deep of a QB draft not to take one.

    I'm willing to compromise regarding this season though so here goes...If Geno has another piss poor game next week then I'll be all for giving Simms a shot. I don't think our future franchise QB is currently on the roster anyway, so whatever we do the rest of this season is just an added bonus either way.
  19. cval

    cval Well-Known Member

    Sep 14, 2010
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    You make a change to save Geno from himself. We did not do this with Sanchez and it hurt him don't do not again. I am not saying Simms is the savior I am saying Geno needs time to watch and Simms is the next guy up.

    Geno's pocket presence is so bad right now he needs to sit watch the game from the sideline. Simms at least moves in the pocket and has a bigger arm. What he can't do is run but I have not seen Geno run much lately either.

    Matt should get reps this week give Geno the first quarter and go from there.

    Brunell even got reps when Sanchez was sucking .
  20. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Sanchez regression in year 4 is as much on the Sporano and personnel decisions. They bring in Tebow - awful. They didn't replace Burress. They didn't replace LT so you have no pass catching option out of the backfield. Keller and Holmes went down early. The running game was lousy. Every time Sanchez seemed to make some plays Tebow came running in to kill drives. 2012 was a disaster ... I would have liked to see if Sanchez could build on his 2011 positives but we didn't get to see tha this year.

    Tony Romo, Jake Delhome, Derek Anderson...sometimes you bring in a no name and he can surprise. Simms is an unknown but he hasn't done anything to make you think he can't deliver some positives on the field that Geno just isn't. Of Geno has another useless 30 minutes of football and the team generates nothing you have to look to bench him in the second half this week.

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