I got it from a guy from Broncomania....I'll ask him for ya? No problem! I'll just use the NCAA sig GM made for me! thanks! :beer:
Might not be as big, Soss, but here are a lot of Jets wallpapers you could cut. http://www.newyorkjets.com/fans/wallpapers/
Hey all. Is there anyone that could help me in making a nice avatar and signature? I am a novice at it, but would greatly appreciate any assistance.
Beggers can't be choosers.... An avatar of Monica Bellucci would be ideal and the signatures....maybe something saying BroadwayMike with an image of Broadway Joe
Ok....like I said, I'm a complete idiiot with this stuff....how do I save it? I copied the URL into the Control Panel under edit signature. What did I do wrong. Thanks a million!
I tried it before....Let's see if it works. When I hit preview signature....it shows the URL, but not the actual pic...
I tried it and it did the same thing, then I noticed it was missing .... ] at the end make sure the quote is ended. like this http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b55/ILPhinFan88/joesig.jpg[/IMG[B]][/B] [B]and you are clicking on Insert Image?[/B]
Cool, thanks for your help... What's the trick to an avatar? I saw some image on google images that were cool.