If this is an issue with anyone here you seriously need to get your fucking IQ checked because you might be a RETARD!!
I just saw this on the espn recap... the showed him eating the dog... or trying to discreetly.. and then him at the post conf chat and he's freaking apologizing for eating a hot dog. Is this really an issue? If the kid is hungry, let him eat. Good grief.
If it's not an insult to eat a power bar on the sideline, then why the hell would eating a hot dog be an insult? It isn't like he was flaunting it or trying to pull an "Ocho Cinco"...
exactly, it was nourishment during the game. Maybe a hot dog hit the spot. Others guys eat powerbars, banana's, turkey sandwiches...but oh no....a hot dog!! He's disrespecting the game!! OMG. NON Issue folks...get a life.
Here's a video of Sanchez eating the hot dog. I was laughing. w w w.youtube. c o m/watch?v=EWhBwpshxlY&feature=player_embedded
those hot dogs at the coliseum are disgusting. all pig lips, eyelids and assholes. what a crappy thing to put in your system during a game. don't the jets have a dietician/nutritionist who can get these guys something better to eat at the appropriate time so that they aren't eating crapdogs on the sidelines?
Bet my life on the fact that Douche Bag numero uno...Gary Myers writes about the hotdog eating and rips him for it.