maybe someone can answer this. This only applies to resturants and deli type stores? How about supermarkets that sells 2 litter bottles of soda?
Again, not an either/or situation. Yes acid is bad, but the sugar compounds the situation. From the National Dental Health Directory: "Now let's not forget the fact that sugar itself is converted to acid by the bacteria on the teeth for an additional insult."
Yes... that is why I said, "Not directly." It is the sugar conversion to acid that rots your teeth. It is not the sugar itself. Diet sodas contain less sugar, but typically contain more acid than regular sodas (in part to counteract the difference in taste between sugar and artificial sweeteners). Diet sodas will rot your teeth just as efficiently as regular sodas. Incidentally, so will fruit juices and lemonade.
Of course. This new regulation is the typical lazybrain way of attacking the problem. BAN THE BOTTLES AND CUPS!! Anyone with an ounce of intelligence recognizes this for the empty gesture waste of time it is, which is why it's newsworthy in the first place. People aren't fat because they drink a vat of soda every now and then. People, generally, and kids, especially, are more sedentary and processed foods are squeezing out home-prepared foods with fresh ingredients. There are even deeper causes and issues, in my opinion, but I think those two points are clear enough.
I put the blame on the parents of these overweight kids. When I was a kid, god forbid you missed something that happened in the neighborhood after school, if it was playing a sport, riding bikes always something. NO ONE wanted to stay indoors. I guess this is also a downside of this computer aged generation. Kids would rather play call of duty then stickball.
I think that's it, we didn't have "special diets" as kids. I drank soda with dinner everynight but I was active that it didn't ever catch up to me. Everyday after school we were either at the park playing basketball or football and in the summer when it was too hot we would wait till night and play manhunt in the woods or go swimming during the day. My son wants to play hockey (like all half Chinese kids in the desert do) and I'm game for it because I know how much energy he will burn off skating. You add that with the weight of the equipment and he will burn tons of calories. Why have I gained weight as an adult? Because my work schedule has forced me into bad eating habits but I still choose what I put in my body. My problem is I sit a lot and get bored at work so I snack a lot, salty foods mostly which of course makes me drink and my drink of choice is a Mountain Dew but I don't need some govt asshat to tell me I can't do that. I could choose not to do it on my own but I like it. Honestly if these jokers were serious about our health they would relax some of these ridiculous rules and taxes on farmers who grow organic foods so they can start selling their products at competitive prices with the processed shit but of course mega corporations like Conagra Foods would pull their funding to any political candidate who got behind that.
I think you're on to something here. If Fat people drink vats of Soda and if you want to elliminate large soda's we should ban fat people. Normal sized people drank 12 ounces of sugary sodas for years.
Hockey is one tuff sport, I think I've been play for 15 years now ( i am almost 30) I still play 2 nights a week in mens leagues . no checking of course. You said MANHUNT .. that has to be one of the best games of all time. We had insane rules and boundries. Like 6 blocks long and like 40 kids playing, it was insane. the neigborhood hated it lol.
He's 4 so if he wants to do I'm gonna start him in the fall, they have a learn to skate hockey class here, they provide the helmet and stick and gloves and teach him how to skate hockey style. I just don't know if he needs to do the regular learn to skate class first. Yeah manhunt was awesome, we took it serious too. Where my father lived there was about 2 square miles of woods in his neighborhood so we would bust out the camos and play at night. There would be about 20 of us and we would climb trees, dig ditches, one kid had one of those mesh camo tents that he would ste up in the bushes. It was intense and we would play from the time the sun went down till it came back up. There was a little stream that would dry up in the summer but to make the neighborhood look nice they built one of these wooden bridges over it and that served as home base. Man I miss those days, hard to imagine it was 15 - 16 summers ago.
But artificial sugars have been linked to cancer, and other health problems... So what do you prefer? Bad teeth and a fat body, or good teeth and cancer? Its definitely best to just stick with water, preferably non fluoridated water. Ingestion of chemicals is not a good thing, and I won't put my health on the line simply to increase the longevity of my teeth. Soda is crap, if any regulations are made, it should be to the soda companies to make a natural, healthier product.
My friends and I all ate like shit growing up. Somehow fat kids were far and few between. Did we exercise more? Sure. But the true tipping point was when they started replacing sugar with HFCS. The first HFCS generation was significantly fatter.
This entire discussion says one thing. People are very confused about the proper role of government and what freedom is. The founding Fathers are blowing people's heads off over a tax on their breakfast beverage. We need to get back there.
You don't think the founding fathers saw a time when millions of New Yorkers were going to be stopped and frisked to prevent them from drinking large sugary drinks? Profiling is going to change from young black and latino males to fat white people. I say it's about freaking time.
We have a new generation of increasingly obese people whose exercise regime consists of sitting in front of PCs playing video games drinking Cokes tallying nearly 200 calories per 12 oz Sent from my SGH-T679 using Tapatalk 2