Congrats Rangers fans! I'm batting 1.000 with my Jets Sunday and Caps tonight. Especially since both have great defenses but both played completely terrible.
What the hell was wrong with Holtby? The Rangers has TWO shots on goal in the second period - BOTH WERE GOALS!!!!
Puck lived in the Rangers zone that period Hack....Mcilrath played tough and well, hopefully that will keep Boil on the bench
I was telling a friend that Holtby played 21 periods against the Rangers in the playoffs and none were worse than any single period last night. Haha. He was just off. The Defense was off too though. Overall poor performance. I wouldn't say that. The Rangers outplayed the Caps, no doubt. The score was 5-2, but almost 6-2 with that last second goal in the 2nd. Bad night. Holtby was definitely not on, but that is life.
I thought we had about 20 minutes of zone time, the only thing was the Caps were kept away from the front of the net... Derek Stepan – In a 5-2 win over Washington, the Rangers centre didn’t register a shot attempt in 16:40 of ice time and was pinned in his end (4 for, 23 against ) at even strength.
My only point is that everyone is quick to criticize Nash (and justifiably so), but for some reason, Stepan always gets a pass.
Here's some optimism Tommy and Hack... Pat Leonard @PLeonardNYDN 58m58 minutes ago Nash & Kreider: 2 goals total. #NYR record: 8-2-2. A bad sign for the Rangers? Or a bad sign for rest of #NHL?
I'm not worried about Steps, Nash, or Kreider. I am worried about Dan dead weight Boyle. If nobody is going to take him and he won't authorize a trade, it's time to cut him (just like the Knicks with Calderón - take them both behind the barn and get it over with already)
And just to show how fair I can be: Derek Brassard is playing the best hockey I have ever seen him play.
Rangers Report @rangersreport 16m16 minutes ago reports from practice in Denver: Miller on a line with Stepan, Kreider, in Fast's spot.
This is when AV pisses me off: Rangers Report @rangersreport 15m15 minutes ago also, from reports, it appears Boyle is going back in, Mclrath out. Chad Legge @blueshirtfan77 14m14 minutes ago @rangersreport of course he is, not enough turn overs last game...
New York Rangers@NYRangers 13m13 minutes ago AV says Rick Nash twisted his back during shooting drill and is day to day moving forward for the #NYR
Boyle over McIlrath isn't nearly as bad as Girardi being back on 1st pair and Yandle down on 3rd pair. AV's the best coach we've had in decades in many ways but fuck, some of his day-to-day lineup decisions make me long for Trottier.