lol @ the oilers board before the game yesterday: "Just like last Sunday the situation of the game is in our favour. Rangers played and won last night. We had the day off. This might be a harder one than usual to lose." "Who ****ing cares." "Nobody in the Oilers organization, thats for sure. All my vchedda on the Rangers." "Yep. I've got my 947 vcash on the Rangers." "I predict the Oilers have a bad 1st-2nd and start playing desperate in the 3rd period but come up short.. Bold, I know." "Was offered tickets to this game a few days ago. Turned them down obviously. Looked at that bottom pairing and lmfao. Not sure if I'm happier for turning down the tix, or disappointed because I'll be missing live comedy." "Gotta keep pace with the Canes. 5-1 Rangers." "No chance the Oilers win." "damn should have checked stubhub earlier. 10 bucks a ticket lol"
New York Rangers@NYRangers ยท 11 hrs11 hours ago Last time #NYR began a season with at least 7 shutouts in their 1st 28 games was when they had 7 to begin the 1937-38 season
Yeah hope he keeps up in the playoffs, with odds Islanders are up in round one but it's a long time away Should be noted that Brass picked the perfect stretch to get bumpy (EDM-CGY-CAR-CAR)
So many teams better then the Rangers right now even with this streak. I want this team to win a Stanley Cup desperately.