Malkinstein better skate with his head up next time they play, because DG is going to decapitate it for was an obvious charge....too bad Staal beat Kreider to Malkin
Another Cindy, the crybaby spun tail...the bitch cried and belly-ached the whole game and the stupid fuckin refs let him do It
The right move was to throw Cindy out of the game, but the ref obviously would have been fired by Gary so he couldn't And another thing, did anyone else notice the suspicious boards behind the net at Consol?? Penguins kept slapping the puck back there and getting a centering bounce every time. Maybe I'm crazy but I haven't seen that in any other arena
I agree. The play was obvious frustration by Malkin. Him and Crosby have been shut down by Girardi over the years. No team has defended those two as well as the Rangers.
It really is too bad that the face of the NHL is Crosby. Great player, but he cries to the refs more than any star athlete I think I've ever seen.
I don't know how you can call yourself a Rangers fan if you cheer for Callahan tonight. I really don't.
Pat Leonard@PLeonardNYDN ยท 2h 2 hours ago At Garden: The Duke is taking line rushes on 3rd line w Hagelin and Hayes. Stempniak on 4th line RW w Glass & Moore. Fast skating w D
I am ALL FOR athletes earning as much money as they possibly can. But, this is a guy who went on the Joe and Evan show and said "My first priority is to remain a New York Ranger." Well, guess what, Ryan: When you turn down 6 years at 36M, don't insult my intelligence and tell me that your FIRST priority was to remain a Ranger. Nevermind Mark Messier, this guy wasn't half the captain Kelly Kisio was!
Your exaggerating but its your opinion, my opinion he is my alltime favorite Ranger, I'll cheer for him
What is the best way to get in to watching hockey on TV? I love watching it live, but on TV it blows.