NY Rangers 2011-2016 Season + Offseason Thread

Discussion in 'Ice Hockey Forum' started by FrankTheTank, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. AllHackettsSuck

    AllHackettsSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    I have been a fan of the Rangers since '86, going back to a rookie goaltender named John Vanbeisbrouk. That being said, with the exceptiong of the Devils & Canucks series in '94, this is the greatest individual series win I have ever seen.
  2. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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  3. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    This is one of the most positive days in Ranger history but you have to bring your bullshit in here with Richter and Cally
  4. AllHackettsSuck

    AllHackettsSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Or at least his agent's fault?
  5. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Just be happy we won, I almost had a heart attack last night
  6. AllHackettsSuck

    AllHackettsSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    I think 8 OT's tonight would be a good thing, do you?
  7. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    what a glorious morning!! there has never been such a morning I tell you!!
    I have a similar feeling as I did when the Yankees got that Angel monkey off their backs in '09.
    Penguin monkey be gone! Flightless Antarctic Waterfowl be damned!!
  8. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    where is everyone today, hungover or what?

    expected a lot more chatter here today, huge day
  9. AllHackettsSuck

    AllHackettsSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    The Hockey News' Ken Campbell is getting ROASTED on Twitter for writing this article AFTER GAME FOUR. \\

    Season’s over for Rangers, now it’s time to look to the future


    Well, the New York Rangers have allowed the star players of the Pittsburgh Penguins to finally find their way in this series. But the reality is that players such as Sidney Crosby and Evgeni Malkin andMarc-Andre Fleury don’t even have to be that good. That’s because the bottom six forwards for the Penguins are outplaying the top six of the Rangers.

    And as long as Crosby can keep absorbing the hits to the head from Marc Staal and his merry band of headhunters, the Penguins have basically punched their ticket to the Eastern Conference final. Any team that is down 3-1 to a group as talented and explosive as the Penguins is always in serious trouble. A team down 3-1 whose best player is Mats Zuccarello is basically finished.

    Nothing against Zuccarello, but if he’s the best player for the Rangers, and he is, it means their highly-paid stars are not doing the job, which they’re not. Full marks to the Penguins for getting the job done, but this is a mediocre team they’re playing at the moment, one that would get ripped to shreds if it had to play in the Western Conference. Perhaps they’ll point to the fatigue factor – and if they’re still tired they should immediately fire their strength and conditioning coach – but this was a Ranger team that played with no urgency, no ability to handle the puck and no pushback. And that’s on the stars of this team, from Henrik Lundqvist out.

    All in all, Game 4 was a pathetic effort from a team that fancies itself a contender in the Eastern Conference. But here’s the thing. The Rangers simply aren’t that good. They have a long way to go before becoming anything approximating a legitimate threat to win the Stanley Cup, or even come close. It’s probably safe to assume now that the first-round series between the Rangers and Philadelphia Flyers pitted the two worst teams in this year’s playoffs against one another.

    And part of the problem for the Rangers is they remain their own worst enemy. Perhaps it would be different if the Rangers weren’t such a desired destination for players. Then it might not be tempted to try to grab every fading star player just because he happens to be available.

    Think about it. Brad Richards came to the Rangers in 2011 on a nine-year deal. Other teams made more lucrative pitches to Richards, but he essentially had his heart set on playing for the Rangers. The moment Rick Nash waived his no trade clause with the Columbus Blue Jackets in 2013, it was basically assumed that the Rangers were going to get him. And when Martin St-Louis sulked his way out of Tampa Bay prior to the trade deadline, it was to go to one team and one team only – the Rangers.
    ful playoff for the Rangers, is now getting booed every time he touches the puck. In his own building. Nash has actually been contributing in his own end of the ice, but so does Anze Kopitar and it doesn’t stop him from creating offense. Since the 2006 Olympics, Nash has played a combined 45 Olympic and NHL playoff games and has four goals. Richards has scored some and had a pretty good first season in New York in both the regular season and the playoffs, but seems to be on the decline and is the point man on a power play that hasn’t scored in its past 38 opportunities. And St-Louis? Three goals in 30 regular season and playoff games since coming to the Rangers.

    Which brings us to the future of this team. Yes, it’s time to start looking to the future. The Rangers have $54.9 million committed to salaries for next season. They have only four regular defensemen –Ryan McDonagh, Staal, Dan Girardi and Kevin Klein – signed for next season. Up front, Derick Brassardand Chris Kreider are restricted free agents.

    So, the question must be asked. On which of Nash or Richards should the Rangers use their remaining compliance buyout? Knowing them, probably not either, but it would rid the Rangers of one onerous contract. If it were Richards, the Rangers would be forced to pay $18 million in real money since $33 million of his $60 million deal has already been paid out, but would have a cap savings of $6.7 million for the next six seasons. If they were to buy out Nash, it would cost them $21.3 million in real dollars and would save them $7.8 million against the cap for each of the next four seasons.

    In our annual Future Watch issue, THN ranked the Rangers dead-last in terms of its group of prospects. Which means the Rangers are far closer to a tear-down than they are a Stanley Cup championship. Perhaps it’s time to begin that process now.

    Each of those acquisitions has been nothing short of a disaster so far. Nash, who had a dreadful game and an equally dread
  10. AllHackettsSuck

    AllHackettsSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Here is his "Reply" this morning...


    All right then, let’s get a few things out of the way right off the top. Your trusty correspondent was dead wrong when he wrote off the New York Rangers after Game 4 of their series against the Pittsburgh Penguins. It was obviously wrong to assume that the Rangers were, “basically finished,” after they fell into a 3-1 hole to the Penguins. Lesson learned.

    Let’s also make it clear that I have no intention of apologizing for making a bold prediction and being wrong. First of all, I can’t imagine the New York Rangers even know or care what I wrote about them. No, there will not be an apology to the entire New York Rangers organization that so many people demanded on Twitter Tuesday night. There will be no apology for me thinking that, despite their success, the Rangers are a middle-of-the-road team that would get ripped to shreds if it played in the Western Conference. There will be no apology from The Hockey News for ranking its group of prospects dead last in our annual Future Watch edition.

    Here’s how it works. Among my duties here at THN is to make predictions and express my opinions. Among those opinions after Game 4 was the following: “The Rangers are far closer to a tear-down than they are a Stanley Cup championship.” The next three games proved the Rangers are indeed onto something here so I’ll take a mea culpa on that one. But remember, the Rangers are only halfway through the playoffs. It’s not as though they’re on the cusp of winning the Stanley Cup either. A memorable playoff run is not going to make the Rick Nash dilemma go away for the Rangers, just as a Penguins victory in Game 7 would not have masked the very real depth deficiencies and roster holes they’ll have to address.

    But an apology? Come on. For expressing an opinion? Don’t think so. It would be interesting to see how many of those who crucified yours truly on social media were secretly writing the Rangers off themselves after Game 4.

    We all love the passion of hockey fans. It’s part of the reason we’re in business and why I have a job. And when readers discover I’ve made a mistake or disagree with something I have to say, they have every right to call me out and make me accountable. But to form a social media lynch mob that has nothing better to do than personally attack someone with whom they don’t agree?

    Here’s a sampling of what some of the keyboard warriors had to say on social media after Game 7 (as they appeared):

    From Mike: “And don’t forget to p—s on douchebag of the year @THNKenCampbell for his amazing article.”

    From Corey: “@THNKenCampbell quit writhing your awful articles loser. You clearly suck at it.”

    From Mark Peldunas: “@THNKenCampbell still think the Rangers are mediocre you idiot? Still think they should break up the team? Shove it!”

    From heavyD: “Ken burns himself with lit cigarettes while touching himself look at pictures of Malkin…at his O face probably looks like crosbys whining to the refs face.” (If anyone can make any sense of this one, please let us know.)

    From Doctor Arik Soong: “He was such an ass while writing this that he shouldn’t resurface till next year…for his own sake.”

    From YOT: “Ken Campbell, You’re a tool of the highest order. Great insight you asshat!”

    From Des Po: “My cat is refusing to use his litter box because I lined it with this article. Great job jerk.”

    And this beauty from Chris Tullo: “The entire hockey community is laughing at you Campbell..you biased happy-haired douchebag. suck it.

    And that did not include all the comments that we couldn’t run because they were simply too profane.

    To be fair, there were a lot of really good ones, too. I particularly appreciated the ones that included a “Dewey defeats Truman” reference. As I’ve always said, you want to have reasonable debate, I’ve got all the time in the world for you. It’s the personal attacks that are so repugnant.

    So for all those who asked, I will not be changing professions anytime soon and, unless something is going on that I don’t know about, The Hockey News will not be buying me out. So I will continue to make predictions and, gasp, some of them will be wrong. And just so you know, my prediction for the Eastern Conference final is that either Boston or Montreal, whichever team wins Game 7 tonight, will defeat the Rangers in six games in the Eastern Conference final.
  11. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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  12. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Tommy was at the game!

  13. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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  14. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Reading that article and have heard this reference from Penguin fans many times this series but am I on drugs here? What is this bullshit about the Rangers Staal and Girardi being hitmen against Crosby. Have I missed something here? In this day and age of 34 cameras at every game, have I missed some hits here?

    Is this guy and all the people bitching...am I missing something? Hacketsux..and many of the old time hockey fans like myself..do you guys remember the days teams would target great players? When every great line had an enforcer...I mean AN ENFORCER to protect the star??????

    I know hockey has pussied its way to where it is today..and some of it very good...but are these guys kidding me with the bullshit that Crosby was targeted? Does the guy have a scar? A scratch? Dorscett drew more penalities then he did. How do writers and fans get away with this bullshit.

    It has been discussed in this thread to death that the problem the Rangers have had for some parts of the season is that they are probably the nicest group of hockey players ever to be on the same team. Even a guy like Carcillo? spelling..has played like a nun on this team.

    Did anyone see Crosby on the ice struggling to get up one time this series from a hit? If anything, I think he was babied way too much by the Rangers. Go youtube Marty McSorely on a line with Wayne Gretzky. Go youtbue Clark Gilles on a line with Mike Bossy. The list goes on and on with superstars needing protection...but Crosby was being "headhunted" by the Rangers? Has this guys Vagina given birth to anyone this year?

    Crosbys biggest problem is that he is coddled and babied in this league. He gets writers and fans to defend his huge vagina. The reason he sucked so bad is because he sucked so bad. He had plenty of room to play this series...too much if you asked any real hockey fan.

    This Ranger team..and it might end up being the thing that does them in this year eventually..is the nicest group of hockey players I have ever seen on one team. They create no dirty plays..none. They incite no one..and only react to plays by other teams.

    I would never call the Penguins a dirty team...groin shots and all. The Penguins are the without a doubt the biggest bunch of whiners and complainers with all that talent, I have ever seen. This Penguin team wouldn't last 1 game back in the 70s,80s or 90s. They would be exposed for what they really are...12 forwards...6 defensemen and a goalie...and of the 19 people suited up...3 or 4 could be legally women.
  15. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    and the announcers did a real shitty job of breaking down this play. The key to this play was a MAGNIFECENT JOB by Dorscett in preventing an offside. That was amazing...really amazing job by him squeezing that puck over the line to prevent an off sides and then making the play after that.

    Moore..great pass...Boyle...excellent 5 shot....but Dorscett should have been lauded by the announcers on a fantastic play all around.
  16. AllHackettsSuck

    AllHackettsSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    Do I ever. This still gives me chills:

  17. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Bingo...that's what you call going after a guy. Nice find.

    The amazing this is that guys like Brown..way back..would play on the first line with their key players just to protect them. Some of these guys, like Gilles, would score 15 to 20 goals. Now Gilles wasn't an animal..and was probably one of the best fighters ever...but guys that scored little goals played on number 1 lines just to protect their number 1 guys.

    This talk of Staal being a head hunter? Its comical. With all the shit the writer wrote above, that is the most comical thing he wrote. The other things back then actually made sense...but calling Staal? a head hunter? That's just horrible journalism...horrible...I would fire the guy just for that alone.
  18. AllHackettsSuck

    AllHackettsSuck Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2003
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    The Staal family, much like the Sutters, are one of the most respected names in hockey worldwide. It's an absolute joke to suggest Marc is a headhunter
  19. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Anyone read the Ken Campell tweets?

    From Mike: “And don’t forget to p—s on douchebag of the year @THNKenCampbell for his amazing article.”
    From Corey: “@THNKenCampbell quit writhing your awful articles loser. You clearly suck at it.”
    From Mark Peldunas: “@THNKenCampbell still think the Rangers are mediocre you idiot? Still think they should break up the team? Shove it!”
    From heavyD: “Ken burns himself with lit cigarettes while touching himself look at pictures of Malkin…at his O face probably looks like crosbys whining to the refs face.” (If anyone can make any sense of this one, please let us know.)
    From Doctor Arik Soong: “He was such an ass while writing this that he shouldn’t resurface till next year…for his own sake.”
    From YOT: “Ken Campbell, You’re a tool of the highest order. Great insight you asshat!”
    From Des Po: “My cat is refusing to use his litter box because I lined it with this article. Great job jerk.”
    And this beauty from Chris Tullo: “The entire hockey community is laughing at you Campbell..you biased happy-haired douchebag. suck it.
  20. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Ken Campbell is clearly embarrassed for writing such a over the top excuse of a article on why the Rangers need to break the team up. Yes they looked done, but they dont need to go through a full upheaval

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