NY Rangers 2011-2016 Season + Offseason Thread

Discussion in 'Ice Hockey Forum' started by FrankTheTank, Oct 7, 2011.

  1. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I don't knock him for it, he's trying to motivate his team. But you look like a fool if it backfires and you don't deliverer, I remember after Messier guaranteed victory, Patrick Ewing did the same and Knicks got crushed.
  2. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Pretty weak in the 4th game of the 1st round, Mess was an elimination game in the semis
  3. eyedea

    eyedea Active Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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  4. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    Giroux never said the word guarantee, it doesn't matter anyway, rangers have wrestled home ice back, that was a huge win in game 3.
    Poeman likes this.
  5. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Dat avatar...
  6. TommyJ

    TommyJ Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2010
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    it is a doozy ain't it poe?
  7. The Waterboy

    The Waterboy Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    You don't have to say the word guarantee to make a guarantee

    I just find it funny coming from someone with all of 2 assists and 2 shots on goal
  8. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    Mason was on top of his game...He stole one for them in Philadelphia.

    We have issues on our powerplay...


    We need THAT NASH
  9. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    What really REALLY PISSES THE HELL OUT OF ME...is you are correct. Where was the Nash that everyone wanted to blow when he got fired up against his former team. I mean..its there right? Its getting really annoying that a guy cant put out an aggressive effort in the playoffs...you want to take off 82 games? Fine...but at least put it all out there in the playoffs..and that reason alone, if we had a taker...I would rid myself of him for anything.
  10. Sanchize0829

    Sanchize0829 Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2010
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    Hank fell asleep on the first goal. When is he going to have a dominant playoff performance? I'm waiting for it because all I've see from him is a few average games and one bad game in the first four games.

    Mason won the game for the Flyers tonight and Emery won them the game in game 2. When is Hank going to win the Rangers a game?

    McDonagh's been awful in this series. He's been the Rangers worst player so far. He's probably playing hurt, but AV needs to start limiting his minutes if he's going to be playing like this every game. Good thing Girardi elevates his game in the playoffs otherwise the Giroux line would be dominating.
  11. Sanchize0829

    Sanchize0829 Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2010
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    I'm worried about game 5. No team has won back to back games so far in this series. Its bound to happen. I'd like to see Hank post a shutout. When was the last one of those that he had? I can't remember a game this season where the Rangers were badly outplayed and Lundqvist won the game for the Rangers by himself. Emery did it in game two and Mason did it in game four for the Flyers. Its time for Lundqvist to have a game like that.
  12. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    The bolded part. Listen...the guy is a great goalie. Like Patrick Ewing, when he is gone we will know what we had...so the guys defending...stop the nonsense. Nobody is saying he is even just good.

    He needs to win a game here..he needs to stand on his head...he is a world class goalie right? Nobody is coming on here everyday picking on the guy so lets stop the bleeding heart nonsense. I remember when MDZ was here, it would be a constant barrage..rightfully so. Nobody is coming on here and saying Hank is not great. All Im saying is he needs to prove he is one of the top 3 goalies in the NHL or the best if you listen to many around here...act the part.

    Win the f in game. Carry the team. Are the Rangers a great team he has in front of him? No...but the Flyers suck...and this game should have been 1-1 going to overtime if you give Mason no credit at all for that first period.

    Just win the goddamn game.
  13. Sanchize0829

    Sanchize0829 Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2010
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    I've never been the biggest fan of him. I root for him to play well because he's on the Rangers, but I've always thought that he was overrated. The defensive system the Rangers had with Torts is perfect for a goalie. Hank never saw that many shots, and he got all the credit because he was posting shutouts and looking perfect because he never was under a lot of pressure from other teams. Its the same situation Brodeur was in with NJ and its the same situation that Rask is in with Boston. When you play in a defensive system like what with that much defensive talent, a goalie is going to be made to look better than he is. Lundqvist has always been good. I think he's been a top five goalie in the league for a long time, but he's looked ordinary in the playoffs for his whole career. His regular season and postseason stats are very similar. He's a well above average goalie, but he's not the best. I don't think he even deserves that consideration until he wins a cup. Playing in NY has done wonders for his perception.

    The contract that he got is absurd. Sather's decision to give Lundqvist that contract shows why the Rangers need to relieve Sather of his duties and turn over the job to Gorton. Sather knows that he's only going to be around for a few more years, so by the time Lundqvist is getting into his mid 30's being paid that much money, Sather won't be running the team anymore. Why would he care how much Lundqivst will be paid in five years? It won't be his mess to clean up. It also won't be his mess to clean up giving up two potential first round picks for a 38 year old. Sather doesn't care that he gave up a first round pick in the 2015 draft, which is looking like the best draft ever 14 months out. The Rangers are a few injuries next season from being in the draft lottery in 2015. Why would Sather care? By the time McDavid and Eichel are a few seasons into their NHL careers, Sather won't be running the Rangers anymore. He'll probably keep Richards past this season, which would put the team in cap hell. In two or three years when that contract looks like one of the worst in recent memory, it won't be his mess to clean up. Sather is mortgaging the team's future for a chance to win the cup in the next few years. The Rangers have so much talent, and I wouldn't put it past this team to win a cup in the next few years, but the team is still a #1 center away from being a cup favorite. The Rangers haven't had a top five pick in the draft in what will be 15 years when the next draft comes around. In five years or so, I think the Rangers are headed for a few years drafting in the top five.
  14. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I wouldnt go that far but you did...and I respect your opinion. You look at teams like the Penguins...most years the Flyers..teams with talent but not enough at goaltending and you realize even having a really good goaltender (seems like you dont think Hank is even that) is hard to get year in and year out. I think Hank is definitely good enough to win a cup. I dont think the Rangers have as much talent as you say..not even close...but they do have several key pieces especially on defense.

    While Torts system was a more accountable defense system, where I really disagree is that Hank had it easier back then. I think he has it easier now. He was a punching bag the last year Torts was here. He has had a much easier year this year even with the Rangers blocking less shot..thats what annoys me about him in the playoffs so far. He really hasnt been pushed and still has yet to have THAT game to carry the team.

    Hopefully its coming on Sunday..it better...or we will not make it out of the first round.

    While those that defend him will say he has had no great team around him in previous years and carried them in the playoffs....I just dont see it that way either.

    Would I want the Rangers to have a different goaltender? HATERS...READ....NO...but I want Hank to be the goaltender many believe he is/could be..and he has to at least carry the team 2 games every series to have a chance...especially this roster.

    I hear what you are saying...I just think he is not as great in the playoffs as many tend to want to believe...but is better then you give him credit for...and I just dont buy this roster as being great in talent...not compared to 7 or 8 other teams in the playoffs.
  15. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Made Mason look like Patrick Roy, too many shots in the Flyers crest on his jersey...our PP is our achilles heel again, we would have won if our PP wasn't dreadful...as for Hank, I thought he should have stopped both goals...let's not forget these are still the Rangers, still capable of beating them 6-0, or losing 2-1 on any given night...work on the PP today it will win the game tommorrow
    jaywayne12 likes this.
  16. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    When you think of the football Chargers back in the day you think about passing...the Rams...passing...west coast offense in the NBA..run and gun. Seems like all teams have a part of them that sticks for decades whether they try to change or not.

    With the Rangers..its about a performance like last night followed up by a performance we will see Sunday. How a team can look like world beaters..passing the puck like the Oilers of the past..and then look like that last night is more then just Flyer adjustments. That has always been the Rangers for the most part in the playoffs the past decade.

    No consistency...no balance..yet still capable to dominate even very good teams. I would expect a really good dominating performance Sunday...and hopefully Hank will finally have one of those games that justifies all the accolades...he is due. Now if he doesnt, it doesnt make a difference because this team will not get past the next opponent if he does not start playing like the world class goalie he has shown to be at times. This play of his will only perhaps..maybe...get this team past a team like the Flyers.

    For the record he hasnt sucked...he even has not been bad..he has been average..and that will not cut it with this roster.

    As far as the shots on net for the Rangers...it has become a meaningless statistic this year..unusable. It means nothing. Just take Nash for example who had over 10 shots on goal his first 2 games..and nobody could point to more then 1 or 2 that had any chance at all.
  17. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Call me crazy, Jay, but Stu Bickel skates the 1st shift tommorrow on Dom Moore's line opposite that asshole Simmonds and beats the shit out of him, the Garden will go crazy and It sets the tone, Dorsett is useless
  18. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Not crazy at all MR..not at all.

    Dorsett has been useless..even with the emotional part of the game. If he doesnt bring that what the hell could he bring. Sather really screwed up this year not adding a 5 to 10 goal guy that is big and bring the power...I have no idea how you cant pull something like that at all.

    I agree with you bud...that would be incredible.
    matt robinson 17 likes this.
  19. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    One more thing about Nash...if the CBJ's had not gone after him and he react the way he did, quietly I would just take this series out and say well Nash struggles big time in playoff hockey.

    But he did react...screw the fighting major he had..dont even need that..he played AS A MARKED MAN..like a guy his size and strength should play in the playoffs.

    But its not there..nothing..and that is something as a GM I would never forget. I would do everything I could to rid myself of him....unless he comes out Sunday and dominates which after seeing what he did that night in Columbus..he showed he can play with a bit of an edge..and cant bring it for the playoffs? Its screams of being selfish..me first.

    Guys his size make me think of the that 6 foot 8 inch 250 pound pitcher with the goatee and the nasty 75 mph fastball.
  20. matt robinson 17

    matt robinson 17 Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Jay, he's embarassingly soft, he should be the best player on the ice but exhibits no heart, that line is irrelevent

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