At the beginning of the season Boston, AINEC. Now the Bruins look exhausted, last night's heroics notwithstanding, and I have no idea which Bruins side is going to come out. There's no way the Rangers will be as physical as the Leafs, but it will be interesting to see how much that series took out of Boston.
Got to give a ton of credit to the 3rd line, Pyatt, Dorsett and Boyle were outstanding, Brass is amazing, Coyotes fans on hf boards said wait till you see Taylor Pyatt in the playoffs, Ovie summed it up best when he said Henrik is the best goaltender in the team effort, probably the best game they played all year...what a perfect time for Hank to peak...:beer:
Did you change it to delpozo, so it wouldn't be delzaster? How about Asham and Kreids flattening everybody in sight...
An All-World like #30 talent can hide the the Richard's of the world. Even Garth Snow took a team to the playoffs.
Brass 20 pts in 20 games, funny he reminds me of Adam Oates with his vision and prescision passing, very impressive
still in shock and a little late to the party here. 5-0?? WTF, i didn't know how to behave toward the end of the game, a comfortable lead? I was waiting for the building to start collapsing. It'll be interesting to see how or if momentum carries from one series to another for both teams, one with an incredible comeback, and our blue shirts with their best game of the playoffs & season overall thus far from goalie on out. Hank did what we all knew he had to do in order to win the series..... oh and on the Asham goal last night (sorry if someone already mentioned it)...the Kreider conundrum in a nutshell, a bone head defensive play that almost cost us a goal, then a great rush down the ice and nice assist to score......proving that we all have a point on this debate ; ) another toss up series coming.