Andrew Gross @AGrossRecord #NYR D Ryan McDonagh on Marc Staal: "He’s getting better fast, which is a good sign."
I did. Ranger jersey and WC hat. Let's just say that there were some "fun" interactions at that game. Nothing really physical but I can shit talk with the best of them and I know my hockey pretty top to bottom so most of these guys didn't know what hit 'em. The best part was the fact that it was so cool to be there and be a part of the whole thing that I was totally to terms with losing when they went down 2-0. I just wanted to enjoy the whole thing. Then Mike Rupp nets two (!) goals and you know the rest.
Dirty they look like the 2 idiots who hated the Sanchez drafting...(who turned out to be right by the way)
c'mon Carolina! you know it's a dicey situation when you're relying on the hurricanes to do you a big favor by beating the jets in regulation tonight. wish the boys didn't have to hope for other teams to lose but it is what it is. rangers- PLEASE do not take the Panthers lightly tonight. No tank jobs. Get it together.
Fuck this shit. I'm not watching any more games this year. Every time I watch, the Rangers lose. Every time I miss a game, the Rangers win.
Moore was a great grab. As I said before, if MDZ is too expensive going forward Moore could be a viable replacement for a better price. Love how he beat the shit outta that guy hahahah
the jets won't go away. headache central tonight in buffalo. two points are the only option tonight. nothing less. 1 point is 1 point, but two is making the game in hand really count.