I'm curious what you guys think. When all is said and done, where will Hank rank in the best goalies of all-time? The man is consistently one of the greatest goalies in the world. He's always good enough to give the Rangers a chance to win. It's unbelievable how reliable he's been throughout his career. Obviously Roy and Uncle Daddy are probably a bit above the rest, but could you see Hank thrown in there with Hasek and Belfour? I can, especially if he wins the Cup. Career numbers not counting this season: 2.27 GAA .920 sv %
the "Booze Hag" aka-"the biscuit burying beast from sweden" has risen from the dead. acknowledge!! haa haaaa! i was en fuego when the leafs tied it up. my neighbors had to leave and go out for dinner, they couldn't take it anymore.
When all said and done, I think we're watching the best all-time Ranger goaltender. Goaltenders to me are a lot like quarterbacks, often judged on what they've won. If he can ever capture the Cup, then he'll be held a lot higher in regards to all-time greats.
Fair. But there's a lot of people that would consider the Rangers to be a pretty loaded team even in years past.
the wings of 2007-2009 were on another planet. the rangers have had nothing remotely like that they were as dangerous killing off a penalty as they were at full strength, and their power play was tyrannical. every pass was tape to tape. one of the best teams i have ever seen, even though they did not win it all every year.
I knew I'd get crucified for that. I'm talking in terms of many smaller markets. The Rangers are always right up against the cap, frequently have a top flight scorer. Most teams in the league wouldn't be feeling sympathetic for that.
Micheletti let slip a few times about how Boyle was fighting something and couldn't sleep, everyone speculating injury but.... Brian Boyle @BriBrows22 Great win last night! Sleeping better now. Had allergic reaction last week. Thanks for the concern, though!
Just looking at the standings this morning, there's good potential for some great first round match ups in the East. I think the schedule lends itself for the Rangers to finish in the 6th spot, while the Isles and Sens have a bit of a rough schedule from here out. So some likely match ups are: Pitt - Isles (Out of all the teams in the east, I think the Isles might play them toughest) Montreal - Ottawa (Maybe the most lackluster match up, but still pretty great) Caps - Rangers (So many recent playoff series) Boston - Toronto (Original six, monster rivalry) Even some of the other possibilities are good games. But those are my guesses.
No ideal matchup for us Caps are playing their best hockey now too, Bruins slacking the most right now...
Lets just make the playoffs. We got a hot goalie, we need to put together a bunch of wins ... go hot into the post season. It starts with the Islanders tomorrow.
i love that the islanders are a rival that matters again now. makes things interesting. it's really all going to come down to henrik as it always has. if the boys breakout and start scoring even just a little bit more, they have a decent shot to make some noise again using the aforementioned henrik as the key.
Jesus, I thought Saturday's tickets were outrageous when I looked last week and they were up to $80 for the cheapest nosebleed seat. Up to $170 on stubhub today. Good Lord.