I don't know....maybe everybody flapping their gums 24/7......un-named sources leaking shit every day...Bart Scott trying to lead a mutiny against the press.........teammates throwing other teammates under the bus (Tebow). The list goes on and on..........
I don't think a coach can control players though, at least in terms of attitude. I think it is up to the players to control themselves and each other. A coach can do damage control, and even put players in fear of their careers, but he can't fine tune their behavior. Not in an era where twitter and facebook and the internet are just a click away. Not when the media business is going up in flames and everybody is scrambling to sell. I was on the "Rex has lost control" bandwagon at one point also but I think that was staring at a tree trunk and not seeing the forest at all. Players have a lot of ways to express themselves these days and very few actual constraints against that. I don't think a coach can do much more than get things back on track when something goes wrong. It's a strange new world we all live in.
I do kind of think this is the type of situation Rex thrives in. A lot of people don't believe in him and he's going to have a giant chip on his shoulder to prove he can do it and do it without Revis.
If the media get their wishes the whole jets team would disappear next year. Listen I think Rex is a good coach and a Defensive Genius. The grass always looks better on the other side of the fence and the media would love to see REX go. I hope they make the right choice with him cause this could really hurt us a lot if they let him go. JMO
Two years left on his contract, and an 'attraction' to keep people interested while the Jets suck anyway. Reading Rex's book recently (took it out of the library) saddenened me, seeing it with the perspective of all that's happened in the last two years since he wrote it right after the second season ended and we were on a high of beating the Pats and getting to the AFCC two straight years. No Revis 'at all', no Landry/Bell/Keller, etc. Yes they really are worse than last year. They can't be worse offensively but all they added at QB was a cripple Garrard so they ain't getting much better either, even with the WC wizard and playing footsie with the Saints on Chris Ivory.
To keep his job with this shell of a team, Ryan will have to go at least 9-7. We will find out what kind of coach he is. Its easy to coach a loaded team, its coaching a team like this that shows your mettle. Rex should start thinking about what team he wants to be d-coordinator for.
Haha, some of you people are delusional. This team has 6-10/5-11 written all over it. Good bye Rexy. Dont let the door hit you and your lover Sanchez on the way out. Good riddance. Finally the circus will be out of town....
Because he kept sending the worst QB out game after game to be our starter when it was clear to everyone under the sun ,with exception of NYJunc and Hobbes, that he blew more than a fluffer on a gay porno set.
According to a lot of people the niners are one of the best coached and run teams in the NFL - can you imagine the outcry if one of the Jets had come out with the same statements as Chris Culliver has come out with recently. Pretty much every team has problems with its players not being on message - we focus on the Jets because that is who we support and we are in a mass media market with a lot of really terrible writers actively flaming on the team.
If that is the belief of Idzik & Woody then why would they bother to keep him for this season? That is the question.
I'll give you Landry & Bell, but other than that there weren't any major losses that can't be replaced. Keller had a brutal year last year. Add in a fresh group of draft picks and it all depends on where the offense goes. I think the defense will be about as good. If Sanchez or Garrard can be at least decent, I can see 8-8 as a possibility. I honestly expect a bad season, but I don't think it's out of the realm of possibilities for them to be a decent team.
AT what point during 2012 was it wrong to do this? the arizona game is the correct answer. Any point before wasn't appropriate. you don't switch out your starter after being 3-3, staying competitive against two better teams and having a solid win against a beatable opponent after week 6 certainly. really the true question of benching him came up after he couldn't operate against a weak ass defense in a game with such a low score to surpass. Who did he have to replace Mark from that point on? An unproven 3rd stringer and an at the time partly injured gadget player/ fullback that throws a little sometimes. Yes they both had college success, but at that moment, they were not exactly overwhelming choices to replace the turnover prone franchise QB. I get so sick of hearing this to be a reason to fire Rex. His choices for starter weren't good, damned if you damned if you don't and even more if you didn't to the other guy. Why fire him for making a crap decisions where there were only crap options? and is that the only reason ya got? Or is his big mouth a hindrance to his coaching ability somehow?
I agree. I think the prospect of Woody shelling out dead money to a fired coach just didn't sit well with him. Woody might like Rex a lot, but he also is a businessman and he likes to see his money spent wisely. Paying dead money when you don't have to probably isn't in Woody's DNA. Hard to stay a billionaire by wasting money on bad investments. Just ask Tannenbaum about wasted money, bad investments (contracts) and the price he paid for it. Rex is here for almost the same reason Sanchez is still here. Money owed. After this season though, all bets are off. I think its fair to say the clock is indeed ticking on both Ryan and Sanchez. This is a make or break season for both of them in NY.
it's about how the players execute and whether they remain competitive or not, we assume this team is gonna suck this year. so it's not about record per say another 6-10, or 7-9 season with the youngsters gaining experience and the team playing hard every week giving better teams fits and Rex keeps his job. however if we get a QB we could potentially overachieve.
Give RR an even middle of the pack offense and watch this team take off. RR is a great HC, I really hope we have a good year and can move forward with him but without Sanchez (unlikely, I know).