NY Jets vs. Indianapolis Colts Thread - Saturday 1/8 8:20PM NBC

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by mezzavo, Jan 2, 2011.

  1. jerseyjet0912

    jerseyjet0912 Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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  2. macbk

    macbk Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    I want nothing more than for Ihedigbo and Coleman to sandwich sack Peyton.
  3. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    Actually, we've been more worried about the defense than the offense for the last few weeks.... Sanchez has done well against a tough Steelers and Bears D. Injuries at safety have been a problem but the subs are getting better.

    I think the only big concern with the colts right now is keeping Manning from having a big day. This is a lot different Jets team than the one you played last year-

    Thanks for your posts, I'm sure you'll get more responses, you seem like a good guy. Curious- Do you have Pats trolls that hang out on your message board all year? They sure seem to like it here.
  4. nyjetsrule

    nyjetsrule Active Member

    Sep 20, 2003
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    If you read the thread that Mr. Electric started, you will get the pulse of what our core fans on the board feel. But to answer your original question, who are we afraid of besides Manning? Nobody except for maybe Freeney/Mathis.

    Manning may be terrible, and have lost 100 games in a row while averaging 5 int's a game. He still should strike fear in his opponents because as you mentioned he has the ability to turn it on and when he does that, nothing can stop him (see AFCCG last year) and it won't matter who he is playing with either. It will just happen and the defense will be powerless to stop it.

    We witnessed it last year, and we damn sure are scared he can do it to us again.

    But fuck being afraid, like you said the Colts team is weaker in every single aspect except for the brain of Manning. This Jets team is improved in every single offensive facet Sanchez is a year older, our corners are vastly improved over what we had last season. Lowery is quietly turning into a ballhawking safety that we have been trying to find all season long.

    This is the best team we have fielded since 1998, if not longer. We are too god damn good not to beat the hell out of Manning, and run full tilt into Foxboro to give the Patriots the fight of their lives.
  5. jerseyjet0912

    jerseyjet0912 Banned

    Oct 13, 2009
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    if it were Manning and Bergen Catholic high school i'd still be scared
  6. theyankees-jetsfan23

    Nov 15, 2010
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    I cant post attachments so, Go to youtube and type in antonio cromartie acrobatic interception against colts

    that is all i have to say
  7. PatsFan2003

    PatsFan2003 Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    It was pretty bad. But this is a new year isn't it? Last years Jets playoff success was with a pretty different Jets team. They aren't playing Saturday. This team have been pretty inconsistent the last month of the season.

    I think the weaknesses of the Colts are definitely pronounced this year but I really think unless the Jets can pressure Manning he and the Colts will figure out a way to beat the Jets. They just have to win by 3 or so, you know. Vinatieri may not have the leg he used to but he still looks like he can come up with the big clutch kick when he needs to. Who would you trust more with that kind of kick. Vinatieri or Folk?

    The Jets certainly can win, particularly if their running game can come up big. Without that it would be up to Sanchez to perform and while he's a decent QB, I think Manning is still more experienced in these type of high pressure games. As one Jets fan said here, you don't want to get into a shoot-out.
    #127 PatsFan2003, Jan 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2011
  8. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Everything comes full circle...that's all I have to say and it will be the Jets' motto for this year's playoffs, I just know it.
  9. NYColtFan

    NYColtFan New Member

    Jan 2, 2011
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    Manning will only have a big day if his receivers have a big day - in the past, if Reggie Wayne or Clark (rarely both) was having a bad day for one reason or another, someone else would step-up. This year, no one other than Collie (before he got hurt) was answering the call.

    Play the Colts receivers tight and they won't get separation, just watch - alot of our routes almost seem to suggest our coaching staff is aware of this with our multitude of rub and pick plays to get receivers open. We are an offense whose success is predicated off the play-action ..can't exactly do that when your running game is crap

    We don't have many Pats trolls because our forum mods are nazis. There's ALOT of Pats trolls on the ESPN NFL Messageboards though. Honestly, the whole Pats-Colts rivalry is pretty wussified other than the Manning vs Brady debate ..there's no geographical or historic rivalry and both teams will cease to be relevant once their respective QBs retire ... our rivalry is kind of an "oh-you!" slap slap one between two women
  10. Jake

    Jake Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2004
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    Peyton Manning scares the fuck outta me, for obvious reasons. At the same time, I think this year's Colts are lesser than last year's, and coupled with their injury problems and suspect run D [yes, I am aware of how it's been these last 4 weeks], our chances are even better. I also think the progression Sanchez has made from 09 to now will be evident, and I love MS playing indoors.

    Manning will probably carve us up, but I think our offense will get it done. I see us pulling out a win in a shootout, why the fuck not?
    #130 Jake, Jan 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2011
  11. teamgreen

    teamgreen Well-Known Member

    Aug 30, 2002
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    Jets are much better manned (and healtier) at DB this year than last year's meeting
    Also healtier at LB (Harris was injured)
    Also healthier at RB (Greene got hurt in 1st half)
    Not healthier at Oline or QB but more experienced at QB.

    Much better at WR position.

    Colts are much more banged up than last year. Without 2 of the key "killer" weapons (Collie and Clark).

    I think our chances are better than last year. We may not win, but we should win.
  12. 85inthehall

    85inthehall Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2002
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    Colts have an avg running attack - collie and clark are out - their backups or OK but not Collie and Clark. Hell with Collie Manning was on fire two weeks ago - he goes out and it is a different team.

    The Colts have allowed 20 pts or more 11 times and in the last 5 straight...so the defense might have speed but they aren't keeping teams from scoring.

    Manning has 17 INTs this season...he is forcing stuff and the media has Manning fever. This just isn't the same Colts team from last year. Jets need to go in there and getthe offense going early..play tight defense and take it to the Colts.
  13. James Calvin

    James Calvin Banned

    Nov 29, 2010
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    I think you'll be seeing a lot of man coverage with Revis and Cromartie on the wideouts....and we haven't been great with pass rushes, so there will be some blitzes. Maybe a lot of blitzes. Run defense has been pretty dependable, but sometimes vulnerable on the outside,

    Moderation is pretty loose here, and I think the pats trolls here must be masochists, because get a lot of abuse and come back for more. There's a lot of daksiders here that say they are Jets fans and probably worse than the trolls....

    We welcome fans from other teams that want to talk football, and thanks again for your posts.
  14. Milliner is your Mommy

    Milliner is your Mommy Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2009
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    Your really going out on a limb with that prediction.
  15. soxxx

    soxxx Trolls

    Sep 27, 2009
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    NBC just said it best. Last season the Jets were CB short from beating the Colts. They brought in Cromartie, but now the Colts are short recievers. Complete opposite now.
  16. Dexter Morgan

    Dexter Morgan New Member

    Jan 14, 2010
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    yeah but out D-line can't get to the quarterback. I don't care who is receiving. If you give Manning more than 3 seconds, he will find someone open.

    We've seen it all year.
  17. Dexter Morgan

    Dexter Morgan New Member

    Jan 14, 2010
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    This one too.
  18. rohirrim665

    rohirrim665 Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2008
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    (In regards to using man coverage a lot) Why do we use so much zone it seems like? Every time we go into zone defense we get beat. I don't think we can afford to go into too many zone packages against the Colts or any other team in the playoffs.
  19. Chrisp22

    Chrisp22 Active Member

    Sep 8, 2008
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    Revenge is a dish best served cold Manning.

    Let's take out the colts and see what lies on the other side. We have the tools to defeat them.
  20. The Sanchise

    The Sanchise Active Member

    Sep 12, 2010
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    Spread is Colts by 4.

    I'm gonna make Saturday a full out Jets day. Get up early, put the jersey on.... wait around... umm make my wife make me dinner... and wait aroudn some more. have some tim hortons and a chew.... then the game!

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