Not 1 playmaker

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TheHitman, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. fake_crs

    fake_crs New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    btw, ESPN (look on the website) has rated the jets as one of the 6 real WINNERS of the 2006 draft. There were many losers (redskins for one). For once we werent in the latter list.
  2. ANJI

    ANJI New Member

    Apr 14, 2006
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    Exactly, it's not like we are saying we didn't want one of those OLine, but did we have to blow threw all the top prospects with nothing but a tackle and a center???????
  3. 1028

    1028 Active Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    The way I see it, we took this year to fix the line and transition to a 34. Next year will be the year we add playmakers to the team.
  4. Lunatic

    Lunatic New Member

    Mar 31, 2006
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    I think alot of people are upset because they realize that for the most part, we are going to have to rely on the same players to make plays that we had on our 4-12 team, unless you hope retreads like Ramsey can get it done.

    It's officially going to be a rebuilding year, there most likely will not be alot of wins next year, we all knew it in our hearts, but it's kind of tough when it hits our brains.

    Anyway I will probably post this somewhere else but can ANYBODY sell me on Brad Smith or Washington being a possible playmaker?

    Anybody want to throw out some blind yet semi-realistic optimisim?
  5. XxAlbert84xX

    XxAlbert84xX New Member

    Mar 5, 2004
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    faces are made by the way they play in the NFL, so shut up and stop complaining. Leinart will be brought down to earth when in arizonia he gets knocked down more in a season then his whole College career
  6. fake_crs

    fake_crs New Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    "It's officially going to be a rebuilding year"

    I think it was official when KC took us on their knee and gave us the spanking of a lifetime during the first game of last season.

    We needed this draft. We have been upgraded to..........not murdering our own QBs.
  7. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    hitman ur a idiot, you only wanted reggie bush...

    we have enough to get the job done.. tehres no way any freakin playmaker would have survived if we had not built a solid OL...
    The players we got are going to be part of a system where they will have specific roles... MANGINI DOES NOT WANT superstar, he wants players who have the will to win as a cohesive team
  8. MizzouJet

    MizzouJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Ramsey is the equivalent of Cutler, with 4 yrs of NFL experience.

    Both are unproven (but at least Ramsey had 19 NFL starts with a rating of 75 and more TDs than INTs..not great, but half the time was spent in Spurrier's system which did not translate to the NFL well).

    Both have 'all the tools'...i.e., they can make all the throws with a strong arm.

    Both are intelligent, and come from 'smaller' Div I schools that stress academics.

    Both were 1st rd DPs.

    Ramsey just needs some stability and coaching. Give him a chance
  9. Kris 15

    Kris 15 Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    You guys make tackle and center sound like kicker and punter. You don't realize that our line was attrocious. Draft all the first round RBs you want, but when he's getting stuffed it won't mean much.

    Furthermore, in order to land Williams, we would have had to trade up. Totally not worth it.
    #49 Kris 15, Apr 30, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2006
  10. SigmaXJet

    SigmaXJet Active Member

    Jan 12, 2006
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    a good offensive line can make a RB a playmaker
  11. JetBlue

    JetBlue Well-Known Member

    Nov 24, 2004
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    he would have had a QB last year if that QB had an offensive line. kind of disputes your position, doesn't it.
  12. deviljets7

    deviljets7 Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2003
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    Does this mean the Jets will go only 12-4 this year instead of 13-3?
  13. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Name the half...and I might take you seriously.

    In one Jets established 40 % of their offensive line for perhaps the next decade.

    Maybe you didnt see the list of Qb's that went down last year.

    You win championships on the offensive line..and the defensive line. This new management understands that.

    The reason the Pats were able to do what they did and trade up for the receiver you claim will be a hall of famer is that their management/coaching staff didnt neglect the offensive side of the ball for the last 6 years.

    When you are starting from scratch you build on the line..and thats what this regime has done so far.

    Getting these "impact" players to run behind the line that was in place this year..or last year...wouldnt mean squat.

    You guys really need to calm down and look at your team for what it is...or was before this draft...a damn shambles.

    Get use to this team not picking "stars"...Like New England, they will not pick stars...they will pick guys with guts...and brains..and make them solid/great players.
    #53 jaywayne12, Apr 30, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2006
  14. Rambo13

    Rambo13 New Member

    Dec 22, 2002
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    You're right, we didn't get 1 playmaker.

    We got 2!!! :up:

    Brad Smith is a playmaker. He doesn't have a position but don't overlook that. With the ball in his hands he can make things happen whether it is running a reverse or taking a direct snap or running a WR option pass or going deep on a post route. The dude has wheels and is shifty. If you don't know anything about him, go back and watch the bowl game against USC this past year in which he single handedly took Missouri back from like down 28 and beat Steve Spurrier himself. The dude can play and he will make plays for us.

    Leon Washington is another guy who can make plays. With our new refurbished line creating lanes for him he can be a Tatum Bell type player for us. Probably not good enough to carry the full load but can break the long run and make guys miss. The dude ran for like 7 yards a carry two years ago. He is a sparkplug and another guy who will inject energy into our offense. Just because he wasn't a big name RB doesn't mean you should overlook him. He can come in for like 10 plays a game and be a threat on each one of them.
  15. Rambo13

    Rambo13 New Member

    Dec 22, 2002
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    I agree on the fixing the line part but I was disappointed because I didn't see defensive players taken that I thought were tailor made for the 3-4 and there were players available like Gabe Watson on the nose, Chris Gocong at OLB, Julian Jenkins as the big DE. Schlegel might be able to play the middle but I don't think he is a player that was drafted to fit the 3-4 I think he was drafted to be a player with fundamentals and tackling ability.
  16. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I will take it a step further Kris...there are some around here that treat a tackle and a center like they are waterboys. It truly amazes me. Everybody wants a "star".

    Go check out all these teams that have spent money on these "stars".

    Start with the Redskins.

    This talk about getting impact players is Madden 2006. Its a dream world..and to compare us to what the Patrioits are doing....breaking news boys...the Patriots roster didnt need what the Jet roster needs.

    Sometimes you buy a car and all it needs is an oil change...sometimes you buy a car and go to start open the motor...thats the Jets.

    Some people around here have to either sit back...and enjoy the building process..or go play Madden football...unlock the cap...and live in a fantasy land.
  17. MizzouJet

    MizzouJet Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    As a Mizzou season ticket holder, I can confirm every bit of this....the guy just makes plays. Can't read a defense worth a hoot, but trying to tackle him is difficult. Just ask the Big-12 D's.
  18. vilmas our future51

    vilmas our future51 New Member

    Apr 9, 2006
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    Bout time somebody put thier foot down... Who do u guys think is a playmaker willie parker(soon to be a great one) LT, shawn alexander,... why are they playmakers because they have great lines they wouldnt even be on sportscenter highlights if it werent for the guys battling it out in the trenches
  19. vilmas our future51

    vilmas our future51 New Member

    Apr 9, 2006
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    they were both great picks... i love what tangini is doing/ we are starting to look like the jets from the old days on the offense with a sick line like in 1999 and 2000 that was a great year
  20. LV Coach

    LV Coach Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2002
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    This kid is happy too..The problem with the draft is that none of us know who the teams behind us really would have taken if we didn't take D'brick or Mangold. It's just a empty guess. One teams draft alters the people available and the next team to pick has to adjust if their choice is now gone. A team (?) behind us gave up a pick for a center, so chances are they would have picked Mangold if he was still on board. And the same might have been true for D' way of ever knowing.

    Que serra, serra

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