NLDS - Mets vs Dodgers

Discussion in 'Baseball Forum' started by FITM, Oct 1, 2006.

  1. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    I hit the SAP switch after the fist McCarver comment. I don't understand spanish but I'm so used to the chatter when I'm watching a game I can't get used to just turning the sound off.
  2. FirstTimeCaller

    FirstTimeCaller Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Sweet victory... it always feels good to beat the Dodgers. On to the next round...
  3. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Congratulations, Mets fans. I just got back into town last night, was unable to post. The better team won, nothing more I can say--except we have a lot of good young players and we'll be back.

    Also, you can send your thank you notes to our former GM, Paul DePodesta. He got rid of Lo Duca, Mota and Green, how nice to see them come back and celebrate on our field while Brad Penny sat in the dugout and Hee Seop Choi is in the minors where he belongs. Fan-fucking-tastic.

    Well, I'll be rooting for you guys now because I always liked the above mentioned players and none of them wanted to leave LA in the first place. We'll be back, in the meantime, knock the hell out of St. Louis and win one for the National League.

    By the way--the Yankees losing softened the blow nicely. HAHAHAHAHAHA Yankees.
  4. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    Note that the clueless broadcasting team Saturday night(who were 100% wrong with every comment they made) was blasting DePo all night long which only confirmed my feelings about the trade. If LoDuca and Mota were still on the Dodgers this year and Penny wasn't, they don't even make the playoffs.

    If you're looking for blame, the culprit is pretty easy to find in the Dodgers dugout, or if you want to take it a step further to the GM for hiring the guy. Game 1 after Willie spits the bit leaving Mota in Grady comes right back over the top and throws an injured Brad Penny to the wolves of the middle of the Mets lineup. The rest, as they say, is history.
  5. FirstTimeCaller

    FirstTimeCaller Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Cheers bud... it's been fun talking NL baseball with you this year.
  6. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    I have to disagree with you there. If we had just Mota we might have won at least one of the games. He pitched 3 scoreles innings out of 4 and got burned by bad defense in the one inning he gave up runs. Lo Duca hit what? 500 in the series? I'd take them back for Penny in a minute. Penny did nothing after the All-Star break, we made the playoffs despite him. Lowe, Maddux and Kuo carried us home in September.

    Little didn't have a lot of options, you saw how bad our middle relief is. Most of them are starters anyway, so why not Penny? Tomko, Hendrickson or Billingsley would be the same thing, at least Penny was supposed to be a big game pitcher. I questioned the move too, but it's not like we had, say, Mota out there.
  7. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Thanks, same here, Bro.

    You know, had the Mets not traded Dave Kingman in 1977 (when I was 10), I'd probably still be a Mets fan. But shit happens the way it does, you know?
  8. 3rdAnd15Draw

    3rdAnd15Draw Well-Known Member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    You know the Dodgers better then I do but who pitched in their pen during the regular season? I don't see the logic in going with an injured starter over someone who's been doing it for you all year.
  9. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    That's the thing, it was a problem most of the year. Tomko had the 7th inning for a while but he fell apart completely in September, that's why we had such streaks of extreme winning and losing. The last week of the season we had Joe Beimel pitching the 7th pretty well, but he cut his hand the night before Game 1 so we were back to the drawing board. Most of what we had out there except for Broxton (who ultimately got shelled in Game 3) were failed starters. I forgot Sele, he was on the roster for Beimel, another starter. If Penny was too hurt to pitch he should have spoken up instead of going out there and undoing our rally in the following half inning.

    I don't meant to put it all on Penny and DePo, but it just galls me. I hated that trade from the minute it happened and I thought with Russell Martin catching that 2006 would be the first year it finally didn't come back to haunt us. Until the very guys we traded came back to beat us. So we've had Penny for two post seasons now, in exchange for Lo Duca and Mota, he's pitched one inning and has one loss.

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