He tends to let up runs unless he has a 1-run lead. It's like, 2, 3, and 4 run leads just don't have enough pressure so he makes it a 1-run lead or something. Just makes me very nervous.
(1) Kent is having a great series. (2) Prior to this series, he was hitting .264 in his postseason career with a .323 OBP. But hey, let's compare him to people like Jeter.
I think it's pretty safe to operate under the assumption that any opinion offered by this broadcasting team is 100% false.
i think valentin has turned back into a pumpkin 184/238/395 in september and doesn't have a hit this series.
Seriously, who was worse? These jackasses, or the old goon squad over at ESPN's Sunday Night Football?
More McCarver stupity, calling for Wagner with two on, two out and a 4 run lead. Wanna kill Hileman's confidence? We need that kid.... and has to know he has Willie's confidence. McCarver=tool