@JStokes I believe this is where you are supposed to feign outrage, you know, for consistency's sake.
What's your impetus? It's so incredibly sad you are here on game days instead of watching your team dominating. I really hope you aren't procreating. And haven't already.
As expected, suspension will not be served this year. Oral arguments begin 6 days before SuperBowl http://www.reuters.com/article/2015/09/29/us-nfl-brady-idUSKCN0RT2LZ20150929
Fuck off dickless. I don't feel the need to chastise Jet fans. Just Massholes who celebrate injury. _
Um that is plain BS I think the last game was over in the first q The other 2, the very end At least your lying is consistent
Anyone who thought the appeal would have been heard, that a decision would have been rendered and possibly remanded to the lower court and his suspension enforced this year either (i) wasted a bunch of money getting their law degree from Community College or (ii) should have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. _