Doesn't give me the warm fuzzies either brother, but that's what I see. And I really want to think Rex can turn it around and make chicken salad. I really want to...
Tony , I hate bashing Tanny and company,,,I was never a sunshiner but there was a time when I bought into " in Tanny we trust " and I bought into Rex and all the hype----I like Tanny , great with the cap stuff but you cannot help but question his picks---and I like Rex alot but he did not have the pulse of the team last year and that scares me. All the free passes and get out of jail cards have been used up,,,it's time to shutup and put up --it all begins in 3 days----I am not sure who is winner and loser so far this off season but I hope we are somehow winners when the real season ends :beer:
I agree, I just do not see the direction the Jets are heading as a positive one. I will admit, I thought Rex was loved by all and that the locker room was light and fun there with the Jets. The end of the year locker room issues are a strong indicator of a lack of leadership at both the player and coaching levels. Not good. I think Rex is a great Defensive planner and game caller (see how he turned Maybin into a mini-success). I think his good guy yuck yuck and guarantees have run the course. If they slide early this year, it will be a hoot to watch as a Bills fan... @Tony, I see your from Webster, heart of Bills country, grow up in that area? If yes, how did you become a Jets fan?
It's not just the fourth round pick. While Tebow, and Sanchez, for that matter, are tradeable, as of now the Jets have two Qb's under contract for a high percentage of the available cap space. Trading for Tebow added to an existing imbalance in that area, at least imbalance when one considers cost v. performance. And the trade value of one or the other, if not both, is at risk going forward. In addition, the trade only makes sense if what otherwise would have been the offensive scheme with a more standard arrangement with a "normal" backup Qb is changed to one that incorporates Tebow in, as Ryan has said, as many as 25 plays a game. Add it all up, and I think that qualifies as an aggressive move, although concededly not in the way you defined it.