Too many people are confusing this process with a court of law. (Criminal, it seems). Too many episodes of Law and Order.
Yes, I am. Br*dy refused the follow up requests, when Wells team was asking about specific additional info.
That's my point. In theory, who else would he have been texting about this if he barely texted the guys involved?
Any audit has two parts: General exploratory and then specific follow-up. Brady met with them for the general part (remember his claim that he met with the team?). Then Wells people got evidence from ballboys and asked for the specific follow up meeting. That's what Brady refused to give. Same shit as with McNally, btw. First they asked for his records for general exploration. Then they asked for another meeting to ask him what he meant by "deflator" - the follow up meeting. That's when Pats obstructed not letting to setup the follow up. You're CO, right? You should see this process often: detectives keep coming back for follow up interviews. As new evidence emerges, new questions arise.