Newer Members ? Calling You Out, Volume II

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sundayjack, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. EvilClownFace

    EvilClownFace New Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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    I feel like I've answered all of these questions at some point or another in my short time here, but I'm game to take another crack at it......

    1). I supported Herm for a very long time (up until Bollinger's first start against Baltimore this year). After that game, reality slapped me in the face and I came to the realization that Herm was to blame for the overly conservative offense. From that point on I wanted his head on a post.

    After the season, when I looked at the available coaching candidates, I had a sour feeling in my stomach. I did not want some re-tread coach. I wanted some new blood in here. That's when I first discovered we were looking into Eric Mangini.

    I didn't know a lot about the guy, but after doing a little research, I quickly jumped on the Mangini bandwagon and said "this is the guy we need to bring in here".

    When everything came to a head, and EM was named our head coach, I was absolutely thrilled. I only had one concern, and that was "Is this guy going to be headstrong? Or is he going to be Bradway's puppet?".

    I wanted Terry Bradway either out of this organization, or stripped of his duties as GM, in the worst possible way.

    The day the Jets announced that Mike T. would be taking over, I think I literally did a backflip. Soley because that meant Bradway would no longer be calling the shots. Although I knew very little about MR. T, I knew he and Mangini were close and would work well together.

    IMO, Mangini's football smarts plus Mike T's cap skills equalled a Jets organization that the fans could be proud of. I know this all remains to be seen, but I've got a very strong feeling that we are headed in the right direction.

    2) I've really got my heart set on Mario Williams with the 4 pick, however, if Lienart is available at that point (highly unlikely), I don't think we should pass him up. I know a lot of people like D'brick, but IMO Adrian Jones is a very similar player and already has some game time under his belt. If we grabbed D'brick, I feel we would be in roughly the same situation we're in with Jones right now. I'm not convinced D'brick will be great, and also not convinced Jones will be terrible.

    At 29 I would either like to grab Marcus Mcneil (OT Auburn) or Nick Mangold (C-Ohio St.). Either guy would obviously fill a huge need on the O-line.

    After that I'd like to grab Joseph Addai (RB LSU) in the second round, or maybe even Taitusi Lutui (OG S. Cal), or Demeco Ryans (LB Alabama). Ryan O'Callaghan (OT CAL) is also very intriguing. If we grabbed Mangold in round 1, I'd love to snatch this guy up later on.

    Another day 1 guy I'm intrigued with is Kelly Jennings (CB Miami Fl). He's fast and has great ball skills. If he added about 10 more pounds of muscle I think he could become a special player. However, I think it's a long shot to think he would be around by rounds 3 or 4.

    A guy we MAY have a crack at (late on day 1) is Dee Webb (CB Florida). This guy's got a ton of potential.

    I've mentioned this before (not that anyone remembers) but a guy I'm really high on as a day 2 pick is Kwakou Robinson (DT Virginia). He's not much of a pass rusher, but I truely believe under Mangini's tutalige, this guy could become a beast of a run stopper in the 3-4 scheme (6-4 320).

    3) IMO, the 2006 season will be a success if we go out there and actually look like a football team that's prepared on game day, and our young coach does not repeat his mistakes. I do not want to see the same tired old game plan week after week.

    I honestly don't expect more than a 6 win season. But if we stay close in games, actually MAKE ADJUSTMENTS when needed, and battle to the bitter end with everything we've got, I'll be very satisfied when the season comes to a close.

    4) So far I've been very impressed with Mr T and EM. They're taking a hardnosed nononesense approach and I'm loving every minute of it. I truely believe this regime will bring success to the the NY Jets. We've just got to be patient, and not expect too much too fast.

    I'm all for giving these guys at least a 5 year plan. Even if we don't make it to a superbowl within that timeframe, if these guys are fielding solid teams, and we're seeing good quality football, I wouldn't mind keeping them around for a very long time. IMO it's time for a little stablility in this organization.
    #161 EvilClownFace, Apr 8, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2006
  2. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    It is great to see a thread that is getting such a postive reaction from both the new posters and the vets!!!

    I think this deserves a sticky!!!!!!!

    Thanks Sundayjack for making TGG the best Jets board!!!!!
  3. dwalsh

    dwalsh 2006 Rookie of the Year Award Winner

    Mar 3, 2006
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    how do threads get moved into this top section of the forum? What does it take?
  4. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    An act of God....:rofl2:
  5. Murrell2878

    Murrell2878 Lets go JETS!

    Feb 1, 2003
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    all it takes is a little energon, and a lot of luck.

  6. Dinobot 2

    Dinobot 2 Active Member

    Jan 23, 2003
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    ^ I agree with that.
    #166 Dinobot 2, Apr 9, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2005
  7. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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  8. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Very good thoughts deviljets.

    Your response to number 4 is frustrating...but probably right on. Nobody wants to see the growing pains...but how cant that happen, right?

    I do agree...and of course it hurts...but putting a win total means nothing on this season...just being run like a well oiled machine is my goal. Seeing young players make mistakes..and grow. It all starts in camp.

    I just want to hear players say that this is a no nonsense coaching staff...and players are accountable for everything they refreshing would that be.

    Great post..and dont stop.
  9. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Hey you big gorilla....good post.

    A bit of a dreamer with that wild card stuff??? Maybe not! Its that time of the year to what the hell!

    You wanted Herm you did at least spell your name right on the SAT score..and thats like 600 points right? joke.

    Welcome aboard Gorilla....keep posting buddy.
  10. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Now I know I have seen you around here not surprised at all by a very well thought out post....and a great post...on the money on so many topics, I wont list them all!!

    Great job.
  11. Dierking

    Dierking Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2006
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    1. First impression was I was psyched for some fresh ideas, new blood and someone who doesn't seem to always have his head up his ass. Unfortunately, I felt that way about Coslet too. Time will tell. Too bad Herm couldn't have planned his departure a year earlier when the Pats had some more experienced coords hitting the market. Not that Herm ever had a clue at running out the clock.

    2. I think if Leinarts there, Jets have to take him. Otherwise, I'd take Mario. This D could be really badass, and its Mangini's strength. Will keep them in a lot of games.

    3. Success this season would be to be competitive in all games, keep Chad on the field the whole season and get a couple of monsters in the draft.

    4. Five years.
  12. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    I felt exactly the same way about Herm, giving him chances more than I ever gave another Jets head coach. And the damn broke against the Baltimore game, when I realized that was enough. And when Herm was gone, I thought it was a fallacy that Bradway was still there, but that got remedied quickly enough.

    However, I cannot fully support the new organization until they show me some kind of results on the field. I am optimistic about the moves they are making, but that is it for now. The draft will tell us a lot, I think.
  13. SigmaXJet

    SigmaXJet Active Member

    Jan 12, 2006
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    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?

    I was skeptical of the Magini hiring at first, but I love the young coaches, especially the defensive minded ones. I would take Tannenbaum over Woody any day. Let the new era begin!

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    I would not mind the Jets selecting D'Brick at #4, i think its a smart move. But I would really like to somehow get Leinart. I also hope we can get Mangold.

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .

    If the offense can score some damn points and if our defense stays as good as last year.

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?

    I'd give them 3 years, but this is New York, we don't rebuild.
  14. kevin68

    kevin68 New Member

    Feb 21, 2006
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    1) I thought about that in two ways. First, I thought it was sad that Herm was gone, because I do think he can be successful. Not with a rebuilding team, but with a team that doesn't have too many holes, I think he can motivate his players enough to lead them far in the playoffs. And nobody can deny that the Jets weren't motivated.But he didn't fit to the Jets anymore.And I think Mangini is a good choice. HE has already been in the Organisantion and it seems to me he has a plan. And why shouldn't the Jets start with a fresh coach, when the team will get a fresh start too? He seems to work a lot and really put his soul in this team, so he should get a chance. And of course he learned from some great coaches, so he should have some coaching ability.

    2) Mario Williams. His frame, the combination of speed and power and talent, he can become one of the best DEs in the league.And after the departure of Abwe we need another player who can put pressure on the O on every down. But I think Ferguson would fit in too, because someone has to protect the QB( And I really hope I won't see Kingsbury taking a snap again in the next season. But it is good to see him getting experience in the NFLE just in case..)

    3) If the Offense can prevent the D from playing for about 45 minutes a game. When the O can work, and the D can produce some stands, the year might end better than the most people think

    4) To be honest, I think the Jets should be a contender in 2008. With this draft and the next draft the Jets should be able to compete then. At least that's what I hope.
    #174 kevin68, Apr 9, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2006
  15. Pam

    Pam Friendliest Poster Fourpeat!!

    May 6, 2005
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    Great post! :) I especially agree with you on #3, I also think we are going to do better than a lot of people are speculating.
  16. EvilClownFace

    EvilClownFace New Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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    Thanks! :grin:

    I looked at it after I posted it and thought "damn, why the hell are my posts always so friggin long?"

    I came to the conclusion that when I talk about the Jets I open up like an abused child on a psychotherapist's couch.
  17. daking231

    daking231 Member

    Sep 27, 2005
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    #1) My first impression on Mangini was " o good he is coming from NE so he will make this team winners in no time".
    As for Tannenbaum I did't know anything about him but thought to myself that anyone can be better than Bradway.

    #2)I was hoping we could draft Reggie Bush but since that won't happen I would be happy with any of these players (M.Leinart,VY,D'Brickwall,and Mario Williams.)

    #3)The 2006 season will be a success if we defeat both the Pats and Phins.

    #4)I'll give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration 5 seasons to make this thing work..... after that if the team is coming off a crap season we fire Mangini.
    #177 daking231, Apr 9, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 10, 2005
  18. EvilClownFace

    EvilClownFace New Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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    Yes, I'm very eager (as we all are) to see how things play out on the field.

    I am very optomistic (some may say TOO optomistic). I think it's justified though. I mean, the way I see it, it is highly improbable that things could possibly be any worse than they were under the vicious demon seed that was Hermway.

    In my heart I feel like these guys will do a great job on draft day. There is that part of me however that is terribly afraid I'll come out of draft day with the same feeling I had after I saw the remake of "Planet of the Apes".


    Seriously, WTF was Tim Burton thinking?! :lol: :lol: :lol:
    #178 EvilClownFace, Apr 9, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2006
  19. Mexican Buc

    Mexican Buc Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2005
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  20. dwalsh

    dwalsh 2006 Rookie of the Year Award Winner

    Mar 3, 2006
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    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?
    -Once Herm was "traded" to the chiefs for a fourth rounder, my doubts about teh FO became more serious. With the list of the candidates for the Jets head coaching job, Mangini was my favorite. He injects youth into the team, and because of his background (Bellichek & Parcells) i figured he would help make us into a contender. I also really like the Schottenheimer signing as our offensive coordinator. From what i know about him, he helps develope QBs really well (ex: Drew Brees) which we may need (Ramsey, Penny, Bollinger, draft choice). And Tannenbaum, so far so good. He has gotten us under the cap, and i like the signings that he has made, such as Andre Dyson. Although the orginization is very quiet about what they are doing, i like it. It drives me crazy, but i like it.
    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?
    -Ideally, i want us to trade down to about 9 (detroit) and grab Winston Justice. In that trade i would love to pick up a first for next year and package those together for Brady Quinn next year. If we do stay at #4, i am torn between D'Brick and Mario, but i think i want D'Brick more. With #29 i love the idea of Nick Mangold. With #35 i want Bobby Carpenter or Manny Lawson. I would love it if Addai lasted until our 3rd round pick, which i think is possible.
    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .
    -I am not going to judge the season on our record. I think that it will be a success if the players show that they are "playing for the names of the front of the jersey; not the back." If they play hard and show a lot of promise than i will consider the 2006 season a succes.
    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?
    I think that we should be giving the other teams in our division a trouble next year, but miss out on the playoffs, maybe 8-8. In 2008 i think that we should be contending for the playoffs and getting deep into them.

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