Newer Members ? Calling You Out, Volume II

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sundayjack, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. kbgreen

    kbgreen Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?I like Herm and think he got the players to play hard but thought he was a poor game coach. As for Mangini I am a little worried that he will be like Belicheck in cleveland. He has alot of potential so I am taking a wait and see approach. But I am glad he is not Mike Tice.

    As for Tannenbaum - I hated Bradway because the whole league walked all over him we never got the better end of a deal when he made them. "Fair" is what Bradway called himself on espn radio once and I thought that was a copout! As if he was saying he didn't work hard enough to get the best deal for us. As for tannenbaum I just hope he sticks to his style of the first few deals and does what he feels is best for the team. Not what everybody else thinks he should do.

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?
    I think there is a lot of equal talent sitting there at 4 so either of Leinhart- dBrick or Williams would be fine. If we go Dbrick I do not think we should address the OL again until round 3 the next two picks should be to fill other needs like DL, RB, LB, DB.

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .

    We play hard and start to come together as a team. I would like to beat the divisional teams at least once each.

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?
    4 years - They need to be consistant and not be pressured by outside forces and need to deliver at least two deep playoff seasons.
  2. songster67

    songster67 New Member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    1st Impressions: I was pleased. Even though Eric does not have head coach experience, I felt that his mentors would make him good for the Jets. I was also relieved; because I was disappointed they didn't interview Mike Sherman, and DID NOT want Tice. As far as Mandelbaum, I think I did my first Irish jig.

    The Draft: Man, I can't remember a draft so stocked. Of course, there are always late round booms, and early round busts. I don't want them to take D'Brick or Leinart, Cutler or Young. I'd rather see them trade down, stockpile picks and get young guys who can contribute rather quickly who have the Mangini/Team 1st Philosophy. I would love for them to pick DeAngelo Williams and Mangold, though

    2006 will be a success if: The coaches do their job; injuries are limited; and we win the games we're supposed to win

    How long for Mangini/Tannenbaum: I think this will be the team for a long time. I think they'll need two years, but barring two or three 0-16 seasons...these guys are it for a few years, at least
  3. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    All right - a resident as of... what, 2000 or so? but haven't been posting as much as I should have. :)

    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?

    I cannot say I was thrilled. Rather, "doing things Patriots way counts, not picking up Patriots wash-aways" was my initial impression on Mangini hiring. I didn't have problem with Tannenbaum hiring though. All in all, I am glad that Bradway is gone, and Herm is gone as well.

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    As this year's draft is very deep, if the Jets can trade down and pick up a few more picks, that would be great. Quite a few people cry out for the "franchise stars" or "elite players that you can't get at low level" etc etc. - but I would beg to differ. As far as I am concerned, the game of football is won in ranks and files, not in individual talents. (So much for the franchise stars.) If I can grab 3 guys in the first 35 at the expense of #4 overall pick, I would do it in a heartbeat. (Add the loaded 2nd/3rd rd picks the team already have, and most of the holes are filled now.)

    Now, with that chance getting slimmer day by day... I would be happy if the Jets go for: QB/DT/DE/HB/OLB, but not OL. An offensive lineman is just not worth the 4th overall pick, IMO. It takes 4 other OL to form the line, and while having one great lineman could help to a degree, the impact it could have would be much greater if the pick was used in other skill position.

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .

    The Jets can show they can compete - it doesn't matter whether they win or lose. They had better not play with that "Play-not-to-lose" mentality this time around - as that would imply the ultimate failure, because then that means the Jets have failed to get rid of Herm's legacy.

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?

    I can stand the losing season, but not more than 3. I can stand the playoff failures, but not more than 3 once they are equipped with playoff-caliber players. Total is... about 5-6 seasons, maybe? (Rebuilding takes a long while, so I am ready to expect the long seasons.)
  4. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Hehe. . . :)
  5. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    No no. . . it's still an honorable position to take. One of my favorite posters, a guy named Buttle (not to be confused with Buttleman, who's also one of my favorite posters), is, was, and always will be a Herm supporter. We agree to disagree, as fair minds do.
  6. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    I'm sorry, but this just can't stand. This is the year 2006. The correct way to say it is, "He had my husband and I jumping on the couch like Tom Cruise!!!! :)
  7. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    My Tannenbaum concerns are in personnel evaluation. I'm curious to know how that's all working these days, and what sort of draft he runs.
  8. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    A great read, top-to-bottom.
  9. ganooch

    ganooch Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    One problem the organization could run into is the youth in the front office and in coaching. Usually a team will have a seasoned Gm and a newbie coach or vice versa. You never see the youth the Jets have gone with. Should be interesting. At least we will get some idea on April 29 and 30
  10. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Great posts throughout this thread. Anyone else want to pick up where I left off and respond to the new folk? I need a break.
  11. IslandJET

    IslandJET Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    I think you mean 4 guys in the top 35 since we already have the #4, #29 and the #35. And though I do see your point, I'm worried that this approach may be a little cost-prohibitive.
  12. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Good read..first off excuses my friend...since 2000? Lets see more good posts.

    Your response to question one....totally agree..big question mark...but less nonsense.

    #2 Agreed...if you see your franchise QB there...OK...but if you dont..its a deep draft where solid players will be available after the first round...and the Jets could use 4 or 5 solid players.

    #3 Good points...being a bit of an "older timer" than most around never want to admit to that...but if the franchise looks like its going in the right direction...and Mangini runs a strong camp...and you see a system and progress....thats a start.

    #4 May not agree with you on this this day and age, I dont think anyone has that amount of time to bring a team from last to first. Although Herm lasted that long...he had winning seasons from the get go.

    The NFL is more like baseball than can turn things around pretty quickly. The one thing we should find out rather fast is if Mangini thinks this defense just needs to be tweaked...or broken down and rebuilt. If its just some tweaks..its not far fetched to see this team going into the second year of this regime vastly improved.

    Who is the real Sean Ellis.
    Was Robertson a bust.
    Is Vilma a potential or close to Ray Lewis? or is he just a nice solid linebacker.
    Will Justin Miller shine...Eric Coleman...Rhodes...Strait. Will any of them become close to pro bowl material.
    Will the Jets draft Mario complete the defensive line. Will they draft a linebacker to solidify that position.

    Were all those above players victims of a coaching staff that lacked discipline?

    Or...are they are what they are.

    If anything...this season will answer a ton of least on the defensive side of the ball. The same key players minus Abe are basically here that brought this team within a field goal of the AFC championship game.
  13. jetsfan119

    jetsfan119 New Member

    Apr 3, 2006
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    I just joined TGG a week ago and I've posted something everyday since. I love this site already, its not only informative but a lot of fun too. Here are my thoughts on the questions asked:

    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?

    - My impression at first was not so good, I thought he was too young, too inexperianced, and not the right man for the job. I'm a big Donnie Henderson fan and I would have loved to see him as the HC of the Jets but now after hearing some interviews with Mangini I really like this guy, his style and the way he is going to run things. So after a few months of listening to what he has to say I like what I see and im excited to see him lead the Jets. As for Tannenbaum, this was way over due this guy is a genius and has showed that with the moves hes already made.

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    - This is what I have mainly posted about since joining and im sure some of you have read my posts and I have a different way of drafting this year then many, I think the Jets should trade their #4 pick to the Broncos for their 15 and 22 picks, Pick DeAngelo Williams with 15 and then Marcus McNeill with the 22nd, with the 29 pick you then go with Mangold, or if the Jets want to go Defense with the 29 pick then select Demecco Ryans. Also with the 3rd rounder, or possibly 4th rounder pick Croyle or Jacobs at the QB position.

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .

    - I consider the 2006 season a success if the Jets are 7-9 and at most 8-8. I think and hope that Chad will come back strong and if we re-tool the O-Line I think the Jets will surprise many and be decent next year. I think the only thing that will hold the Jets back is the change of power and having to learn all new playbooks, schemes and goals of the coaches.

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum to succeed?

    - I think Mangini is a strong leader and Tannenbaum has shown that he can work on the same playing field as the best in the business, he showed this when he didnt give in to the falcons during the Abe situation. I give them 5 years, if they arent successful by then, there will need to be another change but I really think the Jets are in good shape for the future, JUST KEEP VILMA!! or else the future is in trouble.
  14. ukilledkenny

    ukilledkenny You bastards!

    Aug 11, 2005
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    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?

    i love having herm gone. i thought he had been doing a decent job for his first 3 years but starting late 2004 with his disasterous clock management and the joke that was our playoff run he began to wear out his welcome. i believe that in 2004 the jets beat the chargers in spite of herm and lost to pittsburgh because of herm. now with mangini and tanny i already feel like there is something diffrent about this team. even though they havent done much yet i just believe that they are doing all the right things and until they prove me wrong i will continue to think that.

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    i think it would be a dream to have leinart at #4 i think the chances of him being there are small but if he's there i cant see how we could pass on him. but assuming leinart is not there i cant really argue against any of the leading alternatives. i dont really like drafting d'brick at 4 but i think he will be a solid player so i still wouldnt be complaining, but any of the commonly discussed players at #4 besides cutler would be ok with me.

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .

    it is obvious that the culture that herm brought to the jets is gone and they are obviously a hard working and physical team. even if they only win 5,6,7, games this year the season will be a success if there has been a strong foundation set for a winning team in future years.

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?

    i believe they can get us in the playoff hunt in 2 years and i expect to be there in 3 years. so if success is being in the playoffs i say 3 years. now to be legit super bowl contenders i think it will take another year or two so i believe in no more than 5 years this team should be built to strongly contend for a championship.
  15. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    You know how much I respect your opinion, wb, but I've got to disagree with you on this one. Mr. Ed talks way too much sh*t. As if the JETS need a lockerroom cancer when they're trying to rebuild. Forget rebuild - BUILD, as in with freakin' Lincoln Logs. I had my fill with that big mouth Keyshawn back back in the day. I say 'hell no' to Mr. Ed, because quite frankly, your suggestion stinks. On top of it, he'll whine - er, whinny - because he can.
    #75 jetophile, Apr 7, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2006
  16. Zach

    Zach Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2002
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    > #4 May not agree with you on this this day and age, I dont think
    > anyone has that amount of time to bring a team from last to first.
    > Although Herm lasted that long...he had winning seasons from the get go.

    Well - I just meant to say that I would be able to stand 6 years of progress - as long as there is a visible upgrade each year. I don't know if it's just me or not, but the more I think of it, the more it makes sense to give at least 5 years. This is more so because the 5-year timetable is directly related to the players the Jets draft, and how the players go into their primes (late 20's.)

    Herm... made a visible downgrade year after year, by sticking with the old guys and not giving the young players the time. This is not how to start a strong franchise - Joe Banner would agree with me on this, I can assure you this much.

    > The NFL is more like baseball than can turn things around pretty quickly.

    I welcome quick upgrade like anyone, but well. Time has taught me to be more cautious than just that. A great number of teams rose in a nick of time, only to crash and burn immediately after such ascension. I hardly recall a team that elevated itself rapidly from the cellar of the standing ladder, and stayed on top of it for a long while.

    I understand that things will take time, and rushing will only make it worse. I will just leave it at that. :)

    > The one thing we should find out rather fast is if Mangini thinks this
    > defense just needs to be tweaked...or broken down and rebuilt. If its just
    > some tweaks..its not far fetched to see this team going into the second
    > year of this regime vastly improved.

    (Again, this is entirely my little opinion, so bear that in mind)

    If the franchise is starting over again (like they say they are) then why don't they start off with new players and new scheme altogether? If there is a player that is good, but does not fit the scheme Mangini tries to bring, I say trade him. (Maybe for a draft pick.) That includes just about everyone, including Vilma, Ellis and Robertson. In the worst case, just admit that the past draft has been a failure, and move on. If anything, I wouldn't be surprised if the Jets spike this year's salary cap to get rid of the ridiculous contracts. (That includes the Curtis Martin and Coles as well. Especially Martin - I know he's a great back and all, but it's time he took the backseat.)

    At least, on the defensive side, though, there seem to be many players that contribute no matter what scheme Mangini brings - so that much is a plus.
  17. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    Your avatar reminds me of my favorite Raiders poster:

  18. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    You know, don't you, that he's my favorite athlete of all time.
  19. lightning

    lightning Active Member

    Aug 23, 2004
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    im impressed
  20. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    You get those horses with the big wonderlic scores and they are bound to be clubhouse lawyers.

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