Newer Members ? Calling You Out, Volume II

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sundayjack, Apr 6, 2006.


    JETSJETS Member

    Mar 23, 2006
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    1. Team Tangini gets a thumbs up for thier handling of the earlier CAP issues and the quiet way in which they signed the new crew of players
    2. any of the top 5 would be an excellent addition (A.J. Hawk looks real appealing for the 3-4. So I would not trade the pick to go up or down in the draft.
    3. As long as we continue to sure up our O-Line and if we pick up 2 or 3 impact plyers in the draft we should be able to compete this year for anywhere between 7 and 9 wins.
    4. Success can be measured in many ways. I always felt it was not that easy to evaluate a Head coaches effectiveness without being able to see the whole play develop ( many time last year I saw our QBs check off to the back or TE when our recievers were wide open) I would like to see our game plan become more aggresive in a play to win mentality and not a Play not to lose as Herm always did IMHO
  2. ColoradoJets

    ColoradoJets Member

    Apr 6, 2006
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    Hi, thanks for the invite to post. I have been checking out this board for maybe 4 or 5 months without posting (but didn't register, not sure why that is such a big deal to some), mainly to get a feeling for how people felt about Herm. I gave up on him in the second quarter of the Denver game this year, I was sitting in Invesco field (I live in Denver) getting abused by fans and just watching one of the more disgraceful performances I have ever witnessed in any sport. It was embarrassing for the NFL, nevermind the Jets. That was the game I really thought that the team just quit playing for Herm. Maybe it happened earlier, but witnessing that in person put me on the "Herm must go" bandwagon. I was just sick of that look on his face that he always gets at some time during every game, you know the one, the one that says "Are they allowed to do that? Is that in the rulebook?"

    To answer your questions:

    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?

    I didn't know much about the guy but it seemed like a good gamble, certainly better in my mind than Mike Tice or Mike Sherman, even though I don't really have a negative opinion of those guys. I just didn't think they fit here for some reason.

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    I'm hoping they don't use the #4 on a quarterback, I would rather have a slam dunk pick. QB's are never slam dunks. I would like to see the Jets trade down a few spots and get NGata. I personally believe that DEFENSE WINS CHAMPIONSHIPS and stuffing the run should be our first priority. We sucked at that last year and that is partly why everything else sucked. I think the extra picks we would get for trading down would help more than staying at #4. Of course I don't know what we do with our 5 defensive tackles.

    After that, I still wouldn't mind staying with D in the first round and getting Bobby Carpenter. Then go O-line with our extra picks. I wouldn't mind Mangold in the #29 spot either, but I would rather take a bunch of O-line later.

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .

    Pigs Fly.

    No really, I would be happy to be 9-7, and I don't think that is too much of a stretch. But I wouldn't mind if it took a month to work out the kinks and just be exciting and fun to watch and look like an improved team by the end of the year, much like the fins in 2005. I just don't want to look like the dumbest team on the field like we did week after week for a few years, even when we were winning despite our silly coaching skills.

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?

    I'd be fine with 5 years as long as we looked decent. If we're taking 30 penalties a game for 3 years, maybe there is a problem.

    Thanks for the invite and the cool site, and for all the info. I like checking this site for the latest rumors since I don't get NY sports radio. Thanks for helping the out of town Jets fans!
  3. GreenBleeder69

    Oct 26, 2003
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    I'm not a new member, but I don't post too often. I mostly browse around to find out what's going on with the Jets because this board is always up to date. I don't know how you guys do it, but it seems like stuff is posted on here before it even happens. So a big thanks to you guys for keeping me informed. So since I don't post too often, I figured why not jump in on this one, so here's my take.

    What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?

    I liked the hiring of Eric Mangini. There's alot of talk about his inexperience and age, but honestly how many great canidates were there? I say why not take a chance on someone who seems to have 'potential' rather than someone who's proven to be an 'ok' coach. With all the bad luck we've had, maybe for once we'll get lucky with this guy. He could be the next Dick Kotite, but I like taking a chance on him.

    As far as Tannenbaum goes, I'm still unsure of this. Being great with cap numbers doesn't qualify you for evaluating talent. Now maybe from being around the league for some time now has helped him in that area, I don't know. I wasn't a big fan of Bradway but he wasn't the worst GM I've ever seen. All in all I see this as just a lateral move.

    Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    This is the standard answer but I truly believe in it. The best possible guy available at #4. I'm not a big fan of giving away draft picks to move up 2 spots. There's some great talent out there and I say just take the best you can get at 4. I would love Leinart, don't get me wrong, but I'm not ready to say that the franchise is doomed if we don't sign him. I'm not very concerned with our 4th selection. I have no doubt that no matter who we select, it'll be someone talented who can help the team, because god knows, we need all the help we can get.

    The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .

    31 teams drop out of the NFL. I don't see 2006 being a success. There might be improvements, and maybe flashes that we're headed in the right direction, but I don't see the Jets doing anything spectacular this season. I really hope I'm wrong, but I don't see us having a winning record this year.

    How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?

    4 years to at least get to the AFC Championship game. It may sound crazy, but as a Jet fan, I've been through this whole thing plenty of times before, and I'm running out of patience. Maybe if we had a few SB titles under our belt I'd give them a little more time, but if we don't get to the championship game by the 09 season, time to rebuild AGAIN in 10.

    Some of you may agree, some of you may not. I'm not an expert analyst, that's just the way I see it.
  4. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?
    Quietly optimistic on the former, happy on the latter. I like the idea of young, new blood. I thought Mangini looked a little uncomfortable in his skin on his intro, a little frumpy, but he'll get used to the NY limelight soon enough. As to Mike T., I think most anyone would be an improvement over Bradway. It was beyond him (fancy that), and numbers are Tannenbaum's groove thang. I think they'll make a good duo, but it's freakin' April, and life is always grand and fizzy in April. I think cautiously optimistic all told is a fair assessment - and I know the word ass is contained therein.

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    Secretariat. ==> [​IMG]

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .
    It's already a success. We got rid of our Head Coach and our GM. I was always a Herm supporter, and I didn't necessarily begrudge him his iffy exit as much as some other folks; but my patience ran out in one sitting for the entire year during the Ravens game. In the end I was glad to see Herm walk not because we were losing, but because of the way in which we were losing. Our roster was reduced to a litany of the walking wounded, but we should not have been THAT BAD, decimated by injuries and run over by trucks and such though we were. And to not pull out all the stops and find your diamonds in the rough when the season was lost to us on paper, no excuses there. I wanted to see every play in the book and every schmoe on the team, right down to the practice squad. I got nothing. There's nowhere to go except up from where I'm sitting based on that alone.

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?
    I think 4 years is more than fair. I've waited this long, I can find some patience for the right reasons.

    LI FLA JET New Member

    Jan 17, 2006
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    Alright I'll post if I have to.

    I am probably the worst at lurking but here goes.....

    1) I am very unsure, yet optimistic about Mangini. I think he will have a tough road to travel in NY. I don't see him giving up. I think Mangini will either make this team succesful or die of a stroke at a very early age trying to do so.

    I think Tannenbaum is going to be one of, if not the best, GM's we have ever had. I feel very confident Mr. T, and I pity the fool (sorry, couldn't resist).

    2) I hope the Jets draft Leinart, Brick, or Young....We need help on offense and I trully believe any of these guys would help tremendously. I like Young, don't really put too much into the wonderlic. I think Young is a competitor, and he has the single most important intangible there is: DESIRE. That being said, I would be happy with Young in green and white. Brick is amazing. I mean he really would fill such a gaping hole in our line it would be almost a sin not to draft him. He's a monster and would easily pay dividends more quickly than anybody else in the draft. Leinart was the Man in College. He has the ability, the smarts, but I'm just not quite sure if he has the one thing that makes Young so good....desire. I know Matt plays, and works hard, but we all know NY can get to a player if they struggle, Would Leinart survive? I think so.

    3)2006 would be a success if we make progress throughout the season. If the team I see against Oakland is makedley better than the team I watched against Tennessee, than we are moving in the right direction. I don't care how many games we win, so long as we get better throughout the season. Realistically we should make the playoffs.....We should. We have solid D...addition through subtraction, and we have a very competitive Man about to make the defining moment on his career. Penny may not come back to 2002 form, but you better believe he is gonna leave everything he has on the field this year. The guy is a competitor, a hard worker, a leader, and at one point was a Rhodes Scholar finalist. If anyone can do it, Penny can...He's gonna be pushing that whole offense to work their asses off this year. That being said.....We should be better at the end of the season than the beginning and we should make the playoffs

    4) I give Mangini/Tannenbaum one game to succeed at a time...I can take the losses, so long as they are good losses and the other team beats us. No more of this beating ourselves crap like last season. As long as our team busts their ass, and it is noticeable....we won't have to wait long until we get back to the big show.

    Hey next time don't ask for a post from this lurker, unless you want war and peace.......:grin: sorry for the length....
  6. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    Is this what you told your hubby whe you got engaged????????:smile:
  7. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I wear the pants in this house. He sticks to dresses because the season tickets belong to me. So who is the Nancy Pants? Discuss.

    EDIT: Riddle me this. HAH.
  8. GreenMachine


    Sep 9, 2003
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    but your pants are green and have lots of zippers.....

  9. 28rogerblaze51

    28rogerblaze51 New Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    I really enjoyed reading this thread, some of you had opinions that were right on, others that were reasonable and something to think about, and some are probably just agreeing with an older poster and writing it down to get threw this thread.

    Welcome to all the new TGG members who know whats up...

    And to the others you will learn...

    Here's :beer: to a good, no wait... great draft....
  10. azjet

    azjet New Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    1. I knew very little about Mangini or Tannenbaum but feel that their unknown potential is better than another year of Hermophobia. I don't think being the vet will guarantee your spot, at least this first season. The age of the dinosaurs may well be over so I see the CS letting the younger guys play for position, take more risks in the right situation, coach smart football, and speak honestly to the media and fans.
    2.Godzilla, Megagodzilla and Mighty Joe Young. The Jets need to push some teams around and gain some respect. I'm hoping for a strong O-line draft and worry that our run game will be the weak spot in 2006. If the Jets drafted Calhoun, Orr, Bernstein, and Daniels, then put Bollinger behind center and traded for Chambers and Dayne....oh well.
    4.Four years is pretty standard for coaches but for managment it may be two and out. How the draft is handled this year will be critical to Tannenbaums longevity.
  11. 28rogerblaze51

    28rogerblaze51 New Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    Oh and the reason why i didn't write my piece(peace), it's because if you read the jets forum you already know how i feel about every question...

    Now lets get drunk and party this weekend
  12. nicolab

    nicolab Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    ok for what its worth ill post up here - i normally stick to the bs forum (suits me)

    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?

    pleased about it - got thoroughly fed up of what i saw of herm last year (didnt see much being in good ole blighty but i saw enough)

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    Leinart would be a good pick IMO

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .

    im not expecting too much first year (cant be disappointed then can i ?)

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?

    at least 4 years - with all the upheaval they deserve at least that
  13. Royal Tee

    Royal Tee Girls juss wanna have fun

    Dec 31, 2002
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    Is it me, or do these threads resemble one of those sting operations where criminals get a call or email on something but have to go pick it up and when they get there there's 100 cops waitin for them. :smile:

    What are you gathering the Noob herd for SJ!? What are you up to!??

  14. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Mangini wants smart players. Secretariat got a 6 on the Wonderlic. You're not going to get away with just being a great athlete in the NFL. If we are going to try and ride our No.1 pick to a SB, lets go with this guy.
    #54 winstonbiggs, Apr 7, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2006
  15. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    What great posts..from page 1 on...why the hell are you guys not posting more!?

    Great idea Sunday.
  16. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Nice 3rd page posts also.


    Welcome keep posting!!
  17. nyj8085

    nyj8085 Member

    Mar 10, 2004
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    1. First impression... Thank God its not Tice! For Mr. T. Its about damn time.

    2. Mario Williams... I think this team will be built via the draft, go D this year and Offense next year.

    3. If we beat the Dolphins and the Pats once

    4. They deserve at least 3 years. I expect to see vast improvement by the third year.
  18. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?
    Mangini was the guy I was hoping we would get if we didn't hire Donnie Henderson. I didn't think we'd be able to get him because of rumors about Bellichick trying to convince him otherwise. So I was estatic when we did hire him.

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?
    There are so many good players available and so many holes to fill that it's hard to pick one in particular. I hope we keep #4 and go BPA, I'd be happy with any of the players that are projected to be picked that early. I hope we get at least one offensive lineman in our first 2 picks, and at least a center and a tackle in the first 3 rounds.

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .
    If we made the playoffs I would call that an overwhelming success given our current situation. Success can be measured in more than just wins and losses though. If we establish a solid offensive line and start building chemistry there, that would be part of a successfull season. If we are able to determine who our franchise QB is going to be, that would be a part of a successfull season. If Mangini and his young coaching staff learn from there mistakes and begin to fully understand what it takes to succeed at this level, that would be a part of a successfull season. If we develop more young players into starters, that would be a part ...

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?
    I did an analysis yesterday of how first year coaches do in the NFL and compared it to how they do in there second year. An overwhelming majority did poorly in there first season, most missing the playoffs all together. The majority of coaches that still have jobs did far better in the second year, most of them making the playoffs and winning at least 1 playoff game. There are a couple of very successfull coaches who did not fair so well in there second season (Bellichick, Shannahan - fired) who have gone on to be very very successfull. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say 3 seasons, but if they aren't successfull next season I will be dissapointed.
  19. ganooch

    ganooch Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    I cannot say that I was thrilled about the hiring of Mangini but I think it will work out well. Herm had to go. I know he got the Jets to the playoffs numerous times but if you really look at it ythey made the playoffs by luck in a couple of those seasons. All in all I like the Mangini hiring because it shows that the Jets are finally going to rebuild and why not start with the coach.

    You had a feeling that tannenbaum was going to be made GM because he and Mangini are close friends. IT was only a matter of time before Bradway was run out. I just hope that Tannenbaum is going to rely on his football people when it comes to acquisitions. Although he may be a cap guru, his football acumen is still a mystery.

    2006 Draft: If the Jets stay at 4 I hope that they take Leinart (if he is available) I would not trade up 2 spots to get him though. If he is not available, I would have to really think about trading down if some other team is really desperate for our pick at 4. I would not take Cutler at 4 but if we remain there, I would either take Mario Williams or AJ Hawk. AJ Hawk would be my personal pick because he and Vilma would be monsters out there.

    THe 2006 season will be a success if we do not lose our starting QB for the season. That would be a good start. It will be a success if our defense ranks in the top 10 and our offense in the top half. You cannot only go by win-lose, because if the Jets only win 5-6 games and most of the loses are close, it is a positive sign. Finally, if we beat the Dolphins 2X it will be a success.

    In today's NFL a team is good one year and can suck the next, vice versa as well. I give these guys five years to do their thing. I know it takes about three years to fully evaluate draft picks, so five years should be good enough.
  20. Bomber

    Bomber New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?

    A move that had to be made. As for whether it will be successful or not, it is way too early to judge that.

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    With our first pick? D'Brick or Williams. Selecting QB's at any pick and any other type of player from about 5 or 6th pick down in the draft is a lottery in many ways. Just hope we luck out with our 4 other picks in the top 100...there is certainly enough talent available for that to happen. As we've seen with many draft flops, though, talent does not equate to success.

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .

    We have three healthy quarterbacks for all of the season.

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?

    For the team: two years to start to show good signs, three years to playoffs. Mangini needs to be showing good signs of being a good coach from the first game: namely good game intelligence and not being overawed by any big occasion. He is of course allowed to make mistakes, as to be expected from a first timer in the position....just so long as he learns from them quickly. Tannenbaum has displayed good traits already....hope he and Mangini get things right in this draft, as this is a fairly big opportunity that doesn't come around all that often.
    #60 Bomber, Apr 7, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2006

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