Newer Members ? Calling You Out, Volume II

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Sundayjack, Apr 6, 2006.

  1. Hazardous Waters

    Mar 13, 2006
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    What has become of this nation?

  2. dwalsh

    dwalsh 2006 Rookie of the Year Award Winner

    Mar 3, 2006
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    how long was Mangini hired for?

    was it 4 years?
  3. Cotchery=future

    Cotchery=future New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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    5 years-12.5 mill I believe
  4. dwalsh

    dwalsh 2006 Rookie of the Year Award Winner

    Mar 3, 2006
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    alright, i thought it was 4 years 7.5 mill
    #24 dwalsh, Apr 6, 2006
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 8, 2005
  5. zoobooz

    zoobooz Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    Been reading TGG for a few seasons now and keep a low profile...but here goes.

    1) I like the idea of having a young coach that has come up learning from 2 of the best coaches of the era. He's actually got experience as a coordinator and any coach from the Belichick tree is certain to be able to gameplan and adjust. As for Tannebaum he's done well so far cutting big money and age from our roster and he was always mentioned in a positive light, despite working under Bradway.

    2) I would love to see us trade down for more picks as I'm very in favor of the youth movement. If we picked at #4 I don't know who to take, but it's hard to consider an offensive lineman that high when we lack so many skill and impact players on our roster. If we stay I would have to say Super Mario or AJ Hawk. I'd much prefer to trade down even if down to say the 10 spot or a bit later for the right price and draft an impact running back first off as recent history has shown a young RB can come in and be productive from day 1 almost moreso than any other position and our offense needs an IMMEDIATE jolt of life (and for some reason I love Lendale White, whatever). Then we can work on addressing our lines and add a first day QB that will come much more economically than the big 3.

    3) Don't blow money on overpriced underachievers and dedicate this season to the youth movement. We need to develop young players and establish a core that can carry our team for years to come. Our team should by no means be a cakewalk though, I want to see them out there every week competing and not making the same mistakes over and over that defined the Herm era. Imagine winning a game or two through sheer coaching? A coach that can gameplan; it is possible.

    4. The first season is a wash, but next season there should be marked improvement and playoffs atleast a forseeable possibility. I love to see overachieving teams and time itself will tell. If there is marked improvement at the end of year 2 and by that time we will hopefully see a glimmer in Mangini's calling a game to determine if he has a future in this league or if he's just another cheerleader on the sideline. Tannebaum's test is the draft and there can be no mistakes. He's done well so far but the draft will determine if he's worth his salt or not.
  6. zoobooz

    zoobooz Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    Right on the money.
  7. Cotchery=future

    Cotchery=future New Member

    Mar 30, 2006
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  8. vilmaisabeast

    vilmaisabeast New Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    1- My first impression of mangini was mixed, I thought he had worked with some great coaches and he might do well as a result of that but i was concerned about his age. I was happy at the time tannenbaum was promoted because he is supposed to be a salary cap genious. It worked out alright, We signed some solid FA's
    2-I am kind of hoping that they trade with denver for 15 and 22 but if they saty where they are then
    3rd:Martin Nance
    3rd:Anwar Philips
    3-They must acquire unselfish players from the draft who are focused on the team. If their players believe in Mangini and what he is trying to do and play with passion.
    4-If they dont make the playoffs in 3 years Mangini's out.
  9. LilGrrlGreen

    LilGrrlGreen New Member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    Hi Everyone...

    I admit I've been a lurker on this board for a while, but now it's time to make my opinions heard!

    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?

    I must say, I was very excited for us to have the opportunity to work with a Billichick disciple. This team is in desperate need of a fresh start, and he's the man to do it. I'm looking forward to seeing our roster grow younger as well. Yes, there will be growing pains, when is there NOT??? We need to find our heroes for the future.

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    Speaking of finding heroes for the future...I think we definitely need a quarterback to lead the way. Chad Pennington was my hero. And then came the broken wrist...then the torn rotator cuff...then the re-torn rotator cuff. Needless to say, I can't see him leading us into the future, and it breaks my heart.

    Since I live in Texas, a part of me wants guess who??? Yeah, Vince Young. He amazed me with his leadership and incredible instinct in the Rose Bowl. He had my husband and I jumping on the couch like 5 year olds!!!!

    But alas, I'm really not sure his unorthodox style is what we need. If I had to choose...I'd say Leinart. I think he would fit into our system seamlessly.

    Lord, our O-Line needs some serious help. I don't know enough about the choices to make an intelligent decision. But hey, that's why I read all of your informative posts!

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .
    If we can pinpoint problem areas immediately and make adjustments on the fly, then we are in good shape. Herm was horrible at this. I don't expect a Super Bowl Miracle by any means next year. But I'd better see improvement game by game. That means a lot of rotation and giving more of our young blood a chance to prove themselves. No benchwarmers this year...TIME TO STEP UP! Which leads us to our last question...

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?

    I must admit, I'm a little impatient b&%$h when it comes to this. Don't hate me, but I think 2 years is an adequate amount of time to shape this team up. The third year we'd better be Super Bowl bound...'CAUSE HAVEN'T WE JETS FANS SUFFERED ENOUGH????

    Here's to the '06-'07 Season!


  10. TeamJets2K6

    TeamJets2K6 New Member

    Apr 25, 2005
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    The Jets need a huge infusion of youth
  11. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Again with that Nancy Pants business?! It never occurred to me to REGISTER and then keep my yap shut. What's the point of that? Maybe there's something I don't get about this whole unspoken internet etiquette thing, but it truly makes no sense to me. I see people say it all the time: "I've been a member for six months, but just today I decided to post..." I...what? I openly admit I don't get it.

    EDIT: That being said, a hand up to LilGrrlGreen. :) Anyone who calls Bill Parcells a Fat Ass is aces in my book. Hehehe. Welcome again, Sista Green.
    #31 jetophile, Apr 6, 2006
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2006
  12. jetbugga

    jetbugga Member

    Feb 15, 2005
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    ok sunday jack, this should be in the bs forum! he he

    1. to me the hiring was 50-50. even though herm bailed out on us, i have to give credit to herm because it was great to see the jets in the playoffs on a consistant basis. i hope mangini can fix our problems and i'am really glad to have a hc with a headset on the sidelines. all i can say about mike tannenbaum is he will bring us better players and hope to see us back in the playoffs.

    2. vince young, leinart, deangelo williams.

    3. we should at least be .500 next season. i hope our wr's step up this year. we went through, i think, 5 qb's last year and neither of them could connect to our wr's, they have to get open for us to succeed.

    4. i hope to see the new staff stay togather for at least 4 yrs, the more we win the longer they stay. i hope schottenheimer has that same mean streak for the raiders like his daddy.
  13. JeremyDigital

    JeremyDigital New Member

    Mar 22, 2006
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    Hello everybody, this is my second stint on the board. my other name was deleted awhile back for inactivity, and i post only once in a blue moon. i live in Buffalo, NY and tho i do have some love for the Bills, i am a Jets fan at heart and make it a habit to defend myself whenever discussing football and/or watching games with friends. Buffalo football fans can be ruthless :)

    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?

    at first i was disapointed about the way Herm left, and that we got a Patriot coach. i do like how he handles the media, and questions about the Jets future. Mangini does seem wiser than his years.

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    there are so many holes to fill, it would be hard to be disapointed unless we pick a complete bust. i would go DL or OL, however the front office handles it whether it be draft at 4 & 29 or trade down and pick other talent, dosent make a difference to me. just improve the current situation please!

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .

    we do better than last year, and we figure out who is under center (also figure out a center too...)

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?

    2 years to at least be around .500, sign an extention if the management style shows improvement.
  14. Hot Rod

    Hot Rod Member

    Mar 15, 2006
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    (1) What was your first impression of the hiring of Eric Mangini as head coach, and the promotion of Mike Tannenbaum as General Manager?

    I was very happy with the hiring. After Herm screwed us over and lied out his ass after saying "I'm happy to be the coach here and I'm going to be the coach here, like I said before, and that's as far as I want to comment on it." (lying bastard) it's nice to get someone young and fresh. I like the idea that he was with NE and knows that team inside and out, hopefully that will only help us in beating them. I love how he wants team players (after all it is a team sport) and no head cases. I also like how he keeps everything close to the chest and doesn't go spouting off at the mouth. As far as Tannenbaum as General Manager, I think anyone would be better than Bradway and his dumb ass moves! I've been very happy with the moves these two have done so far with getting Pope, Kimo, Chatham, Dyson and getting rid of the team drunk!

    (2) Who are you hoping the Jets pick in the 2006 Draft?

    Cutler or Leinart and then nothing but OL & DL! As long as its not Young or another TE! Also it wouldn't bother me if we traded down either.

    (3) The 2006 season will be a success if. . . .

    Anything over 8 wins and as long as we are competitive in all the games. I think with our schedule there's a chance we could get 9 to 11 wins.

    (4) How long do you give the Mangini/Tannenbaum administration to succeed?

    I think we need to make the playoffs by the end of year 2 and after we get there we need to stay there and get to if not win a SB by the 4th year! I've got a feeling that it will be alot quicker then that!
  15. Sundayjack

    Sundayjack pǝʇɔıppɐ ʎןןɐʇoʇ

    Sep 5, 2003
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    ummmm. . . . . yeah. :)
  16. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    Correct. Indeed that would be a yes. Got you last. Sound off like ya got a pair, I always say. Sign up and then keep quiet says you. Whatever.
  17. LilGrrlGreen

    LilGrrlGreen New Member

    Dec 27, 2004
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    Thanks Jet-O! We grrls need to stick together. BTW, I think we need another Sock Monkey Tribunal...I don't know if we have had one since the site crashed.

    Oh, and just in case you were wondering, yes, Bill Parcells=Lardass

    BOOM BOBBA BOOM BOBBA BOOM BABBA (for all those 80s children who remember Stand By Me)

    Sorry, I know this is :eek:fftopic:
  18. thejetsaddict

    thejetsaddict New Member

    Nov 4, 2004
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    I read nothing after this. I hate herm soooo much and you should too :up:
  19. Scikotic

    Scikotic Banned

    Jul 15, 2005
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    heres my take...

    1) I was one of the people pushing for the Jets to hire Mangini...Im betting that working alongside the Bills ( Belicheck and Parcells) can only help him. He seems to have a pretty nice background although seeing minimal time as a DC in NE...and the guys he used to coach loved him so I was all for it.

    2) DBrick/Mario Williams, Mangold/Carpenter, Lawson

    3) The Jets develope their talent early, draft well, and if Chad Stays healthy...the whole offense hinges on this guys arm

    4)I have no doubt we will see improvement this year...but i want to be a playoff contender by 2007/2008 season

  20. jetophile

    jetophile Bruce Coslet's Daughter

    Oct 29, 2004
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    I rest my case.

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