"The Germans bomber Pearl Harbor???" "Shut Up..He's on a roll" "Now whose with me?? AHHHHHHHHHHHH" A classic!
Yeah, OK i will pay 15,000 bucks to watch football. Hey NYJ, get someone else to pay you that. If that does happen I'm done. I will watch games at home or better yet....I bet I can still get tickets at cost on GameDay. I will spend the 15,000 and put in a new kitchen in my house. I may be dumb, but I aint no sucker. Just imagine, 5 years from now you can be sitting in a seat watching a two win football team and living in a refrigerator box , but hey I would have the first crack at Dixie Chicks concert tix!!!!! Sweet!
No worries man, I'm sure you meant Japan. Easy slip... we were fighting Germans too eventually. :wink:
Hey Gator, this is important... I want you to enjoy your seats real good for the next 3 years because I plan on taking them over after that. The way I figure it, the Jets are gonna send me a notice in March, 2010 telling me my four Section 227 seats are "premium seats" and I therefore need to write them a PSL check for $20,000. At which point I will be calling the FO, the Star-Ledger, Johnson and Johnson and anybody else who'll listen to my bitching and whining like a stuck pig until they give me the option of moving into some good seats outside of the "Premium" area. I plan on telling them to give me Gator's seats and then I can wave to you after you move to your new seats, the ones up near the seagulls in the top row under the lights in the end zone.:rofl:
So now you're rewriting my lines, taking a paragraph to do it, then laughing at your joke? At first you said you didn't care, you'd move to 427. Change of heart, huh?
Hahahahahaa.... LMFAO. No, seriously though, I know I'm being facetious, but this may not be such a far-fetched example of how everyone down the line is going to be affected by PSLs (should they charge them). I can honestly envision a "ripple-down" effect taking place. Now, they do say that we're talking 84,000 seats now as opposed to the almost 78,000 that the current stadium holds, so we're picking up 6,000 seats. But I think a lot of that is going to be "luxury sky boxes" and the like and if they do charge the Mezzanine Section a PSL and not some other sections, you're going to see a massive "musical chairs" shifitng of seat locations. I wouldn't be surprised if some people have worse seats than they had before, because they're going to have to offer a season ticketholder of 20+ years the right to move out of the "premium" area and take lesser seats. That will cause others to have to move as well. The whole thing is a huge publicity nightmare for the teams. And the other thing is, if one team does it and the other one doesn't, THAT will really go over like a pregnant nun in church, so I don't see that happening at all. It'll be both teams charging PSLs or neither of them, despite the perception Cross is creating that it's an individual thing. That being the case, my guess is still that the Giants won't do it and the Jets will have to follow suit and suck up the expenses some other way.
If the PSL gives me the right to first crack at any event at the stadium, and realistically there is a Giant tix holder, that "shares" the same seat I have has the same first crack, what happens? If I am offered a "different" seat because the Giant fan got it first, then I rally do not have ownership of that said seat.
OK, let me see if I remember this correctly... ...oh yea, PSL's was one of the main reasons many Jet fans opposed the West Side Stadium. Some of you guys "reasoned" that a combo Jets/Giants Stadium would get funding from the NFL and both franchises, and with naming rights and so forth you wouldn't have PSL's with a NJ combo stadium. So, now we won't have our own stadium, we won't have a state of the art retractable dome in the greatest city in the world - and YOU ARE STILL FACING THE REALITY OF PSL's! Let me ask you a question...if you knew you'd get PSL's either way, would you change your mind on the WSS...
No it doesn't count less but the point is that Jet fans from the humble beginings have been hard working, mainly middle class families from Long Island and Queens. By adding PSL's you basically throw a large percentage of your season ticket base under the bus. I make a decent living and could certainly afford NYJ season tickets (hell I have Charger tickets now) but if I have to pay a 5,000 dollar premuim it makes it a tad bit harder to buy my kids school supplies and pay for them to play Little League and Pop Warner. PSL's are good for nobody except greedy corporations
Explain to me why a business cares though? Stadium is filled, business is happy. I see your point, but it means nothing in this argument. Can't afford it, then you don't get to go. That's the american way.. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it sucks.
U know what I wonder is how many of the posters that posted into this thread are even season tix holders?
Are the Giants paying the same PSL? That's $10K per seat! Holy $H!T!!! I've got two tickets, I can't swing that kind of expense>
Unintended consequences of PSL's... The divorce rate skyrocket's when the wife finds out you wrote a check from the home equity account, "hey, it's a good investment" will probably fall on mute ears. The FO has been prepping for years for this, they don't care if it's your fat ass or mine in the seats, the sympathy went out the window when Leon died. The $50 fee to be on the wait list gives them the value, use it or lose it when the backlash begins. If the tax laws were changed so anytime a corporation gives you a ticket they must also send you a tax notice to declare the full value along with a pro-rated PSL charge things might change for the FO would not be so emboldened to forsake the current fan base, you do know that the BOZO's who sit in the Staples seats get a bill from the IRS for the taxes they owe on the prize? Besides the point when the Jets finally get to the SB, you probably have a snowballs chance in hell to go.