New Stadium mailer from Woody

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ess-dog, May 27, 2008.

  1. jetmike

    jetmike New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    I just got off the phone with the ticket office and they were no help. I expressed my concern for the way this was handled. I was directed to call the Director of Marketing in the NYC office. Her name is Victoria Vitarelli and the tel# is 212-969-1800. I hope all concerned ticket holders will call and express their concerns. It is only through some fan action that we may have any imput. I also filled out a internet survey a few months ago and I wrote about the lack of fan importance to the organization. I wonder if anyone else filled out that survey. I never got a response, which is very typical of the organization.

    It will be sad if loyal fans like you and I must give up our seats. Jetmike Sec 227 row 11.
  2. jetmike

    jetmike New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Sorry! Jetmike Row 228 Row 11
  3. 17a_tailgater

    17a_tailgater Active Member

    Mar 11, 2004
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    i filled out the survey too but no response
  4. Jetscott

    Jetscott New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    This would be our luck, wouldn't it? I feel like that almost-grab-the-ring AFC Championship appearance will come just as our big stadium move looms, just to insure that all the new seats get sold without a hitch (thus screwing over the old faithful). I attend games with Jetmike above (my father, a long-time sufferer). This mailing smells like garbage, and I hate the weird focus on amenities ("hey, it's so great that we'll all enjoy new concessions together, isn't it?"). It reminds me of the way "luxury" apartments in NYC sprout up like dandelion weeds...just another excuse to take more cash to the bank.

    Maybe, someday, we'll all be in virtual-reality bubbles, hooked up at home to multi-angle smell-o-vision headsets that'll be better than being there yourself, while the stadium's just filled with luxury suites, men in suits, and TV cameras. That's certainly the way the NFL and the team owners would like to see it go.

    In forty years, telling tales of "being at the game" will feel like fairy legends.
    It almost makes me hope for the Jets tanking in consecutive 1-15 seasons, just to see the PSL gambit backfire. But even that won't work. Someone will pay the bill. Just not us fans, because I certainly don't have $15,000 hanging around my back pocket.
  5. Jersey Joe 67

    Jersey Joe 67 Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    i'm section 111 on about the 47 yd.line, rows 2 & 3, seats 24, 25,in both rows, i'm assuming those are the coaches club seats? oh GOD, i'm dead!
    #25 Jersey Joe 67, May 28, 2008
    Last edited: May 28, 2008
  6. Jetscott

    Jetscott New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    I've never trusted Woody at all as an owner. He reminds me of Mr. Burns, with a wimpier smile.
  7. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    One of the pictures in the brochure is of a dimly-lit fancy restaurant and bar. The picture is titled, "New Level Of Premium."

    The wording above this picture says, "Can't decide between heading to a five-star meal in Manhatten or catching the game? Now you don't have to with all the new premium club space that you can take advantage of inside the building."

    Well Whoop-Tee-Fucking-Do. Like I'm gonna have my tickets in my hand and be leaving the house before the game saying, "What should I do, go to the game or go to a five-star Manhatten restaurant?" Are you fucking kidding me?

    I go to the game in my jeans and sneakers. I bring layers of clothing which I will either wear or not wear based upon what it's doing in the parking lot (temperature, wind, rain, etc.) I like to tailgate at a game and be outside with the other fans throwing footballs and talking to other people about the Jets, not sitting in a fancy, quiet, five-star restaurant in a jacket and tie being waited on hand and foot. Who the hell does that? And who the hell even thinks somebody would want that?

    Sometimes I go to a Jets game and get rowdy and sometimes I get dressed up and go out for a nice quiet dinner in a fancy restaurant with my wife and friends, but I can't imagine trying to combine both.

    Honest to God, somebody really has their head up their @ss. This just shows you the level of imbecilic "upscale" thinking that's gone into this thing. What a shame... that's all I can say. Jets games as we know them will become a thing of the past.
  8. sect105

    sect105 New Member

    Feb 2, 2006
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    I like the part where they say "Are you so far under the over hang that you can not see the Scoreboards, Now we will have 4 HD screens and everyone will be out in the open".

    I am under the overhang now, and there are TV's there. I can still see the video board. Not to mention I never get wet!

    Also, do they forsee all Jets fans at the game dressed in either yuppie outfits or have a Jersey with no number and the Hat on backwards, because all the pictures show that.
  9. sec314

    sec314 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2006
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    Hey wait a minute buddy. How dare you talk to me like that. Roast beef has no flavor!!!! Its all about the Pork. I will be more pissed about the no food ban then the PSL's. I am one of those upper level side of end zone guys that never moved in 28 years so nobody is displacing me. I am think my tics will go up, but no PSL. Take that Mezz and lower.
  10. Italian Seafood

    Italian Seafood New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    Fuck, man. Gate D is going to be $25 for a lapdance now. Probably a cover charge and a bouncer with an earpiece, too. Not cool.
  11. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    Yeah, I just noticed that little tidbit after you mentioned it. So now it looks like they've all but eliminated the overhang so everybody who doesn't pay the PSL Vig can get wet as hell. But they're selling it like it's a great thing (no overhang).

    I'm 5 rows in from the rail and can see everything perfectly without getting wet. Now they've screwed up those seats but good and have the balls to probably charge me up the ass based on my "improved" seats, just because I can see an extra screen or two. So now I can pay $60 Grand to get a wet ass.

    Man, if you don't know the score of the game without constantly having to look at a TV screen, something's either wrong with your attention span or you're totally shitfaced and should be home where you belong, asleep on the couch.
  12. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    It's obvious from the pictures that the stadium is "spread out." I've commented on this before, based on artist's renditions, but now everyone can plainly see from these more detailed drawings that the stadium is less "stacked." By that I mean, less vertical and more horizontal.

    The old Giants Stadium, God rest it's soul in 2010, is actually an ideal stadium based on a fan's view of the game. "There isn't a bad seat in the house" was always a frequent description. Like the fact that it said "Giants Stadium" on the facia or not, we always had a good view of the action.

    But now, they've spread out the footprint, which is the reason why there are very little overhangs in the new stadium. Horizontally, they've lengthened the proximity to the field, putting you further away from the action while still maintaining the height (or higher). The end result is, you're further away from the field than you were before.

    So this is what we're expected to pay for? A worse view than we had before? And some that had cover under the overhang don't have it anymore? And those that had decent seats in their sections will be displaced by ticketholders that have been forced out of their sections because of the outrageous PSLs, so they move "down," moving others still further away or up in some corner, to the point where every swinging dick is sitting in a lesser seat than they had originally?

    The more I'm thinking about this and posting, the more pissed I'm getting.
  13. Section 227. Row 5

    Section 227. Row 5 Active Member

    Mar 4, 2005
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    I'm with you, buddy. Pork fat rules, like Emerill Lagassi says.

    This thing is a huge fiasco. I'm sorry I ever heard of a new stadium. I've been happy as hell for 23 years. There's not a thing wrong with this old stadium, other than the name on the side of it, and that could have been changed with the stoke of a pen and a sign company.

    But OH NO.... we need a new freakin' stadium....
  14. Nu'u Fa'aola

    Nu'u Fa'aola New Member

    Mar 5, 2008
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    It's capitalism, plain and simple.

    The team doesn't care about fans or how long those fans have been fans. Professional football a business - the team cares about making money.

    With the NFL becoming more and more corporate, the team needs to generate more income so it can afford to pay its players and coaches their grossly inflated, but market-determined, salaries. The team also needs money to pay for this new stadium, which will help the team ultimately generate more income.

    If someone was willing to pay you 1000% of what someone else has been paying, wouldn't you take the higher bid? Long gone are the days when the teams care about fans (except for maybe the Packers). Joe Fan Season Ticket Holder who tailgates and then buys a few beers and hot dogs at the stadium hardly pays a percentage to the team that a corporate sponsor like Sharp or Sprint does.

    If you're the team and Joe Fan is offering you an annual income of $4,320.00 (assuming 4 tickets at $80 over 12 games + $40 per game on concessions) and Sprint is offering you $500,000.00 over the next three years, to whom are you going to cater?

    Also, if people are willing to pay for the PSLs, why shouldn't the team take the money? They'd be insane not to. If a bar charges a cover charge to get in and let people drink and it doesn't negatively effect the number of patrons that come to the bar, management would be foolish to not charge the cover. The same thing follows with PSLs. As long as the team can put people in the seats, it won't care who is in them. And the team should only care about the people who support it financially, not just about Joe Fan who has rooted for them since before Joe Walton. If people are going to get pissed off because they can't afford their seats, but at the same time the team has new people coming in and happy, what difference does it make to the team?

    As for amenities at the stadium like the upscale dining options, many fans (though they would be a huge minority on boards like this) have called for more food options than nasty stadium burgers and hot dogs. Wanting to have a nice meal before, during or after a game doesn't make a person any less of a fan than anyone else. Most newer stadiums around the country have built-in upscale dining options built in to them and they do very well. One doesn't have to be a mouth-breathing Neanderthal who is satisfied by stale beer and greasy burgers to be a fan.

    All this whining about PSLs and the team not caring about the fans is pointless. The team is going to do what it wants. As long as people buy the tickets up and there's a waiting list for them, the team is going to be in total control.

    Either fork over the money to attend the games in a nicer, cleaner, more modern stadium or don't. The whining about the crooked economics behind it all is futile. What's happening with this stadium is social and economic Darwinism.

    I understand that everyone has the right to not be happy about the direction the team is heading with the PSLs and that everyone has the right voice his opinion on the matter. Sometimes, though, I think people need to take a look outside of their own situation and take a look at the larger picture of what's happening, not just how what's happening effects them.
  15. jets94nj

    jets94nj Active Member

    Feb 1, 2004
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    what was with the sections. coach club and east and west club?
  16. jetmike

    jetmike New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    I disagree. It is time for the fans to be heard. I am a physician and when patients are unhappy they voice their concerns. To just lay down and not voice our concerns as season ticket holders is not in our best interest. I have been a season ticket holder 43 years and I don't want to give up my seats but at some point I may have to. I know there is a waiting list and I think the Jets don't really care about us ,but not doing anything is like surrender.
    CALL TO SEASON TICKET HOLDERS! UNITE! CALL THE JETS AND LET THEM KNOW HOW YOU FEEL. Call Victoria Vitarelli Director of Marketing at 212-969-1800. Jetmike Sec 228 row 11
  17. jetmike

    jetmike New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    Sounds to me like you are a corporate lackey. Just being led down the path by your nose ring. Everyone who pays for a ticket has a right to voice their concern to the Jet management, not that that will accomplish anything. But being quiet and just taking what is being dished out is just foolish. I can't understand your total lack of fan feeling at all.

    The above is the opinion of my wife who attends all the games with me and I totally agree with her. JETMIKE SEC 228
  18. jetmike

    jetmike New Member

    Mar 17, 2004
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    My name is Mason and I am 8 months old. My granddad Jetmike has had season tix for 43 years and I am looking foward to going to Jet games with my daddy and granddaddy. It is a family tradition and i want to be able to continue the legacy. Please call the Jets and help fight to preserve my legacy and those of other grandchildren who haven't been born yet.
  19. Joe Willie White Shoes

    Joe Willie White Shoes Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2003
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    Where does the mailing or anything else say that PSLs will be $15,000 or $5,000 or $500 a seat??? Everbody calm down. There is no way the PSLs are going to be anywhere near as expensive as you are all speculating.
  20. Nu'u Fa'aola

    Nu'u Fa'aola New Member

    Mar 5, 2008
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    I totally think everyone with an opinion should voice it. You have that right and one of the great things about this country is that you can voice your opinion when you aren't happy.

    What I'm saying though is that no amount of opinion-voicing is going to change the situation. Economics, in this situation, will ultimately win.

    If the team decides to not go the PSL route, which is unlikely, it's going to be due to an economic decision, not because of the fear of bad PR from the fans.

    I'm not a "corporate lackey" as it has been suggested, I'm just someone who understands the cold economics of how the system is working in favor of the corporations. I don't think realizing that the team values its relationship with a corporation that gives hundreds of thousands, even millions, of dollars is more imporant to the team than Goomba Johnny from section 309 whose been there for 20 years makes me a "corporate lackey."

    That said, I'll be keeping my season tickets even though I only make it to one game a year due to the fact that I live on the West Coast. I'll eat the PSL and make it back over time through selling my tickets for all of the other games. Having gone to just about every home game at that awful stadium between the 1983 and when I went off to college in 1996, I'm really looking forward to seeing the team play in a great new stadium. I'll probably even eat at the fancy restaurant because it's an option.

    Go ahead and voice your opinion, you're entitled to it. I just don't think that it will ultimately matter in this situation.

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