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These are SO COOL!!!!!! Anyone know where I can buy one??? I am going to ask my Mom to buy me a Mark Sanchez for Christmas!!!! Thanks for Posting the Link!!!!!!!!
Bullshit!!! Nike learned of the backlash and now are lying to us about them being real. Somewhere out there is a Jets jersey worn by someone mistaken for a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle with a big #6 on it.
Like I said, Nike designed and created them. The college agrees because Nike pays them obscene amounts of money and gives them jerseys to advertise the brand. but thanks for confirmin what I said
we actually have the good jerseys from this "designer". The other teams I were looking at are not so fortunate. I always wanted a nice black/green version of our jerseys, not something to wear everygame but at least once in a while to change up the look.
I'm really digging the black and green. That's a cool look. Plus, the Pats, Bills, and Fins jerseys all look ridiculously stupid. I did not think it possible that the Bills could be any less intimidating. If they wore those jerseys, they'd have to officially change their name to the Jills.
Whats the matter with the ones we have now? Do all new uniforms have to look like something out of The Transformers?
What is the obsession with black? The team colors are green and white. Introducing black now would make no sense. I know it had been used on the green helmet facemasks, but that's where you have to draw the line. Maybe as a subtle outline, but no all black. I don't want the Jets trying to look like teams I don't like for the sake of looking stylish. I'd rather see a jersey sprayed with diarrhea before they start copying the Steelers. I agree with the request for a topic edit, since the claim that these are somehow actually Nike designs has been disproved several times now.
The Fins and Patsies can have them as long as it is mandatory to wear their jockstraps over their pants.
It'd be great if this weren't true and one of the TGG members was in charge of designing the Fins or Pats uniforms at Nike.
I'm not. I for one loved when they went back to the orginal uni's back in 1998. They should remain the uni.