nah, I placed some hidden and some unhidden. Also, IBLEEDGREEN17 won as much as MParty, so it's a tie for second after abyzmul (? I think). MParty7441 200 20/1 (20.00) 4000 IBLEEDGREEN17 200 20/1 (20.00) 4000 Steve032 78 20/1 (20.00) 1560 Denny 75 20/1 (20.00) 1500 devilonthetownhallroof 50 20/1 (20.00) 1000 Steve032 50 20/1 (20.00) 1000 Yisman 44 20/1 (20.00) 880 BadgerOnLSD 10 20/1 (20.00) 200 Yisman 7 20/1 (20.00) 140 Ace Nick 5 20/1 (20.00) 100 IATA 4 20/1 (20.00) 80 Scik 2 20/1 (20.00) 40 Yisman 3 10/1 (10.00) 30 By far the most I bet on any of the options. I won a little over 1,000, which pales in comparison to what I lost on MMA. Lot of money won on hidden bets here.
I think this worked out even better with the gap between voting and result. Added drama. Congrats to those with foresight.
I also lost my ass on ollie, I thought Soss was a pretty good bet though. Now I can lose all of my money on a wager for our Pats games next season.
You made it into the top 5 Pennythetowelboy has a total of 27172 Steve032 has a total of 27018 Jetfanmack has a total of 24970 FloridaJetsFan has a total of 24550 abyzmul has a total of 21400