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Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by WhiteShoeWillis, Aug 12, 2010.

  1. TheSultanOfFootball

    TheSultanOfFootball New Member

    Jan 5, 2012
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    Hello TGG members, my name is Omar and it's a pleasure to finally sign up for an account with you guys. I started watching football starting with the 2003 Superbowl game. It is then when my cousins introduced me to the sport in its entirety as well as me becoming a huge New York Jets fan. I have been on this board for many years now reading the various comments and opinions of all the members and am looking forward to debating future discussion topics with everyone.

  2. avrus

    avrus New Member

    Dec 13, 2010
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    Hey guys, my name is John. I was actually a member of the site way back in 2009 but my account got deleted from inactivity.

    I'm from Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
    I got interested in the Jets (and football) seriously back in 2009 when a friend of my con'd me into joining a fantasy football league. My first week I went 16/16 and have been going downhill ever since.
    Why am I a Jets fan? It seemed fitting since I fucking hate Tom Brady and the Patriots.
    I've gone a little overboard in the jersey department, I enjoy going to work in my #6 Sanchez just so random people on the street talk shit.
    Currently own a Tomlinson, Revis, Sanchez and Scott. I have a blank (got shipped to me in error) and I think I'm going to get a Mangold.

    My buddy is a Cowboys fan and he swears every time the game is on "I wish I had never introduced you to football. Fuck you, and fuck the Jets."

  3. Vida

    Vida Active Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Hey all.

    As I wrote in my first post I've been following the Jets now for the last 2 seasons from Melbourne, Australia. I've watched NFL sporadically over the last 10-15 years but due to limited air time in Australia it was hard to watch consistently and I couldn't get a grasp on the rules and the intricacies of the game. Now with 5-6 games being shown every week for the last few years I've been able to get a hang of the game and it's now my second favuorite sport behind Australian Football (AFL). It works out well because the AFL season goes from March-September and the NFL runs September-February so there is no real off-season for me!

    I don't know why I picked the Jets I just found myself start to barrack for them after following a few teams (including Philly, Colts, Panthers, Bears, Lions & Redskins). I knew they were my team when watching them lose started to hurt and the wins gave me a rush. It doesn't hurt that they get frequent airtime in Australia also, but I think the game that solidified my support for the Jets was the playoff win last season against the Pats. I hate the Pats and Brady which seems like I made a good choice being a Jets fan. The rivalry is alive for me also as my now fiance who started watching games with me when I had the TV on adopted the Patriots as her team despite me telling her all the reasons why she shouldn't support them. I get a pretty hard time because the team I follow in AFL (Melbourne Demons) hasn't won a premiership since 1964 (which gives me some empathy for the Jets) while her team (Geelong Cats) has won 3 of the last 5. So like most of you I am praying that the Pats don't get up this year.

    Anyway I've been reading here most of this season and it is good to be on board. I hope I can contribute but if something I say doesn't make sense it is because I am still learning the game so I am happy to be given some friendly hints from others here.
  4. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    We've got a few Aussie posters here, SydneyDon and Satan are two regulars. Both came onboard when Ben Graham started playing for the Jets. Watched the Grand Final this past year and because of Graham I rooted for Geelong so I was happy with the result. SydneyDon was actually there.
  5. Vida

    Vida Active Member

    Jan 3, 2012
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    Yeah I was going for Geelong in the final as well considering they were playing Collingwood who are very much a love them or loathe them team (like the Raiders or the Cowboys I guess?) Was a great game up until the last quarter also but very much hoping I can see the Demons and the Jets score some silverware over the next few years.
  6. blackrob

    blackrob New Member

    Sep 26, 2011
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    My name is Rob

    I've been observing theganggreen website for awhile, but have not posted anything up until now. I have been a die hard Jet fan my entire life. I'm 32 now....so I've been a fan for about 25 yrs. Needless to say, but its been painful.

    I have a ton of thoughts about this current disappointing season but will keep it short in this introdcutory post.

    1: Sanchez is awful. His lack of football IQ is upsetting to me, and I understand that this is not entirely his fault. Tannenbaum, Rex, and Shotty all have a role in his lack of development over the last three seasons.
    2: Rex needs a new gameplan. Stop being these guys friends and hold them accountable for making basic football plays that I and they learned in pop warner football. Tackling, running, no penalitiies, catching the football to name a few.
    3: We need a bonafide pass rusher. Maybin is encouraging, but would love one other DE or linebacker help in this effort.
    4:Greene is a #2 Running Back unless we upgrade our O-line. His 4.1 yd average is not bad, but he can't break for the long run, and the playcalling does not help his effort.
    5:Shotty must go! He has the offense playing scared and that's unacceptable. Anything in life...if you go about it timid or scared...you will not be successful.

    Talk to you guys soon.
  7. rjmac

    rjmac Banned

    Jan 7, 2012
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    hello , ive actually been a member since spring 2011(rjmac720).for some reason it was never active, so i was unable to read links and make post on here.
  8. KerleyFries

    KerleyFries Member

    Jan 8, 2012
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    We need to rebuild in 2012, have a great draft with some solid and safe players. Stop signing expensive and old free agents. Even in a rebuilding year, we should be able to make the playoffs. JETS BABY!
  9. category6um

    category6um New Member

    Jan 11, 2012
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    hey im jerry new here.

    NJ guy. love the Jets!!
  10. DarthHoodie

    DarthHoodie New Member

    Jan 11, 2012
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    Hello all, I'm not a Jets fan. In fact I love the Jets like I love green katchup, I don't! But I am not here to pick fights, I'm just here to exchange info and let our healthy rivalry brew to a healthy simmer, just enough so it is fun. I guess it is obvious by my user name that I'm a Patriots fan. Ok you can stop booing now....no really guys its okay...get all your boos out now. I actually grew up in Westchester NY, in the 80s and even then I despised the Jets. I guess you can say I had too many annoying 'friends' that loved the Green, and the only satisfaction I got is when #13 started winning division titles year after year. When the Dolphins started to slide in to crumminess- I was forced to switch allegiances to the only other team which could satiate my taste for Jets blood and here I am today on the page of my arch-enemy. See you next year, Ladies and Jets.
  11. patton

    patton New Member

    Sep 26, 2011
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    Hello all

    Hey guys,
    I found this site at the start of the season, and lurked since then so I could get a feel for the place. Didn't want to post anywhere until I found out what would get a fat bronx cheer from everyone. Was brought up a Jets/Mets fan by my father and grandfather who has suffered along since his beloved Brooklyn Dodgers left town.

    I'm from Orange County NY, and have been to a few games at both Meadowlands stadiums. Hope to contribute where my thoughts will benefit the discussions.

  12. fozzi58

    fozzi58 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    There are quite a few *ETS fans here. You can suffer with us.
  13. patton

    patton New Member

    Sep 26, 2011
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    Thanks fozzi!
  14. gangjet

    gangjet New Member

    Dec 11, 2011
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    I am a huge JETS fan living for the past 10 years in Texas breathing Dallas Cowboys and now Houston Texans. I am glad for the internet and The Gang Green that allows me to be in touch with JETS Nation at all times. I love Rex Ryan as a coach and I strongly believe he'll take this team to the Promise Land sooner than later. This past season was a regress, but sometimes you need that to recharge and move forward. GO JETS!!!
  15. NYCKNP

    NYCKNP Member

    Jan 12, 2012
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    Hello everyone! My name is Kalind. I joined last week, but forgot to introduce myself. I wasn't a big football fan growing up, but ever since I got into football during the 2009 NFL season I came to be a fan of the Jets. I have seen previous Super Bowls before and did watch a few Jets games during the Parcells and Edwards era, but as a casual viewer.

    I'm also a fan of the NY Yankees, Pro-Wrestling, and MMA (in case if anyone was curious) so if anyone wants to have a conversation about those topics I mentioned, I'll be open to discuss.
  16. RAMBO

    RAMBO Member

    Jan 4, 2012
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    Hello Fellow Jets Fans! My Name is Tyler and have been a fan since 2000. I live with a family full of Pats fans and have been a Jets fan since day 1 of my football life.
  17. jemgeejets

    jemgeejets New Member

    Jan 19, 2012
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    My name is Giovanni and i'm from Manchester in the U.K. Been a die hard Jets fan for the past 5 years, even got my fiance knowing all the teams in the NFL lol. Been a member on another forum since 2008 but been reading posts on here for a while now and thought id join. Hopefully 2012 will be a redemption year for the Jets and give us fans something to cheer about!!
  18. PraiseRevis

    PraiseRevis New Member

    Jan 26, 2012
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    Sup guys, name's Matt from Bayonne. Huge Jet fan obviously and not enough Jet fan friends so I thought i'd venture out in the virtual world to find people who actually know what they're talking about. It was a tough season, worst possible super bowl match up is taking place (again), and we have a long and hopefully busy offseason a head of us and I look foward to sharing it with you.
  19. hastygreen

    hastygreen Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2012
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    Hey, 21 year Jet fan here. I've been lurking around Jet Fan sites for a while but I found myself lurking here the most:) I don't know nearly as much as some of you guys do but I'll do my best to put forward relevant and sane posts.

    J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. JohnnyThaJet

    JohnnyThaJet Active Member

    Apr 13, 2009
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    Hahahahaa dude that avatar is hilarious. Welcome to the board! Don't be afraid to ask any question or talk about any topic. We have some negative people on here but thankfully most on here are positive and rational.

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