Now we are talking like jet fans, all this other boo hoo, rex is gone to the bills garbage makes me sick. I don't care for any coach, player, GM who is not on this team. Don't get me wrong, I don't wish anyone Ill will in their personal or family life, but when it comes to a game played on Sunday's I could care less. You think any other team is concerned about the Jets well being and success?
Bills fans better hope that being fired has led Rex Ryan to reevaluate his approach to being a Head Coach. Otherwise all they have to look forward to is poor discipline, inept offense, stupid timeouts, refusal to bench players the coach happens to like, and three or four games a year when the "great motivator's" team comes out playing completely flat.
Hahahahahahahahahaha Rex you are an idiot Hahahahaha Typical Rex Ryan move, goes to the team with a stacked defense and an offense that is a move away, GUESS WHAT REX YOU FUCKING CLOWN, YOU NEVER KNEW HOW TO MAKE THAT MOVE. Atlanta was gift wrapped for him, all he had to do was improve their defense and it was a golden opportunity. At least we know the Bills will never win anything again lol
Atlanta was intending to but Arthur blanks mother is sick so it stalled it, Ive been hearing that for the last week. Rex took the first contract that was handed to him.
Consider who he had throwing to him (EJ/Orton) and who his HC was...Doug Marrone, a man who would punt on 3rd and 1.
LMAO at all you jealous Jets fans that loved RR yesterday and now all of a sudden he's the worst coach in the world today.
Bad move by Rex then. Atlanta would have been the quickest route to his SB goal but somehow, I get the feeling that he let his ego get the better of him and went for vengeance instead of glory.
The Bills are a much better team than the Falcons. The Falcons need many many players while the Bills are one player short of being a very good team. Of course the most important player. But all they need is a stop gap veteran QB to play smart football. Unfortunately for them there are none of those type of players available. It will be interesting to see what happens. But then again Rex is always interesting. I really hate the Bills. I still have not gotten over them beating us in the playoffs where we almost had the great comeback nor have I been able to put aiside the Jim Kelly ere and on that matter I do recall watching the game where OJ set the single season rushing record against us. There is a lot to dislike about the Bills. But Rex is not one of them. I would like to see good things happen to Rex just hopefully not at our expense. Interesting now all 4 AFC teams are being run by Jets or former Jets personnel. Rex in Buffalo, Tanny in Miami and Darth Vader in NE.
btw Rex's last game vs the Bills was in Detroit. After that huge snowfall in Buff. When the Bills had almost no time to prepare for the game or practice. Some Bills players had to be picked up at their homes and transported via snowmobiles to the airport. Advantage Jets. And we still got our asses kicked.
Yep, there were rumors of mcDaniels to to atlanta to because of Pioli but nbc said last night that mcDaniels will stay in new england. Rex was probably worried that if he held out for atlanta, and failed to get it for whatever reason, that he wouldnt get a job. Apparently the front office in Atlanta isn't high on rex but the owner really wanted him but couldnt talk because his mom's very very sick.