Iran will have Nukes, probably closer now than ever, if they don't have them already. Israel has them, is also taking land from Palestinians, which they declared that God gave it to them. Israel doesn't give a shit what happens to America, regardless of how many on the right say we should serve them because of Religious ties. Every American president has had to deal with Israel and the trouble that they have created in the middle-east since the late 1940's. I'm not a fan of any particular party, or politician, but the more I see history for what it is, the more I realize America is paying for the actions of the Jewish foreign policy makers. Israel benefitted from our invasion of Afghanistan, and Iraq, in that now our foreign policy will be forever entangled in the region now. If Israel has nukes, the entire middle-east is going to ask "why the double standard?" If Israel wants to invade Iran, go ahead, but leave our staggering country out of it. We are spread way too thin globally to help them now. Israel will have to work it out with Iran, just like America worked it out with Russia during the Cold War. All the "rightys" can call me liberal if they want. I am not. My thoughts are more aimed at helping our country, than those who think Benjamin gave an awesome speech. Those people are probably the same ones who loved Bush's speech. I guess everything Bush did for our country was a good thing? Bush destroyed our country. Those who believed in him sure look stupid now. Same people who are fine with letting these clowns do as they wish are terrified of fellow law abiding citizens having guns. Iran would love nothing more than to launch a few nukes at the US. You can go ahead and mark me down as being glad we have a strong nuclear armed allies in the region.
skippy, some day you are going to wake up and your persian friends have the nukes you are so tied up in knots about. Then what?
I'm hearing alot about the end days lately and this speech furthers helps believers think the end is near. From what isis is doing in trying to get everyone in that area to Israel potentially attacking Iran . End or not things are looking really bad and I just hope the US minds it's business.
the day iran obtains nuclear weapons will be a very bad one for the world. I don't think we should discontinue any efforts that slow that process. what's the logic behind backing off and allowing them a quicker path to the bomb again?
The problem is the Saudis all but created Al Qaeda and they didn't learn their lesson and essentially created ISIS to spread their version of Islam. I know you are familiar with Wahhabism and what it's all about. They are the major reason the war in Syria spiraled as out of control as it did and it was their "freedom fighters" that turned into IS. I'm not so sure I agree with you that a war between Israel and Iran draws the Saudis in at least in the technical sense. I think we'd see more of the same that we saw in Syria in which you'd have "freedom fighters" hijacking the revolution from the people of Iran and God only knows what they will turn into once they start flowing into Iran. Will ISIS now have a multi front? I'm not saying we should allow them an easy path to the bomb but Pakistan has a bomb and so does India and they have learned to live with each other. Do you think Iran really wants to deal with the repercussions of launching a nuclear attack on Israel? We missed a golden opportunity a few years ago when Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stole that election and there was almost a revolution but the US just sat back and wasted it. Now the conspiracy theorists would say that Obama did nothing because he is a Muslim who secretly hates Israel and knew eliminating the hardliners would prevent Iran from reaching their nuclear aspirations. I won't go there but I'll just say it was bad foreign policy then and it's bad foreign policy to sit back and watch them acquire a nuke too.
Probably the same difference between them getting the bomb in say 2027 or 2037. They're the Rodney Dangerfield in Caddyshack - and like it or not, one way or another their admission into the nuke club's gonna be an eventual fait accompli.
You are so fucking full of shit it's not worth talking to you, but for the benefit of others... I correctly noted that there have been 11 million new jobs created since Obama took office in the depths of the Great Recession. He denies that by using the usual right wing approach of questioning facts on some ridiculous conspiracy theory regarding the accuracy of the statistics. Not that this has anything to do with Iran, but it does show what kind of fact-bereft pov his nonsense is based on. But anyway this thread should be about Iran. But again this complete moron acts as if Iran needs a green light from the US to pursue their nuclear program. They are already and have been doing that. Who gave them the green light? They don't need a fucking green light. This frankly is an example of why we really shouldn't talk politics here. We end up not having a real discussion thanks to cretins like MS.
If the US withdraws from negotiations, how does that slow Iran's progress at getting nukes? The only alternative to a negotiated agreement is regime change. You have to acknowledge this or be prepared to acknowledge you have no cred on this issue.
The guy who still hasn't even listened to the speech is telling others what "cred" they have on the issue. Go figure. I won't discuss the issue with you until you watch.
I think a military confrontation between Israel and Iran will lead to Iran attempting to close maritime traffic in the Strait of Hormuz. That would likely draw SA into the conflict. Or leave them with the choice of suffering from that attempt and doing nothing in response? Don't see them doing that.
I have read what Bibi said and heard excerpts of it. Did he not say Iran cannot be trusted? THe logic of his position is regime change. Face it.
I'm not worth talking to for you because you're a coward. You can't face the reality of the world. That 11 million jobs figure is what's fucking bullshit. BLS will not factor you into their statistics if you've been out of work for x number of months or have not applied for a job within x number of weeks because the BLS is a beaurocratic government propaganda agency.The statistic that matters is workforce participation which is the % of people able and willing to work who actually are doing so. It is at a historically low levels! We are at 46% and will hit 50% participation soon. On to the Iran deal... Since you clearly don't know anything about it here are the details (copied from Al Jazeera as per details released by the White House): Iran’s commitments: -Halt production of near-20-percent enriched uranium and disable the centrifuges used to produce it. -Start neutralizing its near-20-percent enriched uranium stockpile. -Refrain from enriching uranium in nearly half the installed centrifuges at its Natanz site and three-quarters of centrifuges at its Fordow site. -Limit centrifuge production to what’s needed to replace damaged machines. -Refrain from building additional enrichment facilities and advancing research and -development of enrichment. -Refrain from commissioning, fueling or adding reactor components to its Arak reactor and halt production and additional testing of fuel for the reactor. -Refrain from building a facility capable of reprocessing, which would allow Iran to separate out plutonium, which could be used to make nuclear bombs. P5+1, EU commitments: -Suspend implementation of sanctions on Iran’s petrochemical exports and on goods imported for use in its automotive industry. -Suspend sanctions on Iran’s import and export of gold and other precious metals. -Shelve efforts to further curtail Iranian crude-oil purchases by P5+1 countries. -Free up Iranian money to help pay the educational costs of young Iranians, many of whom are attending U.S. colleges and universities. -Raise tenfold the ceilings for money transfers to and from Iran. -Take actions to ease Iran’s access to $4.2 billion in restricted Iranian funds in several installments. The first installment of $550 million in frozen assets will be released to Iran in the first week of February We literally gain nothing from this and give them everything. These sanctions have been crippling to Irans economy and severely hampering their endeavors. Now they are going to be lifted and you expect Iran to uphold their part of the deal? Their ability to construct these weapons is going to be greatly progressed and you think it's not big deal? You sir are the complete moron, not me.
A coward, huh? Go fuck yourself. Talking politics is as i said pointless with you. I quote 11 million, and you in effect say it's a conspiracy. Because you dont want to believe FACTS. I live in the fact based world. I want to stay in it, so that leaves you out. No, I wll not talk politics with a faith based polemicist like you. The overall point you are missing is that the sanctions have not stopped Iran from developing their nuclear program. If it had I would be all for continuing with no deal. But that is not what is happening. They don't need a green light.
Dude you are so close minded to the actual facts and reason just because they go against what you want to believe, why are liberals always like this... BLS stats are fuzzy math propaganda, they are literally nonsense and I already explained why, if you don't believe me just do your own research about it and you will see. The sanctions have definitely hurt their economy big time and lifting them helps accelerate their nuclear weaponization. It's a pretty simple concept. If you can explain what America stands to gain from pumping money into a terrorist state that has vowed to destroy us then please be my guest and go ahead. Iran has been laughing in our faces through this all because they see how weak willed and stupid to trust them we are. Fyi I'm simply a libertarian but continue hurling the insults and making personal assumptions about me tho, it just makes your ignorance more profound and childish.
Didn't read the whole thread because honestly..I think he's an asshole and am tired of even discussing him that said, He did the same shit with the Iraq debate years ago..Nukes...blah blah...Bomb Bomb Bomb!! And to just dismiss the dialogue we've had with Iran and the fact that Iran is helping with ISIS as nothing shows his true agenda. The man is basically another war monger who wants us to fight their battles while giving them all that money too.. There are plenty of jewish organizations out there fighting for peace.. Real Peace and he wants nothing to do with them. That's a ballsy m'fucker and honestly don't give 2 fuks about him...
This time (8th time)...Netanyahu is super right! After lying for 7 times, he is right this time..................................LOL.