I'll comment more later, but just real quick... Does it matter? After defending NASCAR being a sport for years, and years, I don't care. It's not like something can't be exciting without being a sport. Call it what you will, I enjoy it, and millions of others do as well. It's the 2nd or 3rd most popular organized team competition in this country, so I know I'm not alone.
Also, since physicality is apparently so important, why is golf a sport? You walk around, and swing a club here and there. Wow. And baseball is great, obviously a sport, but the average player spends most of the game sitting down, or standing around observing. These are just two examples of how dumb an argument this is.
Not at all, golf is just an excuse for guys to either dress like pimps &/or operate a vehicle under the influence. Baseball is a has been sport, before better sports were invented/discovered. It should just die already. Sent from my Nokia Lumia 928 - Windows Phone 8.1 using Tapatalk
It's a matter of taste. My favorite motor events are NHRA top fuel dragster and funny car. Both of which run only 1000 feet and each run lasts on average less than 5 seconds. The real strategy is being done by the crew chiefs, not the drivers. They are basically engineering a controlled bomb filled with with nitromethane fuel to get down the track in the blink of an eye. I watched it with interest for years, but it wasn't until I saw my first event live that I realized I was watching something that really blew your mind when in person. You blink, and you miss a run, it's something that every person should have the chance to experience once. 11,000+ horsepower, speeds approaching 330mph, and the concussion of those cars hits you bodily. It's a full sensory experience that you marvel at for days if not weeks afterward. I met Randy Johnson at an event in Arizona a few years back, and he said off the cuff that he gets a bigger rush photographing those events than he ever did pitching.