Joe was a great guest star on the Brady Bunch though. Remember the next episode where Mike and Carol had to use that doll so Bobby could show them where Mr. Namath touched him? Good times.
Even Francesa said Woody should take away Joe's parking space and he's getting money to bash the Jets (after he belittled Slauson for talking down to him).
joe willie has a ring. he is stating the obvious. anyone who has watched the jets games can see exactly what he said is right. as for slauson , get a ring first , then open ur mouth. the way the ol is playing, they should shut up and get the job done before they pop off in the press.
I respect Namath as much as any other Jet fan but his opinion is about as valuable as bleacher report to me.
I think he just adds to all the #### Rex and co have to put up with.. How could they possibly reply to that #### coming from a guy who has no idea how th eteam prepares or what this locker room is like. Any way they reply, it gets spun around and he can't really say what he thinks but has to tight rope around some Jet God. And LOL at Homer - I'm an original Darksider who said the Jets were in trouble way before Namath said it and again, that's the point, he's bringing nothing to the table... Loved what Jenkins said!!! Why? Because the guy actually has played some football in the moden era and has been in THIS locker room he's not just throwing #### at the wall like any other fan can do.
First off, Namath is not just "any other fan." He WAS in the locker room, just not "THIS" locker room (Sheesh... BFD). Which brings me to a second point: Only players who have played in the "modern era" have a handle on what it takes to win? You've got to be fucking kidding me. The "modern era" is so much different than Namath's Era? I mean, come on man, you young guys in the "modern era" act like you have some kind of patent on a new way or variation of what it takes to win. I've got news for you and your crew. FUNDI-fucking-MENTALS win football games and that goes back to Vince Lombardi. Fundimentals.,,, what Namath was brought up on, lived and practiced, no matter how outlandish his antics during the 60s. And he knows football basics and he knows what motivates and he knows what a team has to encounter and go through and he nonetheless went through it all and won us a fucking Superbowl. So come on. You people think you have a handle on the key to the Superbowl, but you have Jack Shit. Listen to the man for once and stop treating him like somebody who hasn't been there and done it for Christ's sake.
Jet Blue: I am not necessarily picking on you, brother. Sorry for the above rant that seems directed at you personally. I'm just lashing out at all the Namath Haters in this thread. None of them have a clue.
Ok...time to feed the sharks again, Joe part three earlier tonight. "The Joe Namath 2011 World Tour continued tonight when the Super Bowl III-winning quarterback appeared on "NBC SportsTalk" on Versus. And as has been the case of late, he wasn't bashful about pointing out everything he thinks Rex Ryan and the current crop of Jets are doing wrong. "I'm a big fan of the Jets ... (but) I do like to say what I feel." The rest of the, um, highlights: On whether he was surprised about the reaction to his comments last week: "Yes, because I wasn't expecting it. But after giving it some thought, I understand why. ... I have an expert opinion." On Rex Ryan's Super Bowl talk: "He's a different animal. The good thing is he's had them in the (AFC) championship game the last two years, and there's a lot of this season left." On Mark Sanchez being able to lead the Jets: "I know he can, but it's a team game ... and he needs help. ... If you don't have the horses up front on both sides of the ball, it's going to be a long season." On what the Jets haven't done well: "They're not executing properly." On the defense: "The defense has been playing well. It played well last week against the Ravens. I look for the Jets defense to keep the offense in the game." Oh, and he picked the Patriots to win Sunday's game."
Namath has been given a platform...his comments made the front page of NFL/ESPN....Rex / Slauson then tell him to F off . If Jets get crushed sunday id bet Namath gets LOUDER in criticism.... IF Rex choses to bang heads with I believe it could be the begining of him slitting his own throat professionally
If the Jets continue to perform poorly the Jets will continue to deserve to be criticized for poor performances. Its not exactly very difficult to understand. Namath's comments have been pretty tame and often supportive. I've been a fan for 40+ yrs and I don't really see what the big deal is - they are playing poorly and being criticized for that. Welcome to the NFL.