My respect for Tebow might have gone up a notch...

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Concerned_Citizen, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    A slash to my wrist. Neither are anything more than a stop gap at best.

    A toss up mostly. I guess it would depend on what kind of offense the Broncos wanted to run. They didnt seem to like at all what they had to do to get ANYTHING out of the Tebow offense, hence they dealt him at the earliest possible convienience. Clearly the Broncos don't believe in the man, so that alone points me toward Sanchez.

    plus, the Jets had far more problems on offense than just Sanchez. Get him some tools, I think he will do fine. With all that noise you guys make about Tebow getting into the playoffs and laying a sucker punch to the Steelers, I'd surprised some of you have forgotten it wasn't so long ago that Sanchez got into the AFC Championship game. Didn't he get there twice? He was only drafted one year before Tebow was. That kind of stuff is all that REALLY matters, right? Sanchez is even more accomplished in the post season than your own Tony Romo, and that guy, you will defend to the bitter end, and even told me he's the guy to stay the course with because in the last 6 years of his career he was the only guy to actually get a playoff win for the Cowboys over the last decade plus. If THAT is all it takes to get you to support a player, then why not Sanchez? Because he was in Tebow's way of starting?

    The Broncos have shown the ability in the past to do some things with mediocre quarterbacks. With a defense performing the way it did for much of last year and most of this year, they'd win their share with either one.

    I'd choose door #3 if I could, but if someone pointed a gun to my head and said, "Tebow or Sanchez," I'd say, Sanchez. Lesser of 2 evils. He's more in line with what most teams want... certainly more than Tebow.

    Kind of a no brainer there. I can pick the guy that got to the AFC Championship TWICE in his 4 year career, or I can pick the guy the Broncos organization has already decided they didn't believe in. Tough choice.... NOT.
    #81 Concerned_Citizen, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
  2. Jetsetter34

    Jetsetter34 New Member

    Aug 13, 2012
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    Easy- Sanchez. Unfortunately for broncos fans he would take a 13 win team to a 9-7 or worse. I wish he would go to the Broncos - I will trade him for Manning and all of our draft picks next year, plus all 7 Tebow fans on this site!

    The team isnt set up to run a read option so reintroducing tebow would take the team to 6-10 or worse.
  3. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Its incredible you choose the human blooper reel (I would rather have Orton 1000 times than sanchez and you once said you preferred tebow over orton) ) over a player that provided one of the most exciting seasons in Broncos history.

    I just wanted to expose , one last time, the level of bias you have against Tebow.

    well for you at least its not hypothetical. Sanchez will be under center next year to start the year. Thus making Jets football must see television again.
  4. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    How does YOUR choice of Orton over Sanchez prove bias on my end? Ever think maybe I don't agree with you that Orton is better than Sanchez Actually, it is true, I think less of Orton than I do either Sanchez OR Tebow. but that is a debate for another day. I can show you a blooper reel in that first raider game last year where Orton fumbled the ball for no reason. or the time he found new and creative ways to lose. talk about a human blooper reel.

    ...and if it is blooper reels you want, should I post that video of almost all of Tebow's plays in the Detroit game?

    ...and besides? Maybe you are the one that is biased.

    I just laid out an argument as to why Sanchez would be the better choice between the TWO. (Orton wasn't part of that equation.) I even used YOUR logic with post season wins... and it went COMPLETELY over your head while you whined about bias. Even pointed out why it would be stupid for the Broncos to go back to a guy that can't play the system they want, and have already given up on.

    You couldn't refue ANY of it. You just went to the blooper reel card and threw in another variable about Orton and talked about excitement Tebow brought. What does ANY of that have to do with my choice? I even told you numerous times that I didn't find seeing our punter out there after every 4th or 5th play all that exciting. The excitement from the turnaround, I've already explained my belief that it came more so from the defense than it did Tebow. Tebow bringing the excitement was YOUR opinion, not mine.

    I you, my friend, is the one that is biased. Time and time again, you tell me about post season wins. So I ask why, based on that logic you have thrown in my face for months, would you cut bait on Sanchez after his 4th season when he won more of those than the guys you defend.

    You completely ignored it. Why? Cuz you KNOW it flies in the face of what you have been telling me all these months. I can tell you why you don't like Sanchez. It is because he was sitting in Tebow's way of starting. It was never about post season wins, was it?
    #84 Concerned_Citizen, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
  5. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Sanchez's Career QB rating is less than Tebow's and as far as his post season wins how are they different than when you said the defense "carried" Tebow there?

    If you think its true about tebow, then you have to think its true about sanchez.

    Direct snapping it to Tebow all game would have been preferable than Sanchez single single handedly giving away game after game this year.

    No way Sanchez is better than Tebow. I'll accept you think Tebow is a horrible QB but by your same measurement then Sanchez is a more horrible one.
    #85 CowboysFan, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
  6. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    It probably IS true about Sanchez.

    But I ASKED you why ONE playoff win by Tebow is > than Sanchez's TWO AFC Championship appearances, and you've dodged it again. You can't have it both ways. The one playoff win was one of your biggest justifications for going with Tebow.

    You are right, personally, I don't think much of either QB, hence my slashed wrist in the scenario you asked about that involved ONLY the two. Last year, I was of the belief that the QB for the Broncos future simply wasn't on the roster. NONE of the 3 did much of anything this year on their other teams. I think the Jets are in the same place. It's just funny to me that I'm being asked to choose a shitty QB over another when all I wanted a year ago was to cut bait on the whole stable and get new QBs.

    But I DO believe Sanchez is more in line with what the league wants, and I do believe he is better than Tebow even if not by much. I bet you almost every GM in the league would take Sanchez over Tebow. Add in media attention or whatever else you might want to add to the equation on why a GM would take Sanchez over Tebow, but at the end of the day, it is all the same. I think more would agree with me, Sanchez over tebow.
    #86 Concerned_Citizen, Jan 8, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2013
  7. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    We will agree to disagree for the millionth time .
  8. Realistic Jets Fan

    Jan 2, 2013
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    Sanchez>> Tebow

    62 of the 63 other NFL starting and backup quarterbacks>>> Tebow

    Tebow> Joe Webb
  9. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Ryan Lindley?

    Webb> Lindley

    C'mon man......You are slipping ....Oh and

    Jets equipment manager > Sanchez
  10. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Then tell me what teams out there RIGHT NOW would take Tebow over Sanchez. (Knowing full well the adjustments they would need, as well as the circus that follows him.)

    I also see cat got your tongue on Sanchez's playoff wins. I can see why though.... Oh well, white flag accepted.
    #90 Concerned_Citizen, Jan 9, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2013
  11. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    Cat got my tongue on what? I don't agree about Sanchez there is no reason to continue to beat a dead horse. I am not saying tebow's one win is better than sanchez's two. I am saying sanchez sucks and HARD. I am not of the "tebow beat steelers therefore he is great" variety. tebow took over a dogshit team that was 7-24 WORST in the NFL and they had success AFTER he took over. yes it was the defense and special teams AND tebow that accomplished it (not just him) .and that is why i think he can succeed. BECAUSE HE HAS.

    Whatever Sanchez was (and i preivously had faith this would be a good year for him) , right now he is literally 32 out of 32 and if you include back ups, lower than that. I would take Gabbert over Sanchez hands down or Skelton ..HANDS DOWN.

    As far as Tebow assuming its for a back up role I would imagine that 20 + teams would take Tebow over Sanchez (a guess based on pure speculation and anecdotal evidence). The teams not taking him would have more to do with the media coverage than their skill or it would be a higher amount. Sanchez is #1 in the NFL in turnovers the last few years, he is the worst of the worst. Tebow gives you versatility and has proven to be serviceable (at a minimum) off the bench in tense and tight situations. I personlaly think he is better than that but I am saying at a MINIMUM.
    #91 CowboysFan, Jan 9, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2013
  12. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Still fighting the good fight for your bench-riding hero eh?

    Why don't you give it up like the rest of your groupie friends. Tebow is irrelevant now. This is that stage where lost groupies go into hiding until their next hero comes along.

    Oh- and your 180 on Mark Sanchez in less than 3 months is pretty cute. Thanks for finally showing your true colors.
  13. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    mark sucks man, I had faith in him but he blows hard. Its stupid to continue waving that banner. But Rex will and he will be your day 1 starter next year.

    Glad your still obsessed with Tebow and can't seem to stop posting in this section.
  14. BrowningNagle

    BrowningNagle Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2003
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    Exact response I expected, thanks for the laugh.

    Every single one of your 2,000+ posts is about Tebow, defending him, propping him, enlightening us about him, even when you are the only one left doing so.

    I post here on a website of a team I've been a fan of since before you were born to call you out on your ass kissing, yet I'm the one obsessed with Tebow. HAHA
  15. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Sanchez won 4, not 2... That's FOUR times as many playoff vicories as Tebow had by the end of his third year. I was just surprised to see you bang that playoff drum for so long on Tebow, and even defended Romo as the man to stick with because he managed ONE in his six year career.... yet Sanchez has twice as many playoff wins as Romo and Tebow combined. ...and then go back on it when no longer convenient. Now, none of that matters anymore.

    Personally, I would agree that both he and Tebow were along for the ride more so than because of them, but that isn't what you are arguing when you talk about taking a 1-4 team and getting a playoff win. Denver was a crap team because they had a defense that gave up almost 30 points per game, and when that stopped happening, the Broncos started winning. Go figure... must have been the guy that plays for only 5 minutes and scores maybe 13-16 points per game. :rolleyes:

    You talk about Sanchez being ranked 32 out of 32. Yet a year ago, Tebow ranked 34 out of 34 guys who had 7 starts or more last year. Also led the league in three and outs. So while you are busy checking Sanchez's rankings... did you bother checking where Tebow stood? No, because those stats and completion percentages, third down conversions, and all that according to many of you Tebow supporters isn't indicative of winning, and therefore don't really matter... unless it is someone standing in Tebow's way on the depth chart.

    ...and I wouldn't take Gabbert over Sanchez.

    We're pretty far apart on that. I think you assume too much that the rest of the league feels the same way about Sanchez. We won't know until the Jets either try to deal him, or Sanchez is looking for a job. We've seen that with Tebow. There wasn't a lot of interrest a year ago, and he was just coming off a season some like you believe Tebow was a key to. I look around and most don't appear to have any interrest in Tebow whatsoever. Most teams are smart enough to know Tebow didn't throw interceptions because most of his passes weren't even catchable. Most also understand Sanchez didn't really have a lot to work with on that offense. It is the same principle you guys use for Tebow when he fails, that he didn't have the RIGHT tools to work with. Almost every excuse you guys use for Tebow, play calling, bad offensive line, poor receivers, could just as easily be said for Sanchez.

    I know you firmly believe Tebow was the spark behind the Broncos that turned them around, and he did all that great stuff. Unfortunately, you are in the minority, and I suspect a LOT fewer than 20 teams see it your way enough to take Tebow over Sanchez. If Tebow did HALF of what you guys think he did for the Broncos (and not being carried most of the way,) then I GUARANTEE you teams would be lining up to sign the guy that took a crap team and willed his way into the playoffs. There are at least 10 teams STARVING for a QB that can do that...

    ...yet none of them seem to be big on Tebow. Wonder why, if it isn't a matter of him sucking as a QB?
    #95 Concerned_Citizen, Jan 9, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2013
  16. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Indeed he does, but that says even less about the guy who couldn't surpass him for the job.

    Mark sucks. Tebow sucks harder.
  17. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    My pleasure to entertain you, its the least I could do for the jets providing me with so much entertainment this season.

    I might have cried for the cowboys but I laughed at the Jets (and laughed and laughed and laughed).
    #97 CowboysFan, Jan 9, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2013
  18. CowboysFan

    CowboysFan Banned

    Nov 17, 2011
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    we are just rehashing the same stuff over and over man, seriously. we literally had this debate almost a year ago.(similar not same).
    #98 CowboysFan, Jan 9, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2013
  19. Realistic Jets Fan

    Jan 2, 2013
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    worst quarterback in nfl history

    have they kicked his phony arse out of the Jets facility yet????
  20. Ralebird

    Ralebird Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2012
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    There's plenty of "suck" to go around.

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