My respect for Tebow might have gone up a notch...

Discussion in 'Tebowmania' started by Concerned_Citizen, Jan 2, 2013.

  1. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    And they were still having him take direct snaps and running straight ahead with them.

    Seriously, I can go out right now and find you 100 high school and college coaches who could design plays that Tebow would have been successful with this year. It really isn't that complicated. You can draw up 10-12 Option running plays that all use the same base blocking with only minor differences between the plays. Would take about 4 hours to fully install them.
  2. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Brad Smith was successful w/ them, in one play against us last week he did waht tim couldn't all year.
  3. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Funny, I don't recall Brad Smith running any plays designed by or called by Sparano.

    Did I miss something ?
  4. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    He had that going for him last year too, and he was running one of the most unproductive offenses in Denver history. There's more to life than NOT turning the ball over. Gotta move the chains too. Hell I could go out there and put the ball into the grass 3 times and punt the ball away too. Wouldn't make me a good player though jsut because I didn't turn it over.

    What I don't get...

    Is why you seem ot think THAT theory is more plausible than rex simply not being a believer in Tebow. I mean, he's hardly the lone ranger when it comes to those in the NFL who thinks Tebow doesn't have the skillset.

    I disagree there. While they do admit he has some shortcomings when it comes to conventional offenses, more seem to suggest the improvment doesn't neccessarily have to come from his end. Some think all it takes is(as you put it in the last sentence) for someone with vision to take Tebow as is and let him do his thing. A lot of people are banging that drum are thinking he will keep improvising his way to wins, and he will somehow be fine if they just switch to the spread option. There's a lot more that has to happen with his personal development before even THAT will work. Still have to read defenses, and his accuracy in split second decision making when it comes to passing.

    What is odd, is all that reading defense skill seems to be where it needs to be with his running instincts. Look at that last TD play he ran against the Jets last year that went for 20 some yards when he knew he was gonna run it, you can see him eyeballing every player, and kinda locking on the one guy he had to beat at the edge before snapping the ball. If only he had HALF that when it came to the passing game, we might be talking about a pretty good QB that can be talked about being in the same league as RGIII and some of the other pass/running QBs who look like they actually have a future with it.
  5. nyjunc

    nyjunc 2008 TGG Bryan Cox "Most Argumentative" Award Winn

    Aug 28, 2002
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    he ran the same play last Sunday that tim has ben running all year
  6. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    Yep, have to move the chains at some point. Would hope that Sparano could have figured out what Mike McCoy didn't, which is to put Tebow in the Spread for the entire game and let him go to work.

    I think that when it comes to benching a QB who is playing poorly, if you aren't in the playoff hunt, it doesn't matter what the #2 has shown. The objective is to get the #1's attention and try to get him to refocus. Coupled with having seen first hand what Tebow can do on the field in real game situations, I don't think it's a question of Rex's lack of faith in Tebow.

    I think you are misreading or misunderstanding what most others are saying. IF you put Tebow in a spread option system, he'll have to be "consistent" in his passing, but he won't have to have the accuracy of Aaron Rodgers. The system itself will open up the passing game for him as it has done for Wilson, RG3, etc.

    Also, people aren't discussing what Tebow would have to do to be an "elite" QB, just a "good one" at the NFL level. In short, there's a difference between having a good understanding of reading defenses, and having Brady's or Manning's level of mastery on the subject. That is something that comes over time and experience. Peyton Manning is a hell of a lot better at reading defenses now than he was after his 3rd season as a starter.

    You might be shocked to learn this, but Tebow can actually read defenses. You all act like he can't stand back there and see that a team is playing Cover 1, or Quarters, or Man under, yada, yada, yada. That's not the case.
  7. Demosthenes9

    Demosthenes9 Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2012
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    WHat are you calling "the same play" ? A direct snap and a straight ahead run ?


    Nov 12, 2012
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    Definition of "Actual QB" -- A QB who excels in the one current in-vogue NFL playbook which was not in vogue until recently and will be considered stale and outmoded 5 years from now.
  9. Yisman

    Yisman Newbie

    May 3, 2004
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    Tebow got far fewer offensive snaps than the Jets indicated he would.

    The bottom line is the Jets were unfair to Tebow. They never should've traded for him if they didn't intend to use him. For the season, he was 6/8 passing and had 32 rush attempts.


    Nov 12, 2012
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    Number #1 rushing offense. Less three-and-outs than Philip Rivers, Ben Rothlesberger and Carson Palmer in head-to-head matchups. 450 total yards in a playoff game, almost all of which Tebow accounted for personally with throws, carries, and piloting the option. Many comeback wins. Best Real Quarterback Rating in the business in the last 5:00 of games.

    I wish my Cardinals had had such a 'historically bad' offense this season. The Jets could have used it too.

    What TD play where Tebow ran for 20 yards? Look, no, that never happens. All he ever does is throw the ball 3 yards into the dirt and the team punts on 4th down. He has never had a single offensive possession that wasn't a 3-and-out. Every single pass he throws is incomplete and he has never had any success in the league at all. That's right isn't it? I mean, you and your ilk have said so every chance you get, over and over and over again.

    Rex Ryan was clearly worried that Tebow would play well if he started a game, which would have caused more headaches, since Rex doesn't think a run-first offense is a viable gameplan in the NFL. Yes, yes, a lot of other fat football types agree with him. Some coaches who have disagreed over the years include Lombardi, Landry, Gibbs, Parcells, Shanahan and Harbaugh, the last two of which you might notice coaching in the playoffs this season while the suddenly pass-happy Jets sit at home. Funny how a passing league works that way.
    #30 THEGRIDIRONGEEKBR, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2013
  11. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    oh rly...........
  12. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    ...and wy do people act as if he were the only person in the NF who came in with high hopes, were told some things as far as what the team's intentions were in regard to their future... and it not happen?

    I don't think the Jets really understood how much work he needed until they got him. Probably had every intention of using him when they first made the trade... until they got a better look at him in person.

    That... and I think the Jets wanted the attention that would follow Tebow. It would be tough to argue that this wasn't part of the equation.
  13. catsigater

    catsigater New Member

    Nov 18, 2011
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    Tebow rocks.
  14. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    Sporting Goods Store Disses Tebow

    How bad have things gotten for Tim Tebow?

    Here, ladies and gentlemen, is rock bottom: a Dick's Sporting Goods store took a shot at the embattled New York Jets backup quarterback in a display.

    The store, presumably located in New York or New Jersey, set up several mannequins with Jets jerseys, putting the mannequin with Tebow's No. 15 jersey on the bench.

    ESPN's Darren Rovell tweeted a photo of the display.

    You've got to love the creativity here. It looks as though an employee had to bring out a special bench for Tebow's mannequin.

    It is unclear whether the mannequin also grumbled about running the store's Wildcat package.



    #34 Concerned_Citizen, Jan 3, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2013
  15. Potzer

    Potzer New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    ^^ The picture there is pretty hilarious. If you can't look at that and laugh. Something is wrong with ya.


    Nov 12, 2012
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    I meant to type "run first *option* offense" but it's always nice to know that people are ignoring the overall content of what you say and combing your sentences for that one missing or misplaced word or phrase they can pounce on. We all know the storyline by now that Rex doesn't think the Tebow playbook can work consistently, so if TT had started and won a game it would just create a fools' gold rush among the fanbase (and his bosses).

    Man, it's hard to cough and say "intellectually lazy" at the same time.
  17. WestonJetson

    WestonJetson New Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    hey concerned_citizen, if tebow goes to another team, Jags for instance, are you going to follow him there and become active on their boards like Phaytal does here? I sure hope not. You don't like the guy and the only reason I can see for you to do so is that you, like Phaytal, are lonely and an attention whore.

    Just wanted to get this cleared up prior to a Tebow release or trade.
  18. Duck

    Duck Member

    May 31, 2012
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    he deserved at least a shot
  19. Concerned_Citizen

    Concerned_Citizen New Member

    Sep 26, 2012
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    It depends on how dillusional the Tebow fanatics are about how great they think his is. They come up with some pretty funny shit with their myopia. If the same were said about any other high school caliber passer trying to make it in the NFL, you'd probably agree.
  20. WestonJetson

    WestonJetson New Member

    Aug 9, 2012
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    You are a sick dude. We like Tim because of his contributions to our alma mater, the University of Florida. We are avid Gators for the most part and his 9300 passing yards, contributions to two national championship teams, heisman as a sophomore and inspirational play make him a permanent and powerful icon to Gator Nation. There is really no justification, in my mind at least, for your negative obsession with him. Get a life in my opinion.

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