I didn't know him, but from the outpouring here, I can see he was a great guy. How sad to go at such a young age, and leave a young family behind, too. My sympathies to his family and loved ones.
WTF! It's fucked up when you cry for someone you never knew. The pictures of his kids did me in. I'm a father and I can't imagine the pain my kids would go through. Their mother. There are definitely tears in heaven at this moment. Condolences to all all who loved and knew him. R.I.P.
Christ. this is deeply saddening....pats-hater was easily the most genuine person on this board. he made it a much better place and will truly be missed. he went too soon....RIP chris...
Oh my god. I've been away for a few days and I'm just seeing this now. I'm shocked and at a total loss for words.
I've been here, but just saw it. And echo your sentiments. F*** I missed last years game. And was really looking forward to meeting him this year. A really great guy. R.I.P. Chris.
Oh man that's rough. I'm sorry about your losses. It sucks regardless but when somebody goes so suddenly it's devastating. I spoke with my brother 2 hours the night before and about 30 seconds just hours before he passed. I gave a eulogy 3 weeks before he was going to be the best man in my wedding.
Holy shit, I just saw this. I am really gonna miss on him on this site, my condolences to his family and those who on this site that new him. Damm, its always the nice ones. I am gonna hoist my first cold one in the lot to Pats- Hater.
Damn- always hard when someone passes, but a young guy with a family is especially hard to deal with. Everyone knows that feeling of loss, but the passing of a young familly man is tragic. I was surprised to see how many of you were actually friends of his outside of this board. It speaks volumes about him as a person. He's in a place now where the Jets win the Superbowl every year, and get the #1 draft pick every April. We'll all be there someday. Sincere condolences to friends and family.
Thats absolutely terrible news I remember meetin him at the tailgate and he was a cool guy..sad week now on TGG
Damn. I have nothing to say that could be remotely appropriate. I know he's in a better place but I hate that it sounds like a cliché. But it's true. I don't post too much, so most likely he wouldn't know me, but yet he was the guy that talked to me the most, so I... I don't have anything to say that would make justice to this moment. Or that would make sense. It was really shocking news, really sad news. I'm just sad for this news and I feel like I couldn't post anything in any other thread without coming here to say something first. Even if I can't say anything that makes sense at all. RIP PH!
Wow. I saw SundayJack post a mention of this in the Obama thread, but like others I was hoping it was just a hoax. Terrible news. RIP pats-hater. And God bless your family. My deepest condolences to you 17a, and the family.
Ook so the wake is Thursday and funeral Friday.i just got home from a little vacation.cant remember if i posted it or not.chris friend still hasnt texted me the address but did call me yesterday to confirm the dates.
I thought this was one of those BS forum hoaxes. I sure wish it was. I didn't know the guy like some of you did, but he was a smart & funny poster. He will be missed by many I am sure. Not to mention his family. I figured he was around my age, and that is too young to go. Prayers for his family and friends. RIP
I am sorry to hear about this, hearing it just today. He seemed like a quality poster, although I did not know him in "real" life.