What's with YOU capitalizing so many DIFFERENT words throughout your POST? Shittenheimer HAS had QB's who can MAKE all the throws (Favre). He's had QB's who took care of the ball and made smart DECISIONS (Chad). And throughout all these different players with DIFFERENT strengths, it's been the SAME offense over and over, never tailored to fit the strengths of the team or the players. Nobody THINKS Shittneheimer does it out of "spite" as you foolishly state. We think he DOES it because HE is incompetent. Just a bad playcaller, bad offensive design, BAD system, bad game planner. I like all this CAPITALIZATION. Thanks KEN.
Sanchez has statistically performed better this year compared to last with a noticeably worse offense and same crappy offensive co-ordinator. There, that should settle it.
I love the way Sanchez haters throw his season statistics at you as though the Baltimore game is in any way reflective of his ability or progress.
Unless that wasn't him playing against the Ravens, then it is part of his record, so yeah, his stats from the Baltimore game get counted.