legal guilt is separate from actual guilt or innocence of committing the crime. hence why sometimes innocent people are found guilty and guilty people are found innocent. but to take that and extrapolate it to the argument that because, from a legal process perspective, an individual is deemed innocent until proven guilty, that it makes the argument that he was framed more valid than the argument that he is guilty, exactly what I said it is --irrational and unreasonable, because it ignores the actual purpose for that legal process -- law enforcement could be wrong in their accusation. you have ignored that and jumped straight to the conspiracy, that law enforcement isn't just wrong in who they are accusing but are deliberately wrong and are purposefully attempting to frame an individual. and you do so with nothing to validate that accusation and defend it as simply an opinion now. great, it is an opinion, and an opinion backed by nothing, with no credibility and validity, that fits exactly into the behavior I stated it as, lacking reason and rationale.
There's definitely some money of some kind involved here. That's the primary reason I'm hesitant to clearly define this as a Columbine event. It may well be the equivalent of a militia type event with an organized, well-funded conspiracy involved.
You are also not willing to go into just where out CIA and FBI involve themsleves with "anti-terror". It's like the movie training day. And sometimes these things go wrong. I'm not saying that it's definetly what i think of this,but givin the bumblefuck that has gone on here,it's not that far out of the realm givin the quoted strange presence of military with packs and other shit at that marathon. People forget that we vreated Bin Laden,we empowered Saddam in the 80s among many other things that touch the world of "terrorism",it's not all as red white and blue as people think. Were not talking the good car 54 where are you rosey good guy vs bad guy here,this,like the war on drugs has deep involvement from those paid to fight it.
maybe so,maybe not. But doesn't anyone at all find it strange that it took going through others to finally settle on someone already on their radar? Everyone is willing to eat this up as it comes out now,but they are always protected from important inquiries into just WTF. If this is true,what does someone have to do to get noticed as a terrorist by homeland sec before they act? It seems to me,like 9/11 in some way the interest could be that these people are actually valuable as is to this Gov. Without 9/11,Iraq never happens,nor does the further powering of Haliburton and others.
This is just completely wron,it just has to do wit what you will except as evidence,which is most likely nothing. I've alreay told you to look into the positioning in pictures of the guys with packs,time line,the difference in pics from mon-wed to thurs-fri. The involvement with these kids,the FBI,their mother-these were not all strangers. Like i said,most are preconditioned mentally,especially when i comes to Islam/terror. I mean,so no one noticed a BMW,an already flashy car,with a bright plate that says "terrorista"? What did everyone think it was,a fuckin soccer team?
I suppose it's too much to hope that the comparison you're trying to draw is "entertaining, but fictional." Because that's what Training Day is, you know.
well,she's completly full of shit,because shes the nationality she is. right? like i said,preconditioned. If she were a pleading mother from Idaho,it would be taken into consideration
No, but I find it interesting that that is the connection you made. Not to a real-world example. A Hollywood one. (...which actually has an interesting story behind it. My old roommate wrote that script and moved to LA with it... he knew a few people out there and... well, I don't know exactly what happened other than he had a few meetings and was given a bit of a runaround. Three years later, Training Day comes out, with just enough changes to it to get it around a legal challenge. Or so I was told. I was willing to chalk it up to coincidence -- I hadn't read the entire script, but I knew the gist of the story, and it was pretty much the exact story from Training Day, but that doesn't mean someone else couldn't have come up with it -- until I saw the deleted scenes from the DVD, which included a scene that I explicitly remembered him talking about when he was writing it.)
Uh, no. As a rule I don't believe anything family members, especially mothers, have to say about their criminal children. They are generally biased and/or ignorant. Funny how you assumed the worst of me with no evidence at all. :breakdance:
you mean an example that most people have seen? I don't subscribe to infiltration digest weekly,so i don't have an abundance of real life examples other than the family friend that looks like a hobo with a long beard so he can bust drug deals.
just like you are doing with them,without taking into account that you are talking about a network of dishonesty from terrorists themselves,down to the organizations that are made to break them up. and it wasn't a shot at you personally,just the idea that people,still to this day,trust what is fed to them without question when it concerns foreigners that are related to Islam. Every parent is biased. So shes lying about the FBI and their contact with her about their relationship with her oldest son?
Just like I am doing? No evidence at all? Are you seriously equating the evidence the police have against these guys to the evidence you have of me being someone who distrusts people because they are foreigners? Please stop bending over backwards to support your wild conspiracy theories. And no, I don't believe she is lying about the FBI knowing about her son, considering that is factual at this point, no? I'm not sure I've ever intimated that the FBI DIDN'T drop the ball. But that doesn't add up to some sort of innocence. It very well could be that the FBI screwed up big time AND these kids are guilty. Not entirely sure what you are getting at here...
so ,after 9/11,the FBI,after combing through pictures for days,failing to immediately put people(who,in the latest pictures stand out like big bird in smurf village))who they are already deeply aware of is just an "oops" to you? I mean,we regularrly talk to their mother in ukahoakamakastan,but fuck,we forgot to see if they would be at this large event right down the street. Come on broseph. just like no wmds or connection to 9/11 in Iraq after killing scores of innocent Iraqis,and thousands of Us troops is just an "oops". I guess i just see the willingness to accept these things,but quickly trust the real live Bruce Willis movie that went on on TV Thurs and Fri a bit unreal,or at the very least questionable. But my "conspiracy theories are wild". I guess this is exactly how they can be so damn sloppy,far fetched and whatever else and never have to worry about any reprocussion at all.
they were standing right in the vicinity of the blast minutes before,then right across the street on cbs right after. Plenty of pics across the internet. Also,i can't confirm this,but was there a unit marching the marathon with 40lb backpacks to nonor the fallen?