Similarities do not make a logical comparison if differences exist. Walking slowly is not a crime punishable by death; killing people is. Your comparison has no merit just because you make both hypothetical perpetrators handicapped. If the crimes aren't comparable the handicap is irrelevant.
What do you accomplish killing this guy. I want to see what makes him tick and other crazies like him. And then try do a better job profiling these monsters so they can be identified before their fantasies become reality.
You mean kind of like this..... don't worry, they have free will now, but we can program that out of them.
Things that have come out about these killers is how they slipped through the system medically. And weren't identified even after showing traits of possible crazy murderous behavior. First they have to be able to build better models in terms of the science of studying psychopathic behavior. And then have a better strategy on a local and national level after identifying people that are like this. And training people like teachers, cops, doctors, and even parents etc who encounter them on a daily basis. This is a big part of the problem. The other part is better gun control and universal background checks.
So, in my town they just did this inter-jurisdictional task force thing where all the local and state swat-type units did a mock response to a hypothetical mass shooting at the local high school. Leaving aside how ridiculous it is to be addressing the symptom instead of the disease here, you should be advised that this was financed with $110,000 of your federal tax dollars. For paying the cops to play with their toys in a simulated catastrophe for a few hours. On behalf of my community, I extend a hearty thank you to those of you that pay federal taxes. I expect it will surprise no one that the cops believe this was a hugely successful endeavor, because what they learned is that their communications and command control systems suck complete balls and need to be upgraded into the 20th century. They need a lot of shiny new stuff with which to fail to protect children from too many idiots with too many guns. Which I'm told will be funded by a homeland security grant that is in the works. So we got that going for us. Which is nice. I prefer a tax on every squirrel you kill to fund this kind of stupidity.
Remove the gun free zone signs and replace them with "our teachers are armed" signs. Watch how quickly this problem goes poof.
Nope. Northern New England. Fairly affluent, very little crime. Heroin is apparently a big deal, I guess. But not a violent place at all. I don't think mass school shootings happen in the ghetto, not sure why I think that, but usually its some bitter disaffected white suburban twerp with no social skills.
Well then so what's the limit if any on carrying guns in public places? Does it extend to everywhere and for everyone? Is that what you want!
In the ghetto the danger is everywhere but during school. Walking to school, watch yo back. At a football game, watch yo back. Hanging outside on yo poche, watch yo back. In the ghetto the killers ain't gots no time to waste in school.
we have them up here too. one bozo in one of the h.s. in ulster county actually accidentally discharged his weapon in school playing with it while walking the halls they allowed him to resign. thank god he was a trained proffesional